chapter one

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Los Angeles California the city of Angels Beverly Hills Hollywood and all that jazz but there are those of high-class Who-ville have anyone for the right price do anything humiliating Eve it is Criminal but rumor has it that in the fire social status that there's been tracks that whoever crosses will disappear but those that are found in different places said they are in a nightmarish world that the middle and lower-class of call hell Angeles on social media the only place is all the posts haven't come in when they sell been to what other things to be none other than the world is is a neighborhood called Sinners Boulevard a really bad part of town full of hellish hoodlums and hookers that lawyer around with unsettling Hangouts like the Cerberus pisspot the strip club for a Story begins where hellhounds Sara Bloodclaw  work as a poll dancer pay barely keeps a roof over her head but not enough to get new clothes that are not from a second hand store the imp butt.

One day one one of the usual temperance smacked Sara on the butt and she punched the asshole that done it right in the face and storm out into the back room one of the workers   a siren named edelen kicker saw the whole thing and went after Sara to see if she can came down "Sara," Say Edelen when she went in and see Sara Molly on her stress ball "are you already?" Then Sara look at Eda with bloodshot eyes and shouted " I had it with this s*** hole!" Then Sara Storm of their in her main close and head back to her apartment for the day. After jacking a car which belongs to the guy that offend her outside the club parking lot Sara girls her place smells like a toilet with the pet that's not far from the place when she got to her apartment and turns on the light the place looks decent compared to her neighbors that I told her idiot and the landlady the fat ass b**** that look like she never leave her office for anything.

Once she find something to eat in the refrigerator at other than dog meat Sara turn on the T.V for the evening news on the California governor elections and the polls are in favor of Deuce Tori who in reality is Donald Fart who own the club Sara works at a cruel demon that thinks he's on top or below him are Bugs Sara want to get out of his foot then Shouted "WHAT IN HELL ONE GOT TO DO TO OUT OF THIS DUMP?!"

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