Part 12

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A lady with a big baby bump is breathing heavily on a bed in her house
Trying to open her eyes and not to shut it down mainly while giving birth

Where is my husband??

He is out of station..He will come soon.Please cooperate with us

She nodded and trying hard to breathe while pushing the baby bump with her hands

I think we need to go for cesarean

One of the doctors suggested making her fear

I need my husband with me now please

He is not here majesty

She badly wanted him
She wanted to share her fear
She needs him beside her as he is the one who can take her all the pain just by his presence around her

But he is no where to be seen
Her heart is beating for his presence
Her eyes were getting wet for his glimpse
Realizing it's her last few hours her heart is bleeding for him

Where are you Rana sa?

She mumbled it to herself

While doctors were trying to inject anesthesia

Don't,I want it to be normal

It cannot possible

No I know my  motherly instinct....Ahhhhhh.... is telling it is going to be a normal.Please listen to me

Doctors nodded and asked her to push the baby

She tried until the last minute

Your baby is too stubborn Rana sa

She murmured and again never lost her hope atleast until giving the birth

As baby is her love
She wanted to introduce the world to her baby

She can turn into a women by becoming a mother

She wanted to be the mother of the baby

Mother a single word with in number of emotions
Never you can find the true love like the mother serves it to her kids

She laughs with her,she cries with them
Everything she does only for her children

A women can be cunning or notorious but a mother can be no evil

Purest form of love in the whole universe

Just a single  look on their face a mother can easily conclude the reasons behind their sorrow
She is the one who protects from the evil

She is obviously a super women

Not only humans but also the animals being the mother always proves they are the greatest creatures

Every women wanted to be a mother to give a new life like the one who is fighting now

Lady in the delivery got her breathe by listening to the sound of her baby's crying

Congratulations Mrs.Anika Raghbir Shekhawat you are blessed with a baby boy

She had happy tears hearing the statement
After cleaning the baby they handed it to her

She kissed the baby forehead

Her health is bit stable but her heart is saying something gonna happen for sure but ignored it in the happiness of the joy in her life

As the due date of her delivery has few days left
Raghbir planned to stay with her all the time but couldn't due to some issues in the kingdom

Unknown to her everything is pre planned and without her concern someone injected some harmful drug into her body

Within sometime someone asked to feed the milk to the baby

If she ever knows that the drug influences her just born baby she would never get ready to feed the milk

Every mother love to feed their baby like she did

Unfortunately the first feed had became the last feed to both mother and son

Within the seconds both mother and son lost their breathes and died

Everything is already scripted by the evil minds so nothing to worry about the ways to cover up the situation

They practically made everyone believe that both mother and son died during delivery in the mansion

Sadly no one questioned as the one who betrayed is a very experienced and trusted doctor's of Shekhawat hospitals


Raghbir's pov:

Everything moved infront of my eyes
Memories were 3 years old but still the feelings and guilt is very fresh

I left anika assuring her I will be back within sometime

I never know that will be the day that I can look at her

Partially I was the reason  for her and my baby's death

If I stayed beside her she will be alive beside me with our baby

We can together grow up the baby
Both dreamt of a beautiful life but nothing remained the same after her departure

Her arrival is like a flower rain on me

Her departure is like a huge cyclone hit on a prone area

Raghbir!!Take this kit

Jeevan handed me the pregnancy kit to me as from meera's behaviour I can say she is pregnant

I can just check her but I don't want to make it a big issue in the kingdom atleast for now

I nodded my head thinking about my past and present

Raghbir!!Please don't bring the bitter memories

It was never a bitter memory jeevan. It is my only memory

You can create new one only if you want to come out of it

I never wanted to come out of it but I will make sure my baby gets all the love which will be always in my memory.I will not let my same mistake happen

You never did any mistake Raghbir. At that time unfortunately no one of us around her.But still our doctors tried hard to save her

But now whatever I will not let Meera or baby to suffer

I know you wont let meera to suffer.But as a friend I want you to be happy raghu.Give a chance to life

I'm okay jeevan dont worry

Raghu!!Why don't you give a chance to Meera?She..

Stop it jeevan....

I yelled at him for his suggestion

Look jeevan.I made it clear I will never fall for anyone as I only love anika.No one in the world can make me fall
Not even Meera.She will be just a surrogate mother as well as a biological mother to my child but never she can take my anika's place.Not even in anyone's dream
My baby will get both mother and fathers love only from me.Meera will be leaving after the year

I once again stated the same statement but this time the last line made me hurt

Ignoring the hurt I left to mansion
Meera's pov:

Rana sa left but the anklet never left my mind as it made me suspicious

What it can be?

He murdered someone and brought the anklet with him?

Shutup Meera
What he will do with that anklet?

May be his girlfriend?

Who is that bitch?

Wait why are you getting angry with the thought of his girlfriend


Since last few days I'm acting like a mad women who ran away from asylum

Waiting for his arrival and staring at him like a creep all the time as if I'm a psychopath

If he finds it then he will throw you out saying you are doing some black magic on him

Ofcourse you don't give a shit to him but he is very powerful that with a single snap you will be out of the world

No risks
But if there is no risk there is no life

His life is more mysterious than some horror film

I want to ask that my new born sorry now 3 weeks brother jeevan but that fellow wont answer anything without the permission of my head tempered sorry temporary husband

Actually it will be better if I call him head tempered husband

His attitude and everything what not but he is too good

He always cares for me

Note meera not he is careful about you but your health as you need to give birth to a baby

But why cant he care for me?

He do
His eyes have some concern which can fill my heart

Meera when did you started feeling these so cheesy lines?

I'm sure because of his stupid medicines side effects you are behaving like this

I need to research on those medicines too

I mean I dont know but I have some feelings for him but I'm not sure

Let us wait my dear monster husband

Self obsessed Rana sa

Meanwhile I will search this mysterious room for the anklet as I have seen him changing the shirt

Oh corrupt mind just shirt nothing more

Everything in the room of the big castle is now kissing the floor as the prince consort is searching for something

She is surveying every corner of the room

Walls of the room wondering what happened to her?

But her eyes caught a red cloth covering a frame

She has forgotten what she is searching for

She is so curious to know what got hidden on the back of that red cloth so they kept it so precious

She have seen her twelve months husband staring it for hours

Her cotton like hands itched to drop that red cloth

Her hands were about to clear the obstacle to find the answers for her questions gushing in her little brain but a voice made her flinch

What are you doing???

Masculine voice dictating anger and frustration

It is the prince Raghbir Shekhawat


He reached her and caged in between the wall

She is jiggling in between his monstrous body and a chunky wall

His aura is alone enough to certify him as the heir of the great Shekhawat's who decided to act strict becau
Of his conversation with jeevan

I never like people touching my things.Learn to be in limits. understand?

His significant voice ecoching her ears but his brown eyes were dragging her attention more

Her uneven breaths clearly explains how much he affects her

Answer me

Again his voice made her lips shiver and blink her eyes trying to grasp what he is saying

She just nodded her head as she already got hypnotized by his eyes

But this time his eyes got lost in her beautiful lotus eyes

Brown colour eye balls making her look more  alluring

Beast with the beauty💕💕

A huge wind hit them

Her long beautiful hair which smudged on her face made his heart skip beats

Where her tender hair strands kissed his lips

All thanks to the wind flowing in the room

He looked at her big eyes,small nose,baby lips with slight pink and reddish shade

His eyes praised at his choice

He cursed himself at the very next minute for gawking at other women and for claiming her as his choice

As the wind cleared the red cloth which is suffocating the frame from a very long time

His soft eyes were back to its robust appearance

He looked at the frame with guilt before leaving the room

She looked at the frame which made him change within seconds only to find a graceful lady giving a perfect meaning to the word beauty

Hello guys!!!
Happy mother's day to all the women out there

As giving birth is not only the sign of the motherly nature as every female creature have the motherly love residing in her every nerve

So every one happy mothers day

So on this big day I tried to show how a mother feels it while giving birth
I know I couldn't picturize well but I tried my level best forgive me if I did any mistakes

Our story main base is mother so here is the mothers day why not a update?

So here is the chapter enjoy

Give me your valuable opinions

Lots of love indebited❤❤

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