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Calvin's POV

HEADLINE: Calvin Harris left Taylor Swift's apartment with a rough time after Taylor came back from the hospital. Is this the end of Tayvin?

HEADLINE:Taylor Swift,aged 25 has just bought a plane ticket to London, is she trying to get away from Mr Harris?

Rumours. All of these fake rumours. I can't believe there's this bullshit all over the place.

But,the fact that Taylor is going to London? Is this even for real? I just couldn't seem to figure it out.

Without any hassle,I immediately messaged Taylor.

C:Hey Tay. Are you okay? I'm really sorry for last night. I really am. I'll come by your place,in the afternoon. Is that okay with you? Please,give me a chance to explain all of this. There's just so much to put in and I understand you're in so much confusion.
Just let me explain.

I sent the message and just hoped for a miracle that she would reply.

Taylor's POV

"Ms Swift,your plane ticket to London has been booked. On the 13 August,2015. Anything else?" My manager said,as she was showing the tickets to me.

"That'll be all for now. Thanks so much" I said,as I held those tickets.

I just couldn't wait to meet Harry.

T:Hi Harbear! Missed you so much! Guess what? I'm coming to London! Hope to see you at the airport! xx your girl ❤

I messaged him a really brief message and hoped he replied.

After what happened last night,I just want to meet up with him and let HIM explain all of this madness to me.

Suddenly,my phone buzzed.

I immediately thought that Harry replied my message,

Unfortunately it was that guy,Calvin..or Adam.

Or whatever his name was.

I read the message and just rolled my eyes. Can't he just get away from me?

Doesn't he know I'm with Harry?

I didn't want to be rude,so I just replied,

T:yeah sure. I guess. But not in my house. How bout in Starbucks?

I hit the sent button and he seemed to be online because he answered quick. Real quick

C:Sure Tay! I'll pick you up?

T:Nope,its fine. I'll walk

C:You sure?


C:Are you really sure?


C:Okay baby. Love you.

I didn't reply after that. Why was he acting like I was in love with him?


Calvin's POV

I jumped for joy that the fact that Taylor agreed to meet me.

I missed her so much,and to think that as she woke up from the hospital bed she forgot about me?

I'll make things right,and I know I will.

I'll do this for Taylor,no matter what.

Taylor's POV

I decided to go to Starbucks early,and order my favourite drink,

A maple latte.

I waited for 10 minutes or so and he finally showed up.

He's kinda cute,I'd had to admit.

"Hey Tay. Glad that you could come and meet me here" he said,smiling.

"Yeah,I'm glad too" I said feeling unsure about the situation.

I didn't really agree to this,but I did it because maybe,just maybe,it could help.

He could help.

"So Cal-"

"Call me Adam. It sounds better"

"Oh,okay um Adam,what was it wanted to tell me?"

I sipped my drink slowly as I waited for him to reply. He seems to be finding the correct words to reply me

"Look Tay,promise me something. Promise you won't make a scene if I say what I want to say. Please don't go running out the door and leave me here. Please stay. Please feel like you can trust me. Just,please"

"Woah,that's a lot of pleases. But okay,as long as you make it real quick"

We both laughed.

He breathed in,and finally said ;

"I know you won't really believe me,but please,this is the truth and you need to understand before you go off to London and meet that idiot-"

I was shocked. Did he just call Harry an idiot?

"He's NOT AN IDIOT. You don't even know him that well! How dare you judge someone like that? And how the hell did you know I bought plane tickets to London?! Huh?!! Ugh,I'm so sick of this!!"

I was so mad at that time.


"No,I had enough of you. Maybe it was wrong for you to come pick me up from the hospital that day. Cuz you know what? I only love Harry,and you calling him an idiot? You're just jealous he's dating me"

I rolled my eyes and ran out of Starbucks.

Forgetting every single promise I made with him.

Calvin's POV

I saw her ran. Pushing away paparazzi's that were surrouding her.

I just put my head down and thought about what I said.

Was I actually the wrong one in this?

I didn't even have time to explain.

I had mixed emotions everywhere. I felt like running to her,but I knew it would be a wrong move to do,

Since she'll reject me anyways.

I got up my seat and headed out. Paparazzi's everywhere.

"Calvin,why was taylor running out like that?"

"Are you okay?"

"Have you broken up with Taylor?"

"Is Harry her new thing?"

Words. Just swirling and making my mind so confused.

I didn't reply,I just ran off and didn't care.

Cuz guess what? I have a life,and not everything needs to be known.

Even her life,

Taylor's life.

And I swear,

I'm gonna do whatever it takes to fix this mess,

Even if she'll hate me in the end.

Because all I want her to know is the truth.

Only the truth.

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