Chapter 14

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Harry POV

It's today. Today I'll propose to Ginny.

I'm at my old house's door, in Godric's Hollow.

It's quite empty now. And silent too. I only see an old couple heading to the church. It's normal, I mean, it's 4 a.m.

Probably you're wondering what am I doing here at 4 a.m.

Well before he died, Sirius confided the place where my mother kept her engagement ring

I want Ginny to use it

I take one step and see how degraded the ground is.

So full of cracks and weeds, like the house itself.

I open the creaking door and hear the unmistakable sound of glass breaking.

With one single move, I turn around and trap someone with my wand.

"Heeey easy there tiger..." A feminin voice says from under a cloak

"Shut up! Who are you and what are you doing in my house?" I ask furiously

"I'll answer all your questions but first..." she takes my wand away from her face with her fingertips.

She takes out her cloak and, for the first time, I'm able to see her face clearly.

She has long blond hair and green emerald eyes. Her face is dotted with freckles and quite pale.

"Are you going to keep staring at me or...?" She teases

I blush and look away. It wasn't my intention to stare obviously...

"Sit here please." she says, pointing to the couch

"This is my house I sit wherever I want" I say stubbornly

As the only place I have to sit is the couch, and I definitely wont sit where she told me, I sit on the floor.

She rolls her eyes and introduces herself.

"My parents abandoned me with just a little note saying my name so I grew up alone. As I can see this house you probably already know I'm a witch but I've never went to any wizarding school. Everything I know I learnt in the streets."

"Okay but any of that explains what were you doing here" I say.

I have to admit I feel pity for her. At least the Dursleys kept me...

"Well duh I was trying to survive! I usually sleep here when its cold outside... Sorry if you think its rude. " She apologizes

I stand up and sit with her in the couch. She smiles at me. I have to admit she is gorgeous.

"I need to find my mother's engagement ring do you want to help me?" I ask

"Oh is it a silver one with a little diamond on the top?" I nod " Oh I know where it is come with me"

I follow her to a dark room with a crib.

The room where my mum was murdered.

I feel a hot tear running down my cheek and clean it quickly.

The girl opens a wardrobe and takes a little box out.

I open it and see the ring. It's beautiful. Ginny will love it.

"You're welcome Harry Potter." she tells me

"Wait how do you--?"

"The scar" she interrupts me

"Oh yeah sorry. Whats your name?" I ask

"I'm Elisabeth. Elisabeth Riddle."

Hey potterheads♥️
Cliffhanger muahahhaha
What do you think of this idea? I thought I could bring a little bit more of action to this story. But dont worry that proposal still happens ;)
Please comment and vote it would mean the world to me
Ly bye


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