Forward and Book one prologue

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In my infiltration of Hinobi development with the avatar pitch bargain they wanted with what you are about to read is how the Avatar cycle whole but that is up to you if that's how it can be completed and in between each chapter I will say depicting notes on their notes on Hinobi's use of the Nickelodeon brand and during my infiltration there's a few usual discoveries here and there.

Let's say for now Hinobi could had got this sticky fingers on brands that are almost absurd and forgotten so without further delay how does that go again?

Author note

Just to keep in mind I started writing this couple of years ago as part of the Hinobi band archive series before they announce the Earth Avatar series and whatever this next one is will be different than what I had in mind now.





Not long after the fall of the Earth empire Republic city had made autonomous workers called gearman but when they started to have marks of the red loads that's being confusion and conflict on which is on which side but it was too late to tell Avatar Korra did what she can but their leader they call the Tron is a cunning and ruthless Gladiator and within a green flash core is no more and when the spirit missile launched at Republic City the destruction was horrifying and in less than a year the Tron's Golden gear Empire had made a tight grip anyone Bender or not I'm your servants and or any use in there Army anyone who fails or opposes them the Tron will crush them.

Year have passed and all form of resistance are all but wiped out I mean that's left went underground with nothing even that hope that the Avatar would restore the balance long out of balance.

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