Chapter 12

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George POV

I wake up and notice my neck is hurting.

Probably its because I slept on the couch.

It's not my fault I snore in my sleep...

I'll explain it with some maths:

Pregnant Angelina + snoring George = couch

I think it's normal but I dont exactly enjoy it.

I slowly close my eyes again and lay back again.

Suddenly I hear a scream in the kitchen.

With a fright I fall from the couch.

I get up clumsily and run towards the sound.

Angelina is standing there with a terrified expression.

Her waters broke.

Oh crap.

What am I suppose to do?

I'm not a woman I dont know this things!

Wait I should probably take her to Saint Mungos.

I spend ten minutes looking for the keys of our flying car.

They were in my bloody hands all the time.

Hey dont judge me I'm super nervous.

We arrive there and the doctors take her away from me.

Which makes me super mad

Who do they think they are?

Making that baby was a teamwork.

I owl everyone and wait for Angie in an empty corridor.

It's silent and dark.

It just heightens my fear.

Doctors pass by me hurriedly.

Afraid of loosing time.

Afraid of time itself.

I couldnt live like this.

Its too much pressure. So much pressure that they forget how to live. They spend too much time worrying about time.

The Weasleys arrive.

Then our friends.

And when everyone is here I oficially declare myself as tired and sit down.

Damn how long it takes for a baby to come out!

Angelina's POV*

I scream with pain.

Each of my screams are followed by a George's scream of anger.

If I wasn't suffering so much I would smile.

My hands are sweaty and my thoughts are all a blur.

"Just one more push" the nurse says.

With one final scream the pain ends.

"It's a girl!" The doctor says.

I smile and they take her away to clean her.

Not fair but whatever.

The nurse comes towards me and says

"Now I'm going to open that door and you are going to scream that you are okay before your husband destroys the entire hospital okay?"

I laugh

And the nurse calls George inside.

He literally runs to me and bumps into the nurse.

Basically she falls.

Should I feel bad for laughing?

"Thanks God you're okay I was completely freaking out outside. Your mother was..."

"Its a girl" I interrupt him.

He looks at me and smiles

With a true and perfect George's smile.

Exactly the ones I miss when they are gone.

The nurse comes in with the baby.

"It's a mini you" George says proudly

She is a brunette like me and our eyes are quite similar too.

She has her mother's eyes.

Where did I hear that before?

"Can we call her Roxanne?" I ask

It's my grandmother's name. I know it sounds weird to give your daughter her great-grandmother's name but I miss her. She died last year.

"Sure I like it" George says.

I kiss him and the Weasleys come in.

Like all of them.

The nurse almost fainted I mean we are a big family.

DeAnna and Harry are here too.

"Hum hum" George starts "I would like to introduce you to the newest Weasley. Ladies and gentlemen, and Ron, I present you Roxanne Weasley.

Hey potterheads
Okay say it. I know it's true you can do it.
"Sophia you suck you are Umbridge"
I know.
I havent updated for months!
And now I give you this crappy chapter.
Hope you can forgive me...
Thanks for all the support feel free to leave suggestions and requests here
Love you all


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