Part 15

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Raghbir's pov:

Not even a day threats started
It may look like a happy note nah it's a threat
Same happened when anika got pregnant

Then surprisingly even before we announce it officially we heard wishes from money

But we did not doubted much

My gut is not ready to accept everything is fine

I'm taking more care than ever now

In all the pressures I can't hold my eye balls to stop looking at her

I lost my temper when she doesn't want anyone to know about the marriage
Moreover that guy would feel hurt it seems

It pricked and made me to get blasted on her but I don't know the reason behind my arrogance
But her answer made my senses to knock down

Meera is just a random girl whom I met a few days ago

Then why the hell I'm giving this priority to her

What matters to me when she didn't want to inform?

She is right

This marriage is anyway a sham marriage

Raghbir Shekhawat just get a point into your head

M.E.E.R.A   I.S   J.U.S.T   A S.U.R.R.O.G.A.T.E  M.O.T.H.E.R

I need to inform her about security and all

She need to be more attentive now

Meera's pov:

I got dumbfounded by his actions

He acts weird man

How can he just change within seconds

Not even weather changes this quickly but this man do it

Ufff day by day he is getting on my nerves

I'm hell irritated and on the top this portrait and the anklets I  never found any solution to it

To add on my miseries raja matha everyday she do some or the other pooja saying it's for welfare and drag me into it

Helplessly I would respect her beliefs however she is doing it for my baby

While I was again in my dream land I saw Rana sa coming back with two people who stood near the door

What's the matter?

Did he bring those to protect himself from me?

Few days back I thought to kill him not now

I have a sort of good feel on him

Poor rana sa he is scared of me

But meera don't you think you are thinking more about him

He cleared his throat



I looked at him

Oh my God I heard about some new virus

Did he got attacked


I will save him

As a wife it's my duty

Ofcourse an year

Atleast for an year I should take care of him

You have cold?Let me ask leela to bring some medicines

He looked at me as if I had losted my mind

Is this a symptom?

Oh no i must call jeevan bhai

Meera!!What happened?Why are you behaving weird?

Not me it's you.New virus spreaded through all the city so I think you got attacked...That's why you cleared your throat

He gave bewildered look at me and murmured something under his breathe

I only heard Dumb girl...

Why he always give me new names

Cant he constrain to one?

Meera!!!I'm fine and I cleared my throat to gain your attention nothing much...

He answered acting very patiently by stressing every word as if I'm irritating him

Royal people and their attitudes

I will not let it happen to my baby

Meera!!!Please all the time don't go to that wonder land if I clear my throat all the time like this everyone will think i got attacked with virus.So listen

I nodded my head

I allotted bodyguards to you they will escort you all the time.If you need anything you can call them

I don't need I'm not a kid

He looked frustrated but who cares when he tries to rub his useless rules on me

I'm a strong women I don't need anyone for my safety

He signalled them to leave and pulled me into the room

What do you think of yourself?

What did I do Rana sa?

You shut up..listen you need bodyguards now.You are still an immature kid so they will be with you?

Do I look like a kid?

I'm not immature

Why do you always think I'm some immature girl

Sorry you are deaf right
I said
You are an immature kid

I huffed in anger pouting my lips

A smile formed on his lips but I'm not going to melt now

He pulled me through the shoulders

Meera look at me

No I wont look as you called me immature kid

I won't call.Will you please turn?

Will you?

He nodded his head and asked me to sit on the bed

We belong to royal family we have many threats so you need to take care of yourself. As you are pregnant now it is impossible for you so listen better keep those guards with you
They will protect you.They can listen all your talks too if you want I will instruct him

Then why can't you stay and listen?Why are you leaving me then?

I seriously want his company

Dont know from when I started enjoying but I loved his company

His body stiffened when I just said those last words

Why he changes so quickly?

From tomorrow they will be on duty..

He ordered in his stern voice

Rana sa please I don't want them.I feel very uncomfortable. You can ask me anything I can do it but not this


He mummed for a while and he looked at me with a smirk

What he is up to?

Will he ask me to kill anyone or asks me to become a serpent or werewolf?

Oh meera you should think twice before you say anything

I believe he won't take my advantage but still

Hello Ms.Dreamer can you please tell me when will you give me your appointment

He asked with utter sarcasm

His nuts got loose?

For a minute he act all cool and good but the very second arrogant and sarcastic

I can't understand this man

Tell me Rana sa

So are you sure you can do anything that I want you to do?

I meekly nodded but I fear this monster is not so easy to handle

He passed me a file lying on the table

Why didn't I observe it till now?

I found my official pregnancy reports

But now what should I do with it?

Oh please have look at the last page my royal lady

My eyes popped out looking at the last page

With my horrified face I saw his wide smirk on his handsome face

Can I punch on his face

I just hope he is not serious


Why god???

What I have done that you are doing it with me?

Raghbir's pov:

Her funny face is worth watching

She is looking damn cute

I know she gonna freak out looking at her excercises and diet chart

Never expected her this reaction

Did she lost her voice??

Are you serious Raghbir ?
Day by day you are turning like Meera

I nodded my head innocently where she nodded in denial

Rana saaaa!!!

She almost yelled at me with glares
Not in my  whole life I never got yelled or glared by someone  but look at this little lady with a rabbit sized body tries to boss me around

Deal is  already done madam!!

I smirked more to earn a tempting pout and stomping foot

So from tomorrow morning you will be getting up for walk and yoga
Then you will eat all healthy food

I shook the body which is almost lifeless
As it didn't budge I removed the comforter

Meera!!Its time get up!!!

She didn't move then I saw her long soft legs with anklets

Anklets take me to some other world without any connection

Without any warning I started tickling on her feet which is so smooth making her move

What is this???

She again brought the comforter over her now covering her legs

You need to go for a walk and then mediation too

She didn't reply then again I shook the sleepy head

Can we start it from tomorrow after asking rajamatha for perfect muhurth

Meera!!Get up we need to go to the temple too

It's around 9 not now

This girl won't listen in this way

I will get you panipuri if you get up now

With a sudden jerk making me flinch she sat on the bed with her messy hair like a owl nest

Now you got up.Get ready

Will you really give me?

What do you think?

Her exciting smile turned to a frown

Are you joking?

May be

No you aren't

She stated with a cry baby face

Everyday you should get up at this time

What about my pani puri?

If you follow all according to the diet chart I will think about it

She nodded and left to the washroom for morning routine

Within few minutes she came and we both together had a walk in the garden

No one till date accompanied me for the walk
It's just me alone who enjoys the morning life

Early morning fresh air will get you peace which nothing can give

We sat on the ground

I started instructing her about meditation and its uses

I closed my eyes for practicing the meditation knowing this girl will do something uneven

If not then she is not meera


Meera's pov:

He closed his eyes after explaining everything and ordered me to follow the same

I can't do these all

My baby too don't like it

Right baby!!

I acted as if I closed my eyes and looked at the monster man beside me who is doing his meditation

He looks so peaceful and calm

His face is so clean and clear as if he spent hours in a parlour

My hands itched but my mind pulled me back not to touch him if I don't want to get murdered early morning and to dispose my body in the raj Mahal's garden unknown to anyone

I closed my eyes but I couldn't do it for more than 3 seconds so I opened my one eye and tried to look at him

There is no such meditation that you can open your one eye and look at the others Meera

Does he have extra eyes?

I can't even properly see with my two open eyes then how come he can see with his closed eyes

Meeru are you sure you didn't marry a vampire?

What do you think?You married a vampire?

Again extra ears too???

Something is fishy

You have 3 options



3.Were wolf

If anyone knows it please tell me

Who is Rana sa

I don't think he belongs to human clan

Hello guys!!

I hope you liked it

So help meera now choose any option  you feel like🤣🤣🤣

Now the most awaiting chapters gonna come soon

Caring rana sa along with his attitude 🤣🤣 and our drama queen meera🤭🤭

So wait for my next update

Until then tell me how did you feel about the update

Lots of love indebited❤❤❤

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