Book one chapter 3: the air generator (part one)

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"Rrr I know this is the best way to not get detected Tara," says Orion disgruntly as he and Tara been going through the woods double all the golden gears rail transit to the air generator which it's been 3 weeks since they left a settlement "but their a better way to get their."

"Then how can we get past the peekers." Asked Tara when he see what seem to be light ahead.

"Tara," says Orion as he see the light as well "the peaker's are only eyes on polls and if you are with me the gear brain connection to them will think your my servant Bender."

Tara is not fond of that idea when they finally out and found what seem to be a lift, that lead them to where they need to go when Orion look up "At least we found it my way," says Tara "without being spotted by your kind taste in surveillance."

When they duck down behind nearby cargo crates so they can figure out how to get in without getting noticed, Orion looked around to see if they can find something of use then spot some worker clothes in the open crate on their left and they seem to look musty but it's not the time to get picky when the lift is going down.

Once they pit on the needed clothes to London they had the left door opening up when the other workers are coming in birthday work clothes they all wearing our bit loose and Tara a bit a few time, Orion try to help him the best he can to keep him on his feet has the door to live to start to close but Tara felt like a sack of potato as Orion is running to live as fast as he can and......made it at the last minute.

"He couldn't find the clothes to fit on short notice." Says of Ryan as he explains to those are also on the left as begins to ascend.

"Can you get me down this is embarrassing." Asked Tara who feels on how he being hauled.

"Gotta keep your face hidden who knows when the kids found out that you're the Avatar and I went AWOL." Replied Onion as the lift got to the top and when the lift door is open they entered what used to be the air Temple as he puts Terra back down as more of a factory than Temple.

"This is horrible." Says Tara when he see the place as what is now, Orion take a look around to see if they find a map.

"Um you know am been here in past lifetimes." Says Tara as Orion." Say Tara as Orion found what seem to be the factory's map "Even if you do their maybe complications you may not know about." Replied Orion.

"Well the factory gears brain could be in the main office." Suggest  Tara "I don't think it be that simple," replied Onion "but it could be in where their could more peekers in where worker gears are not ment to not ment to be in." As they are trying to figure out where the get brain could be at and get worker tapped on Orion's shoulder and says "Hey we have some loads to take care of and you two seem to available."

Feeling like they have no other Choice then to play along, for now.

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