I am not nothing( Shot-4)

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This shot is dedicated to all those ppl who leave their lovely cmnts and who were asking for an update💙 PS- my medical knowledge sucks I'm a Humanities ( history) student so please pardon me if I kill science .. I've done a bit of research and stuff to make it as realistic as possible.🙈


"I kept my head above the water
'Til the moment when all the elements aligned
And I could fly away to heal my broken spirit
And leave my demons far behind
You always said that I was weak
But the bravest thing I did was leave

So I will forgive myself
And start to let it go
Accept that who you chose to be
Was out of my control
And though it might be hard
To begin again
I'll write myself a brand new story
With a happy end
I survived
So tonight
I am taking back my life
And I'll show you
That I am not nothing

Looking up at the sky
I think I see the start of a sunrise"

  I'm not nothing Beth Crowley


           The only emotion he felt was dread. Fear of the unseen, it reminded him of a similar incident when he had almost lost her back when Svetalana had locked her in that freezer..

His heart had ceased to beat back then and today also, but the difference between these two incidents was that then he was unsure about his feelings and today he was sure about his feelings for her.

But something was amiss? It clicked his mind that he completely had ignored the fact that he left his wife under the same roof with the woman who had tried murdering her. How would've she felt ? He thought.

He knew she was strong but what he failed to understand was that it was facade , to not let anyone know what's on the inside..

Fear crawled in his heart as he envisioned the worst that could've happened with his supposed wife when he was handling his exhibition in Germany.

He was ashamed of himself? How could he be so ignorant? That to towards the one woman whom he promised to love, cherish and protect.

Keeping his thoughts aside he gently lifted hers and scooped her in his arms and while heading towards his car he gently patted her cheeks calling her out but to no avail..

He didn't care to inform any Oberois as it was late night..Except Rudy....As he recalled the protective brotherly love towards Gauri .

He was about to call him knowing that he would be pissed off if he didn't inform him but he found him coming towards him questioning where was he and his Gauri Bhabi?

But when he saw her lying unconscious in the back seat the emotion called dread had tamed him as well.. He literally ordered his brother to sit at the back and take care of his Bhabhi  as he drove and Om just obeyed.

He gently kept her head and realized she was still burning with fever and he slowly studied her under the full moon light..

Beneath her eyes, were dark crescents which were a witness to her sleepless nights..  The dark crescents were accompanied by a pale and dull skin for a moment Om thought how had he failed to note all of this. And he also realized when he had carried her she was lighter than usual. As he recalled the last time he had carried her when he had kidnapped her for giving her a supposed happy ending which she deserved..

He was brought out of his thoughts when the car screeched and stopped. Rudy opened the door like a gentleman and Om held his supposed wife  next to him. As he headed towards the hospital.  A streacher was brought in as he lay his wife. He took a long glance at her before she was out of his peripherial vision in the room were doctors awaited.

He was pacing back and froth in the hospital corridor with his anxiety at its zeinth. But Rudy sat there on the chair, cursing himself that he should have forced her to go to the doctor..

Om realized it was pretty late so he decided to inform then Oberoi 's about Gauri's health. When Rudy took his phone and cut the call..

Om was furious so he said- yeh kya batmeezi hai Rudy ? ( What is this arrogance Rudy?).

Rudy said - yeh batemeezi Nahi hai O.( This ain't arrogance O). There's no need to inform them..

Om asked-kyun?? ( Why?)

Rudy wanted to throw a fight as such but remained mum because he knew no matter what his brother didn't deserve his Gauri Bhabi but right now he was too worried for her.  And he didn't want to add on his worries by stating that the Oberois didn't give a damn by his wife.

So he covered up saying-" because they'll be worried"..and Om nodded in agreement.

Rudy just shook his head in dismay. That's when the doctor came out   and as Om to  follow him to his cabin.. and Rudy followed him in..

The doctor said- Mr. Oberoi she ain't taking care  of that knife wound properly it ain't eveb a month old.  it needs care.  It has been infected.

Both OmRu were shocked - which wound are you talking about doctor?

The doctor confused enough- the knife one.. the wound is around half a month old.. don't you know that you're wife was stabbed Mr. Oberoi?

Before Om could speak Rudy pressed his hand hard indicating him to shut up- of course doctor.. would she be okay ?..

The doctor says- she's suffering of haematemesis( blood vomiting).. because it over dose of NSAIDs she isn't supposed to have so many painkillers such as asprin and stuff.. She should've consulted a doctor rather than taking them on her own or refering to a chemist. Between she is anemic.. she'll be good to go by tommorow evening.. I believe.. just take care of her.. that's all.. and yeah for right now she's under the influence of sleep inducing drugs cause her body needs energy and rest..

OmRu left the doctors cabin dazed Om just slumped on the ground as he was having a good guilt trip, that his supposed wife was hurt and he had no clue.

Same was the case with Rudy but he was trying to find out when would've this happened.

Rudy recalled how Gauri had been missing for four consecutive days without informing and she came back with the excuse of her mother .

But the whole family burst out on her for being irresponsibile and asked her whether she had accepted the Oberois as her family?

The image of the teary eyed Gauri was still  fresh in Rudy's memory because he knew his Bhabi wouldn't do anything wrong. Without a reason. But he tried bugging her but to no avail, would she mention the real reason. Now he knew why?

O called out Rudy trying to bring him out of his reverie.

Om said- yeh sab kab hua Rudy ?( When did this happen?) When had I became so ignorant towards my wife?

Rudy said- when did you even acknowledge her O ? You were always ignorant.  You only acknowledged her when you were losing her to only get her again and ignore her.  Just tell me one thing.. did you show your so called love to her after you were back from Bariely? Were did your desperation vanish huh?? Thin air.... I believe

Om looked down guilty enough not being able to meet his brothers eye.. his words were true he had only accepted Gauri as his wife when she was getting married to someone else. And when he got her back he ignored her. He was too  blinded by his own pain that he failed to notice that there wasn't something right with his wife.

Om said- sorry

Rudy said- don't apologize to me O.. Apne mere khilaf kiya he kya hai?( What have you done against me?).

Om got up and headed towards her room to only to find the nurse dressing her wound. He waited for a while  after she was done he sat next to her on a stool.

And he gently caressed the wound and mummbled a sorry and gently pressed his lips on her forehead, and gently ruffled her hair and burst out in tears. And promised everything is gonna be okay?? Not knowing that his supposed wife had made decisions for them ..

Rudy was a witness to this scene , his heart did bleed seeing his brother like that but he had choosen his sister over his brother. And he knew his apologies couldn't undo her pain, nor heal her wounds.

And he knew what was better for her, he knew that his brother would be broken but he would handle him..

Rudy and Om had spent their night in the hospital room both sitting on a stool . Om's head was near Gauri's hand . And Rudy's head was closer together feet.

It was early morning  when Gauri regained consciousness she gently opened her eyes trying to adjust her eyes to the light and her surroundings.

Her eyes fell on her sleeping husband , her eyes welled up. It had been a long time she had seen her husband sleep.. she gently ruffled his hair with affection as a lone tear slide down her eye.

She had made her decision. She knew it would hurt him but it's was for their best. If not today then it would be a pain which she would carry throughout their lives. And guilt which he'll carry out throughout his life.

It was Om who got up first , he was more than happy to see her awake.. He gently pecked her forehead, she didn't know how to feel.. anagapesis?? Or love??  She faked a smile , and he called the doctor.

That's when Rudy got up and asked- ab ap kaise hai?( How are you know?)

Gauri beamed a smile and said-  ab hum theekh hai .(Now am alright)

Rudy made his puppy face and said- yeh Apne theekh Nahi kiya mujhe bhi Nahi bataya.. pr mein pata krke rakhunga kon hai.(  you didn't even tell me that's wrong..  but I'll get to the roots of the matter)..

Gauri just looked on, she remained mum because she knew that she would only annoy Rudy further.

Om came with the doctor and stood besides Rudy while the  doctor was examining Gauri.

Doctor says-  ap bahut carlesss hai Mrs Oberoi.. ( you're to careless Mrs Oberoi)

Gauri just looked nervously , the doctor added in - apki dressing ho Gaye hai.. ( your dressing has been done) and you look better .. just take care yourself..

The doctor asked OmRu to meet him in the cabin while the nurse attended Gauri..

Doctor- she's better.. you can take her if you want..  but she seems stressed .. too much of stress ain't good for her .. she's still weak..

Before Om could speak Rudy spoke-  thank you doctor but I would like that Bhabi is discharged in evening so that she could've some rest.

Doctor says- sure Mr. Oberoi...
And they leave..

Om asks Rudy- tune doctor ko mana kyun kiya Gauri ko discharge krne ko .( Why  did you stop the doctor  from discharging Gauri?)

Rudy says- kyunki ki Ghar mein Gauri Bhabi ko rest nahi milega.. sab ko Apne jhagadon se fursat Nahi.   Gauri Bhabi ko rest krne denge( because Gauri Bhabhi can't rest at home.. no one has time except for fighting.. as if they'll allow Gauri Bhabi to rest).

Rudy warned Om.

Rudy said - kya O?  I don't think meine kuch galat Bola. Btw apko Ghar Jana chaiye , everyone would be worried..( what O? I don't think I said something wrong.. btw you should just go back home).

Om says- I'll stay biwi hai voh meri( I'll stay she's my wife).

Rudy says- bohat jaldi Yaad agaye O.( You rememberd that too soon). Anyways go home because people need you there . And I'll take care of her. I won't mind. And don't tell the family members about her.   You know why..

After a lot of persistence Om left Gauri under Rudy's care and he returned home. And put up the excuse  that he was there in office all night, and Rudy had gone to his friends place ..

After 5 hours it was Dadi who first recalled Gauri saying- Mahesh puja ki thalli saja  la? Pandit ji ate he honge ( Mahesh get the worship plate the pandit would be coming).

Mahesh( worker) gets the plate but it's messed up.. so Dadi asks- Kaam dhank Ka krna Nahi ata hai .( You don't know how to work properly?)

Mahesh- voh asal mein Gauri Ma'am krti thi yeh sab( actually Gauri Ma'am used to do this work(

Dadi realized she hasn't seen Gauri this morning. Neither has got her pills not her morning coffee.  Then there came Jhanvi asking where is Gauri cause' she needed help making ladoos. After Jhanvi came Tej asking where Gauri he needed his tea?

It was pinky who said- lagta hai madamji bhaag gaye apni zimewariyon se.( It seems madamji has ran away from her responsibilities)

Om had been silently observing everything now had enough . He had seen his already dyfunctional family go more bonkers. He realized that his supposed wife had a lot of work to do and most probably she had no time for herself..

Om said- tameez se baat kriye Mrs Pinky Singh Oberoi, biwi hai voh meri aur vaise Jaise kal Rudy ne mention kiya tha ki hum sab jante hai ki is Ghar mein kon kaisa hai .. do I need to remind you??( Talk with respect Mrs Pinky Singh Oberoi she's my wife, and like Rudy mentioned  we all know who is like what.. do I need to remind you ?)

Om said Dadi..

Om said- aj nahi Dadi..( not today Dadi)


PromoLet her go...

[Om - tumhe dard ho Raha hai?( Is it paining?)

Gauri- haan pr vahan Nahi jahan ap Soch rahe hai, mujhe yahan dard ho Raha( yes, but not where you think, it's hurting here), pointing at her heart..

He closed his eyes in regret knowing where this conversation was heading too, but what he didn't know the end would be unexpected]

PS-  hope this was up to your expectations.. this part was  Om centirc .. it was he and his realizations..I tried to keep it as intact with his character.. he didn't burst intially.  He was observing and finally volcanokara bursts.  So that's all for now.. about Ri being stabbed it will be revealed in the next part or the epilogue..

But there's another tale roaming in mind pretty similar to this one. It would be revolving around the Vanwass and treatment of Ri after Shivika return max it will be a ts..

Cause my frustration is at its zeinth.. so I can't update any other story cause' inspite of having the frame I just can't put myself to jot sorry.. 🙇

Plz do vote and leave your cmnts and suggestions if you liked the update. It motivates me to jot further.. bye thanks a ton for reading, regards Ana😊💙💞

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