Pigeontuft | SECOND CHANCE

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"even if i've achieved everything, there is Perfection, still left to be achieved."


(note: apologies for any and all tags! any tags are to give credit where credit is due <3)


Past names — Pigeonkit, Pigeonpaw
Current name — Pigeontuft
Future names — uncertain

Prefix meaning — He was named Pigeon for his gray and white pelt, resembling the colors of pigeons.

Suffix meaning — He was given the suffix "tuft" for his scruffy appearance, always having unkept fur sticking up in places.

Nicknames — none
Age — 36 moons.
Gender — Male.
Clan — Riverclan.
Rank — Warrior.
Past ranks — kit, apprentice.


Voice — andrew garfield
Fur colors — grey, white

Fur description — pretty soft and medium-length, sticking up in some places.

Eye color — yellow

Build — skinny and agile, very flexible. he has a thin frame, which isn't good for fighting.

Scarring — he has no scars
Wounds — he has no wounds

Basic description — A slender silver mackeral tabby tom with a band of white fur around his neck and rump, four white paws and a white muzzle. He has a short-ish fluffy tail.


Negative traits

Positive traits

Overall — Pigeontuft is a very sweet guy who works hard to serve his clan. He has been mature since apprenticeship and is capable of seeing things from many different perspectives. There's not an ounce of aggression in his being. He treats everyone with equal respect, however much he may dislike them.

He is, however, quite a jumpy cat. Confrontation makes him anxious and he doesn't perform well under pressure. Because of this he has become a perfectionist, and feels like he hasn't done well enough if what he accomplished isn't perfect. Despite his loving nature, he struggles to see the bright side of things when put in a bad situation.

Nature — sincere
Drive/ motive — to be as perfect of a warrior as he can, and be useful to the clan.


Agility — 10/10
Stealth — 7/10
Fighting — 5/10
Hunting — 8/10
Tactics — 8/10

Speed — 10/10
Strength — 6/10
Stamina — 8/10
Endurance — 7/10
Climbing — 4/10
Swimming — 8/10

Sight — 8/10
Scent — 6/10
Hearing — 9/10
Taste — 4/10

Den building — 5/10
Battle tactics — 6/10
Hunting tactics — 8/10
Kitting — 5/10
Herb knowledge — 5/10


Kithood — He was born into a litter of five. Pigeonkit was often in his own little world by himself, preferring his imagination to all games his littermates played. Nothing really eventful happened.

Apprenticeship — Pigeonpaw was apprenticed to a kind warrior named Sunnydusk. They got along very well, and she encouraged him to just be who he wanted to be and not worry about getting everything perfect. The advice didn't really stick in his brain, because he's obsessed with excelling in everything.

Warriorhood — He became Pigeontuft after a steady, productive apprenticeship. He was the first from his litter to become a warrior, his brothers following not long after.

Since becoming a warrior, he's worked hard to contribute to the clan. Often he volunteered for night patrols either by himself or with a small group.

One night, his group of three crossed paths with a badger. It was the most terrifying experience he'd ever had. He just barely made it out unscathed, managing to duck into a bramble bush. One of his clanmates was not so lucky, and earned a few scars from that confrontation. He's ashamed of himself for not helping fight the beast, but he knew he wouldn't be any help as he wasn't at all strong. Though nobody died, he still fights the guilt, knowing that if someone tragic had happened, he had just hid and done nothing.

Friendships — He's becoming friends with a kittypet currently residing in the clan, called Valentine (owned by Lexi_exe130  ).

Enemies — to be discussed.


Skyfall, his mother. A dark brown and white tabby she-cat with a fierce personality. She never coddled them, but instead pushed them to be tough cats.

Moonshadow, his father. A white tom with black patches along his body. He was rather gentle, but firm with them.

Ripplefang, his oldest brother. A tall, stern white tom with amber eyes.

Goldenbrook, his older brother. A golden-brown tom with white paws and white tail tip.

Heatherwillow, his older brother. A dark grey tom with black tabby stripes.

Jaggedblaze, his younger brother. A silver-grey tom with a white muzzle and a jagged white stripe lead up his forehead.

Kits — None.


Past mates — None
Current mate — open for discussion

Likes in mate — compassion, flirty, boldness.

Dislikes in mate — rudeness, ignorance, controlling.

Interested in kits? — probably
Preferred family size — any will do.


Theme song — The Nights, by Avicii


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


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