The Occupation part five

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Earl:Lain! Lain! Wake up wake up your having a nightmare.

Lain came around when the headset came off her head see Earl who has concerned look on his face.

Lain: Earl what are you doing here?

Earl: I heard you we're screaming in there like you're going into labor.

Lain: some program knocked me up an-

She came off of Lain she had real stretch marks on belly showing that her little Labor Day was real.

Lain: where did they take her to?

Then Lain access card gotten upgrade full access then she grabs it while she's barely getting up and walk after what she's been through.

Earl: maybe you should get some rest because I don't think you can find who you looking for in that physical state.

Lain: Fine.

Cybira main server building and Hospital?

A few hour later after Lain can walk better and in somewhat in your clothes on the drive to the Cybria building with Earl which looks kind of like a hospital.

Earl:This looks kind of off for the center of the Cybria locations.

Lain: Lorena is in there somewhere and I'm so going to find her and no one is going to get in my way!

The Main lobby.

Once Lain and Earl enter the main lobby of the building Lain check the front office computer find the map layout of the place.

Lain: Ok Lorena is in the maternity ward on this floor on the west side.

Earl: okay but take it with a grain of salt because ah-

But Lain head off before early can finish what he's trying to say about her let's say strange miracle.

The maternity ward

Once Lain and Earl got into the maternity ward this place looks creepy having only one kid on display as they enter through the staff door.

Earl: Lain how can... she be... you know.

Lain: I know it sounds crazy but it's li-

But when Lain see Lorena eye to eye it was love at first site she sees life in her kids simply artificial eyes and gently picks her up even line is reluctant on being a mother at her current age.

Earl: I'll have Meggie to get the need of Essentials.

As Earl call his friend what he and Lain doesn't know that something was someone is watching them from the camera face as I leave for the exit even if Lain seem to think this is too easy and you're only be picking up on it when the clouds outside are getting more darker than usual.

Earl: This is not good.

Earl had try one of the doors and that it locked then Lain check timer to see if there's a white One locking the doors while Earl is holding Lorena.

Lain: Look like it can be open in the wired and the nearest wire chair is two floors above us and there's also a daycare on that floor.

Earl: good because she's starting to smell.

Then they head to the 2nd floor via stairs and found a proper Supply Closet to change Lorena in the daycare and once Lain found the wired room and take a seat and when she turns it on there's no going back.

Cybira data server wired system

As Lain enter the Wired she finds herself in some kind of Mortuary while getting out of one of the body drawers in her usual get and equipment.

Lain:That was a cold way to come in here.

Then Lain got out of her box she check her start gauntlet that all are you those things in there with one adding that's still being uploaded.

LV.5 antiviru: Ues only as a last resort.

Lain: Now I know am in the final level.

As Lain look around she found what happen to be some up with stairs and take them and finds herself and what seems to be a church when she opens the door on the top of the staircase.

Lain: This ain't right.

Main floor

Lain seem to find herself on the right side of the main floor as she looks around and comes across a big door that's from the size of it locks the main hall so Lain think the means to lock it is on the next floor and luckily the only four when she found the wall map display next to the big door on its left.

Lain:Only four rooms and all but one all locked I'm guessing.

After reading it Lain take the stairs to the next floor and see that once she got the top there are four doors Two on each side.

Lain: I may have to go from right to left the doors see one of them can be opened up.

The first door Lain try have the sign that reads lock room system and no dice and tries the next one with it reading file archives and she went in.

The file archive room

The file archive room had not been dusted in a long time when Lain got in.

Lain: Hmm now where to find the right key to the right lock?

When Lain look through the file cabinets and she did phone one of the keys to one of the doors but also found another data file that seems to be on what made her conceive and artificial offspring.

Data file *****:The artificial conceiver codename Eden have the ability to impregnate females host while they are in The Wire and extract the fertilized eggs into storage compartments for excessive growth while there's a rottenly hosts to make them think that they are pregnant but they all resulted as stillborns.

Lain:Ok that dark.

Once Lain leave the file archive she tries the key on the door in front of her with a sign that reads AI Control room and it works.

Lain: Now let see what really went wrong in here.

The AI control room

When Lain enter the place it like the AI have locked out anyone who will try to get in and into the main hall with one of amount of face showing it.

Lain: least I know what's keeping us in and how to destroy it is, halfway done.

Then she spots another key that have a see and a j which hints at it being the janitors closet key then she leave the room for the Jazz classic and when she opens the door the key was hanging on one of the wall hooks and it's for the locker room system and when she opens it's door place looks like it just one big button and when link pushed it it opens a lot of case into the main hole next to her.

Lain: not what am going for but I'll take it.

Then Lain take the let it down to the main hall place looks kind of extravagant for church Hall with what seems to be a possessed flooring man at the end of the hall.

Lain took a closer closer look when she got the bottom of the ladder and see while hiding behind one of the rows of chairs.

The floating man seems to be a priest in blood red threats with eyes that I Pitch Black skin does causes and spotted Lain.

The possessed priest: Intruder!

Then the priest bias what looks like flaming cockroaches at Lain but she jumped out of the way and returned fire with her level two antivirus but it had some effect but she did figure out pen then draw up the level three antivirus to get the lock to last long enough for the level five to complete uploading.

Lain:Good now I only need some space to fire the thing.

Lain evades The I'm coming roach fire and once she got far enough she pulls out the level five antivirus that looks like a rocket launcher and without hesitation by the thing hit the priest right in the head and boom he's no more.

All electrical locks have been unlocked in the building.

Then all the lock in the building had been unlocked as Lain came out of the Wired and pick up Lorena and Earl on the way out where Maggie is waiting outside where the clouds above are gone that's Twilight is upon them and Lain realize that Maggie is in her car as she comes out of it with what she needs for Lorena in the backseat she gots it her own car while Earl takes his own and drives off back to their own place to prepare for tomorrow.

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