Book two chapter four: spirits on the Holodeck part one

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Bat belt crew logs:

Percy: It been three days since we got away from the T.A.F forces.

Fredrick: The starship Gabby cat's captain Luke Skysurfer Maybe an easy host to deal with for the moment but Federation Authority is still Federation Authority.

Percy:U.F.F to a kid who watch their propaganda stuff with some electric facts to go with that they are to boldly go which is what they hardly do nowadays

Fredrick: those like the crew of the Gabby cat nowadays are more on planet of dating see if those worlds are starting to know better but it's nothing but Dirty Work and Pyra's little light beam show is one of those things.

Percy:Pyra's little light show is what got their attention in the first place and they want to know if she poses a threat to anyone but she's not to us at least.

Fredrick:The U.F.F just what to find out all they  an on what they are seemly up against but Pyra may not know the whole story for being in Amber for 500 years but she may know where to find it in what she calls the spirit world.

Captain's log: Luke Sky Surfer recording, we've been sent to investigate a strange being a flight that's been seen in the bad system and what we found out on what or who caused it goes by the name of Pyra who is what her kind is called avatars but what she knows seems even to herself is somewhat dated for 500 years and where she can find out more is easy but we may have to set up the place fits the proper state of meditation.

"Thank Captain I think." Says Pyra after she sees that a quarter has been made out to reference her world culture so she can meditate when the captain says "we we like to make you comfortable as the best we can but you should start after I make the announcement so no one can bother you."

Once Captain Sky Surfer left for the bridge to make the announcement and once it's been made Pyra begins to meditate but somehow can't seem to get into it for an hour and then says to herself "Maybe it doesn't work off world."

Once Pyra get up so she can leave her quarters she finds her self what used to be the spirit world with it being twisted and warped by some menacing form.

"Never thought of seeing anyone coming to the spirit world through a strange door like that." Pyra turns to see that it was Ivo who was waiting for her then she asked him "What happened here?"

"That a a question even we seemly like to know as well." Says Captain Sky Surfers who's with Percy and Frederick as they came in and see what they think to be a artificial interpretations of the Benders prospective on the afterlife.

"Talk about a need of a fixer upper." Says Percy upon seeing the place looking like it's been dried up to the core by big massive pumps.

"Yeah is Life Training band where you are from, even if it really been 500 years since you last check." Says Frederick with interpretation on the place.

" the Avatar emperor had caused this to extend his own life and yet he won't rest until he bends the will of all in his way." Say Ivo who is a disgusted as they are and then Pyra says " it's not always like this and how did you get here?"

"Actually Pyra," says captain Sky Surfer as he's willing to explain " we are in the ship's Hollow deck and when you went to the spirit world you must have inadvertently turn it on and simply log out the override."

Ivo felt a bit off on what he heard and then says " and their crazy devices these days."

"Hey times keep on changing and Pyra what really happened here?" Ask Fredrick only to cut to the Chase.

"Well," say Pura as she being her tale "It all started two years before I went into that Amber induced coma."

Then the whole place change into where her journey began while the rest are only to observe while Pyra narrates.

Pyra vo: it all started when I first came to the Avatar home world 3 days after I came of age with a fellow Avatar Kuma to hone our bending skills but when two or more avatars are on the same planet all but the primary bending is canceled out.

Luke Syk Suffer: how many plants are there in your system.

Pyra vo: five Mains with a lot of colony worlds, anyway oh yeah we are to bring balance to the elemental system in the name of the Avatar Empire with the air on the throne.

Percy: but the air seems to be an office longer than anyone thinks.

Pyra vo: well who's to be next has to be in the cycle and I can guess we are dealing with a new Avatar emperor so no more till the end, as I was saying Kuma was a very intelligent Airbender but only for the negotiation class while I'm on more of the peacekeeping front, until I found out they are more on bending the wheels of the others with means that are Beyond imbalanceable and when they learned that I found out about it tried to capture me not only for knowing too much but be able to bend the four elements even if there are other avatars and you know the rest.

Luke: Captain's like me have seen worlds like those where no matter how much one culture is dying to know better they relapse on Old Habits and old habits die hard as I say.

Ivo: and what happens next after you left pyra was more horrible than you think.

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