Book one chapter 15: The Legend of the twin Beauty and the entwined Road.

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As Orion falls into his deepest sleep he  started to find himself in front of the Temple all the door is opening for him didn't feel like going in as an audience with two masks Mec priestess who are on each side of the throne where Olmec citizen like he's waiting for him "Welcome Orion," say Olmec as he greats his guest " as you may wonder why are here the legend I'm about to tell you well shed some lights on the matters to come please turn your attention to the Fountain fall on your rights."

Ben Orion turns to the fountain fall as on Mac taught a legend that will bring him and the avatar One Step Closer to ending the Tron's insanity.

Olmec narration: as the Tron finds a key Beauty as servants and pleasure I have them for more decent purposes as Priestess and warriors the only way to tell the Priestess and the priests apart from each other all The Mark of Olmec while those are wants to protect wear masks so the rest can live in peace, Our Story begins in a small Hut where the cube Beauty leaves her home when her scenting gear with the spear as she is to be a Mec warrior, on her Journey to the temple she came across a travel wagon that broke his wheel those are on the wagon don't have a spare wheel even if they can Patch It Up.

The mec warrior tore off some of her clothes to mend the wheel and use the blade tip to completed.

The Travelers off of her ride with new clothes that I meant for Mec priestess joins who are Merchants that are heading to the temple they've been carrying some steady Scrolls and extra clothes and what seems to be a better spear with more durability.

During her travel she was reading the Scrolls that I normally meant for the Mec priests and priestesses to read as well as they're close when they part way and then she finds herself among the other Mec priests and priestesses one day mistakenly took her as one of their own but still accept her when they found out she's a Mec warrior and it for more then protection all the way to the temple.

When she got to the temple those of the head mec priests mistaken her as who they find of important to be in their class and take her in but when the actual one came in they felt a bit silly even if the one they must took that show eligible results to be part of the steps of Ascension which didn't lead to a robbery the event which had me make an exception for both of them to have an audience with me, Olmec with both gear Beauties looking alike with one having the mark as this chosen High Mec priestess and willing to lead her people while the other could be more so it has to be a fake and switch since the Tron seem to have something nefarious plant so I have to have one take the path that was meant for the High Mec priestess while the other even if both path leads the same location with people if most are in on it and with Avatar Tara is on that path forward to seek the prime drive which you may already know to be deep within the Fire Nation Palace but the precise location of where is in the gear brain in the Palace of Ba Sing Sa we're both kids will meet and that's all I can say, the choice is yours and yours alone.

As Orion wakes up from that usual dreams he's seen that the whole thing had been of bait and switch when he now found out that Alena is Molina when she in the Rope of the high Mec priestess and Molina is Alena when she still in bed getting up.

"Good morning." Says Orion when Alena is fully awake then she gave him a good morning kiss before getting up and change into the road that you meant to wear.

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