Book one epilogue: the path ahead and their choices along.

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Over Six months later the introduction of the Avatar was not well received compared to the true savior Prime Orion like he's yesterday's news the celebration was nice and fair but when but when the festivities started to wind down both Terra and Orion meets at what's now called a prime Palace to talk things out you may say.

"Mixed day Tara?" Asked Orion Prime seeing if Avatar Tara is alright thinking he's feeling like an afterthought then Avatar Tara says " normally it's the Avatar that restores the balance the world but the prime who blew the whistle and history kind of like it as a change in the loop."

Orion seems to feel that the prime have stole the avatars Thunder and try not to say What could could put a dent in his pride tell Alena who is Alliance Queen Drive as she comes in and says to both of them " Prime Orion the Press is ready for you and Avatar Tara"

" understood Alena we are on our way." Says Orion as they follow her to the Press Room as he caught up to her side and really adored her new look as a queen Drive while avatarra was being behind felt very annoyed due to hard taking up the obligation of Queen Drive to get some new clothes and that would have been very shallow if it's not for the fact that her role as the High Mec Gear Priestess Molina body double is over.

When they enter The Press Room both the prime and the Avatar answers all the questions with the High Mec gear Priestess and the queen Drive or if their plans on movie forward with one being not even the avatar ever thought of coming up thanks to what the Tron had left behind with airships that can go into deep space to find more suited worlds for each Nation because in 5 years the world of the avatar will come to an end.

3 years later the star zippers which is what everyone's calling them are at the ready some say it's due to the Prime's good fortune and the queen drives leadership is what made it happen sooner than one would expect while those of a new Republic series had back firing results, the president tried to have a flag on the moon but the ship he was on blew up in the atmosphere it was more embarrassing to the Avatar than anyone would think.

" well I guess it's goodbye Prime Orion," Says Avatar territor to Orion before she leaves if the others like he's admitting defeats to a more worthy leader " you are saving all from annihilation which I could never do after so many lifetimes."

" we are leaving next to the star zipper in case there are those that change their minds." Says Orions as a show of Good Sports Tara does appreciate it but they may not use it due to the loss of... sanity so speak.

Then they see the High Mec gear priestess Molina and the Queen drive Alena heading towards them " looks like your path to the part is ahead and it will be good bye after this." Says the High Mec gear priestess Molina to Alena as they  see both Tara and Orion  then Alena says to her " well sorry that was taking identity then turned into a real Adventure."

"Well when I first seen you as the Queen Drive I-" then Alena kiss Molina they are getting closer and then says to her " hey I can't come out naked even if there is no backy."

Then once all three potted ways with Avatar  Tara saying behind as the Mec gears the Gear men and the four nations head out in each of Their Own star zipper and thus heading to the Stars with those that change their minds a year later where they go is for them to choose alone.

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