Prologue( more of a rant skip the huge rant to find the prologue below)

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I'm just pissed off or is there any other word better than to express myself ? 😡

Like I often do question myself why did I fall in love with 2nd lead couple, my bad.

After Akdha Rikara were the one that made me feel those tingling sensation in my heart.

The moment I saw them I fell in love. only to be rewarded with nothing but few good scenes and now lollipop scenes .

Which I don't even want just kill them plzzz ..🙏.. I always loved Om as a character , sensitive to others pain especially when it comes to his loved ones .. but where's that Om he seems to be lost 🤔.

Like seriously am done with Rikara.. the way he pushed her yesterday made my eyes well up.. 😭😭.. like I understand his pain of being separated from his brother... But man she is your wife treat her with dignity if you can't then why did you bring her back from Bariely.. you should've left her alone in Bariely after all she's GKS she could've handled Ajay better than you could.. and lived a good life with her mother though not a luxurious one.

Like who one earth treats his wife like shit. The first thing he said when be returned no it wasn't how are you ?

Knock knock Om your wife was living under the same roof with the woman who tried to murder her remember?😤.. no I don't think so .. and you're like why did she let them go ?

Okay!! I understand your emotions but it wasn't her fault they're not kids they have the right to decide for themselves.

Shivika no offence to them I love Nakul and Surbhi's acting but they're having more of a honeymoon in Goa rather than a vanwas.

Shivay has no update about his family.. and if you really think your family is danger stop romancing and be the great wall of SSO and safeguard your family. Everyone is O' family is all about Shivay and Anika Jaap.

I've no issues , give them more value cause they're are the lead couple.. but plzz don't let Om treat his wife like shit...🙏🙏. Everyone is Anika this Shivay this.. I won't disagree they did a lot for the family.. but who faces the brunt Shivika no I don't think so, Rikara huh??🙄

Were they even together now I doubt or was I day dreaming? I sympathize with Om but I empathize with Ri. Rudy to some extent. Pinky even though she's annoying I empathize her.. Shakti the mute spectator as always. Tejvi go buy yourself some brains. You lack them big time.🙄. The Kapoor sisters I don't give a damn about them. Dadi I sympathize her but excuse me your world doesn't end with billu. He is an important part of your world I respect that. But be who you're the eldest of the family, the monarch, if you want to you can bring back the family equilibrium. And Om dear Omkie I fail to recognize you. Are you the same Om I feel in love with?

I doubt ... His character has been butchered to far from reconciliation... Like who faces the brunt?? Gul Mata and CVS are you hearing me.. Gauri.. she has to be the all in all.. but excuse she's human too. For how long do you expect her to be strong?

She'll bleed when she'll fall down.. words hurt her too. Maybe this whole track is focused on Shivika and their greatness but my heart will go to Gauri.. the ones who faces it.. the brunt , the pain , the torture, yet remains mum because she has a store of unconditionally and selfless love and am sorry to say that even though I love Rikara.. I feel Om doesn't deserve Ri. This ss is all about Ri. I don't know about the ending but yeah be prepared for the worst...
Who was she?

A WIFE.... Maybe? Because her husband failed to acknowledge her,
leave recognizing her.  Just a stamp of acknowledgement wasn't what she needed.

What she needed was the feeling of acknowledgement. But that feeling was alien to her since she learned to decipher her own emotions.

He had forgotten that she was human too. No he wasn't blind she knew that. That's why she loved him. But these days he seemed to be blinded by his pain that he was to oblivious to his wife's pain.

It hurt her to see him hurt but what hurt her more was that he didn't even bother to see her pain.

Her life had just mocked at her again. In the hope of a happily ever after it gave her an endless abyss of pain.

But who was she?

Maybe a SIL.....?
SIL to Shivika who had laden a heavy load on those tender arms. And had left in the hope of safeguarding the family but what they failed to realize that their dysfunctional family was too wild to be tamed by Ri apparently being birdie. Cause' everyone was heavier and bolder than her. And everyone's opinion mattered except her's.

A best friend or more of a sister to Anika with whom she could have a tête-e-tete and tell about all her romantic tales .

But what she failed to realize, too oblivious in her joy were two things. One she had left a heartbroken family behind. Two she was just adding salt to Ri's wounds because everyone girl dreamt of a happily ending so did Ri.. every girl dreamt of prince charming. But her prince charming was more like a mirage in the desert.

Each time she wanted to savour him and his love he made her realize he was just an illusion a claim that exsisted but was never there..

A sister to Shivay whom she had wrapped around his tiny finger by her innocence. That brother seemed to be lost. He hadn't even cared to contact her. But she shouldn't expect anything from him.

When her own husband failed to meet her expectation.. she had no right to expect from anyone. Expectations were the worst kind of drug she realized when one tried to stop expecting it hurts like hell. She never had been addicted to expectations as far as she could remember but meeting Om taught her to expect..

SIL to Rudy whose entire world had been shaken when his brother abandoned him for apparently his own good . She had never seen him so mad with rage.. it seemed like her Shankerji had opened his third eye and he was on the way to destroy the world..

This was one thing common about the brothers she realized , their wrath.. She had broken down seeing him break down but she had gathered herself up and took care of him .

Like her mother took care of her when she was in better health, she had a vague memory of that.. all she could remember was mothering her mother not that she regretted that. Not an inch to be honest.

The hillarous part of life was she was always there to mother people around her. But no one was around her to mother her . And she had to always mother people who were elder to her be it her mother or Rudy bhaiya .

But who was she?

Maybe a DIL.. ??

DIL to Tejvi who was more than a saving grace for them . For Jhanvi at the beginning she was unacceptable but when she realized that this woman had the guts to show their son who they failed, the truth, the mirror, she accepted her . The woman who picked up their broken son and fixed him. The woman who picked up their broken son and taught him to love and live.

For Tej she seemed more of a bridge who joined the two sides of a abyss. She was the silver lining in the dark clouds, a woman who would help him connect with his son But was their love unconditional for her? She doubted or was she a mere tool with whose help they want to bring back the equilibrium of their shattered family.

DIL to Shanky Shakti being a man of few words or to be precise no words, who is just a mute spectator who sees all but speaks nothing or rarely a man who failed to tame his wife. Ain't capable of anything great or maybe an undiscovered treasure. It ain't necessary even to tame her, but he should've made it clear to her about her limits. Only if he was gutsy enough .. but Alas!! It doesn't seem so ... Maybe somewhere he admired Ri for being courageous but never had the guts to either acknowledge nor appreciate her because he was man who feared his wife.

To pinky she was a mere reflection of herself but only in one sense that she was as uneducated as her. But she kind of envied Ri for being street smart and being able to win people's heart in a jiffy . But she had to strive for acceptance.. so she never left a chance to taunt her because she wanted her or break down. But she failed to realize how strong she was. Because she was a warrior a victorious warrior in the battles of life. She had learned her lessons and she knew how to fight the battle well . She hated Ri because she was a Shivika shipper but that wasn't the major reason . The major reason was personal she envied an apparent image of her who was better than her.

DIL to Daadi Daadi maybe a huge believer of Ishqbaazi was maybe still somewhere conventional in her way of thinking not her fault though. Loves her billu and Anika a lot. She loves OmRu also. But like all she has her favourites. She's too lost lamenting about her loss. That she has failed to realize who is she. Kalyani Singh Oberoi the eldest of all the family head and if she wants she can tighten the reins of the family. The value of Gauri for her is very confusing. And hypothetical... For a number of reasons. Maybe she was just a charity case? Maybe she just accepted her because she thought that she could bring back the family equilibrium like Tejvi.. but when it came to acceptance since Shivika's departure .. For her Shivika were the light to this family.. especially Anika being the bahu she failed to realize that if Anika was the light to family, then Ri was the oil which helps the light burn properly. She let Ri carry the burden and brunt of the dysfunctional family..

BUT... Who was she?? a wife she wasn't sure. When she wasn't sure about the her position of being his wife. Then with what right could she claim being a DIL or SIL to the Oberoi family?

One thing she knew for sure was that she is a warrior. In fact a tired worn out warrior wanting some rest and when she thought she had found her safe haven life mocked at her again. As a child she was a girl trying to find a place in this world. As a woman she was woman trying to find a place in this world. The title Gauri Singh Oberoi had given her a sense of relief. That finally she had found a family which she never had. Not that her mother wasn't her family but Gauri Kumari Sharma was a name she knew which wasn't hers but Gauri Singh Oberoi is a name which she could claim as hers or so she thought. But she realized it was just a claim... All she craved was for a place to call home. She felt HIRAETH

They all failed to realize she wasn't an ordinary birdie. She was a phoneix. She was Dabang Gauri. She was a phoneix. And if the phoneix decided to rise from the ashes, it would burn like none before and consume all who tried to consume her because this time the phoneix will know no mercy..

Ps- that's the prologue for now .. for those of you who don't know what HIRAETH( it's a Welsh word) it means homesickness for a home to which you can't return, a home which maybe was never was, the nostalgia,the yearing, the grief for the lost places of your past.. will be waiting for your suggestions and cmnts .. will update it soon

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