The occupation part three

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When Lain got to one of the closest Cybira locations that been built over one of the burn down churches and those look more updated than the first one that she's been in.

Lain: Hope the place will not have much for me to look around.

Cybira south west location

When Lain enter the place the inside live up to the work Journal locks the only thing all about it is some of what made it stand out are gone well that are not bolted down that is.

Lain:Seem like they know what to take when shutting down the place and not leaving around like the others.

As Lain looked around the computer floors only have tables in the downstairs floor only have the boobs and tables.

Lain: so where do they put the wired chairs?

Lain first look in the staff only area and did found a large but looks different from those that have wheels as you walk towards it and took some seats and then it reclines as the headset came down on her head.

Lain: This is interesting.

West side Cybria wired system.

maintenance operative holding room

In the digital wired world of Cybria west side French all the holding pods opened up with Lane inside it and what seems to be a one-piece suit with shoes and gloves that cover have her arms and legs as she is getting out of one of the pods and like she's waking up from  hyper sleep.

Lain: this is how those that work here come in?

As Lain got out of the pod she see what she's wearing in the nearby mirror and feels unease in it.

Lain: I look like something out of a pin-up and it feels so uncomfortable.

The she spots looks like storage crate and when Lane opens it she may have found something that may give her a fighting chance.

Storage crate.

Lv.2 antivirus

3× magazine clip

Lv.3 antivirus: Can take on hard shelled viruses at Mid to close range.

5× shall packs

Eye visor:display mini map and more.

Storage gauntlet: Can hold any weapon and item.

Ammo belts: Hold ammo.

Once Lain put on the equipment she takes a look in the mirror to see what she looks like with them.

Lain: not too bad but I still think it needs something.

Then Lain leave the holding babe and into some corridor with very small windows showing the open wires outside.

Lain: Kinda feel like that I'm in Outpost station on some desolate planet.

As Lain continue to explore the place with the mini map on the Visa is lower left side to guide her as you found what seems to be the cyber security room upon entry.

The cyber security room

The cyber security room look a bit Dusty then Lana with a thought upon entry spots what seems to be a key card near the security cameras control and once she got close it went into her storage gauntlet.

Lv.1 key card: Grant level 1 clearance.

Lain: at least I won't hold it in my hand all the time.

Lain look around a bit to see if their anything of use.

Item found

1× LV.2 mag clip

Once Lain leave the room she cautiously continue to look around what seems to be the files towards room on her left there's a little long clearance lock and she waves her hand on the lock door it's suddenly opened.

Lain: at least I know it works for now.

Then she went on in.

The file storage room

The file storage room have file drawer cabins from wall to wall then a list display pops up on Lain visor showing what's in the file cabinets.

Lain:Hmm where to look?

As Lain look through the files on the screen display she found the file on what seems to be a list for failures experiment results on making, artificial life!?

Lain: Ok that just wrong!

Then she has something celery outside in hides behind the door that's what seems to be a snake with blades on it back as it passed by.

Lain: that looks dangerous that's not getting the way of that thing.

Then Lain found what look like a transit pass in one of the file cabinets.

West Branch transit pass: Can gave anyone transport to South and north side of the West Branch.

Then a way point came on the mini map display to show her the way.

Lain:Hope I don't run into those like that snake.

Then Lain consciously makes her way to the transport using the antivirus weapons when it's necessary I found some extra ammo and backpack along the way then she made it to where the way point want her to be.

Wired Transit System west branch.

Lain: At least the monorail is here but does it work?

Lain look around and found the transit map it looks like the West and East sides go one way and back for a branch but seems have a track that seems before the executive that goes not only to all four locations but the server building as well.

Lain: guess they don't want the employees to poke into whatever company Secrets they have over there.

Then Lain use a Transit key card in the monorail train opens its door as she went in and found love to key card and what seems to be executive note as she sits down the train starts to move.

Executive note: The whole why are things was at first a fixer prompt direct project and all the mountains are just crazy many are saying the buildings the newer Cyberia locations and the silver buildings are built on the old church locations and what seem to be drawing those things and get this this room is going wrong that they are artificially impregnating those that are 20 to 25 or some mad science experiment that was inspired by the towns which legends that brings offsprings out of the void and I've already made my two weeks notice set up after hearing all that.

Lain:Well that was a weird thing to read during the ride on the train.

Once the Monroe train got to the north west station the door open when I came to a complete stop Lain get out of the train and continues on her journey.

The north west look more clean when Lain came into the corridor that's well lit not knowing that the Shadow from the school waits for her and will strike when the moment comes,then Lain spot the door with the sign that read boardroom staff only then she entered the room the shadow Waits.

Bord room:Stuff only

When Lain enter the bord room and it looks like no one had been in here for a long time with what looks like a drawing about the wired bleeding from the note as you read from the Train.

Lain:That can't be right on so many levels.

From what you can't understand what's on the board is that if a couple mates in The Wire from eggs will move from The Host and twin incubation in it for who knows how long  Lain would know.

The corridor.

Moments later as Lain got out of the bord room and off the way point to the nearest log help mirror she felt a familiar presence coming from the shadow behind her left side as she turns around she see the Krugerschach coming out of it and then make a Winfred while using what looks like a flash dick to Blind thing to get more space between it and her.

The Krugerschach was not amused by that kind of tactic even if it knows where she is going.

The log out room

When Lain enter the room the screen display ask her to put her storage Gauntlet on the drop off table that's near the mirror with the viewing visor then the thing came on and then without delay she goes right in but Lain's return to the real world took longer than the last two trips in to the wire due to the point of log out that is.

Once Lian finally woke up what seems to be a staff key car popped out of the right arm of the wired chair has its slowly close back up to its original position.

Lain: At least I'll have something for next time and-

One sling got out of the wired chair she realized the thing can produce massive amount of feet that will give someone who ever sits in it very nasty,BO!

Lain: Oh good grief I smell bad!

Once Lain got out of the Earl offer her a ride back to the Inn and try not to question the stench coming out of her then without delay I drove off she got on.

Moments later as Earl drop off Lane in front of the Inn as a son said and she went in for the day as he drove off for it as well.

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