Chapter 10

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Andromeda arrived with Teddy five minutes ago and I'm already freaking out.

When Ron is drunk he is a big baby.

Even harder than Teddy...

I turn on the TV and put Teddy's favorite show on.

It's about a magic school named "Pigfarts". For some reason that name is kind of familiar to me...

As I was saying, Teddy justs sits there and tries to repeat the words that a big lion with a hat says.

Ron isn't that easy. I need to be with him all the time or he destroys the kitchen.

I confort Ron for a bit when I notice the house is too silent.

Teddy isn't speaking.

Worried, I run to the living room and find it empty.

Oh crap crap crap crap...

"Teddy?" I call

No answer.

"Teddy I'm not kidding come back here!" I say a bit louder.

"Harry why are you screaming?" Ron asks

"Ron we have a problem. We've lost Teddy" I say really concerned

How can I be stupid enough to loose a baby!

I can't tell anyone I've lost him or I'm dead...

Do you think 'accio' will work now?

I search everywhere and I still can't find him.

Ron isnt properly in his helping mode so I'm on my own.

Okay Harry now wether he is in your room or he left the house.

I better start praying...

"Teddy are you there?" I ask slowly while I enter the room.

Suddenly I hear a laugh.

I'm so bloody relieved... This baby causes me more stress than anything else in the world!

He comes crawling to me with one of my boxers on his head.

I have to admit, this is quite funny.

"Come here baby." I say while I take my boxers out of his head.

" Don't you dare to do this to me again understand?" I say a bit angry

He looks at me with a confused face and then he grins.

That baby is so annoying and adorable.

I conjure a crib and lay Teddy there.

I kiss his forehead and leave.

Ron is fell asleep in the table with a butterbeer bottle in his head.

I allow myself to fall in the couch, exhausted.

Two babies in one night

I fall asleep almost immediately.

Hey potterheads♥️
What do you think of this chapter?
Dont worry Angelina will have her baby soon :)
Okay about my birthday gifts I'll make a list
Ginny's wand
Hermione's wand
Umbridge's wand
Nymphadora's wand
Harry's wand
Time turner
Quidditch hoodie
Two griffindor tshirts
Harry's artifact box
Ron's artifact box
Hermione's artifact box
Marauder's map
Bertie botts every flavored beans
Chocolate frog
Harry potter bracelet

I think it was kind of the best birthday ever!!!!

Please comment and vote thanks for everything ♥️



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