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Author's pov:
Hey those days were so beautiful that even now if I get a chance i would relive them once again

Charitha said lovingly recalling their days where Raghbir had a pleasant smile and Meera have awful scowl on her face

Raghbir and Meera reached her place for the meeting
To which charitha ensured them to collab with her friends ad agency in the call before the meeting for promotions

Even before the meetings to proceed charitha started reminsing their days
Where meera is getting furious

She glanced at her husband to find if she's is the only one who's getting irritated with this unexpected reunion but to her dismay as expected he's happily enjoying her barking showing his 32 teeths as if he is a model for a toothpaste company

Cursing internally Meera zoned out of the conversation until Ranasa asked her something


R:What will you have Meera?Cherry is offering you something

She looked at charitha who is waiting for her to order something

I would prefer her blood Rana sa...

M:No thanks Rana sa.I won't eat much at guests place

Raghbir narrowed his eyes at her as for the first time in the period of 3 months she said No to food which is surely surprising him

C:Its fine Meera. If you want anything please feel free to ask

To which meera gave her best fake smile she could ever give

Raghbir seriously got amused with her behavior and noted to ask her later

C:Raghu!!!Can we go with lime tea like old days?

He nodded at her and started discussing about the project and the ways of promotions

C:I'm sorry raghu..Its all because of my father.I will do everything I can to help you

Charitha held Raghbir's hands and expressed her concern

Meanwhile lime tea had reached the table and taking it as a chance Meera pushed the hot lime tea on the charitha's free hand

Charitha started crying in pain where Raghbir asked for ice
Meera felt bad for her attitude towards cherry but the very next minute she have witnessed Raghbir putting ice on her hands,being touchy with eachother nothing but added fuel to her fire

While meera is loosing her patience she pulled the ice pack from Raghbir's hand and tried to put it on charitha's hand to soothe her pain for balancing the mischief but unknow to her insecurities and development of feelings on her contract husband made her press the injury more

M:I'm sorry I didn't do it on a purpose. Really sorry barrie(buffalo in telugu)!!!

Charitha got shocked to hear the new word barrie

Breathing heavily with the pain she asked what is meant by barrie

M:Um....I...I mean barrie means wonderful and beautiful

Meera answered while biting her tongue

R:I think we can discuss it later cherry.You can take rest

C:No raghu..I'm okay now.We can continue the meeting

R:Are you sure??

C:Yes I'm don't worry

While the meeting continued for some time in between meera's suggestions and all

C:Let's go for a shoot.We will plan it outdoor and my friends team will be joining us

R:As you wish but I need it to be perfect

C:Keep trust in me.I will take care.So I would prefer to shoot it near some dams for the realistic feel purpose what say

R:I think that's a good idea.We will go with it

C:So we will go to south India as it will be like a trip as well

M:That's amazing. South has it's own flavour when it comes to tourism.I will join you

Unlike other statements of charitha it didn't irk Meera but instead made her jump in excitment

R:No you aren't going Meera.

Meera's face fell as if a 3 years old babies doll has taken from her

C:Why not raghu?She's excited.Let her come na.She will enjoy

For the first time in their meet with charitha,Meera felt like hugging her and guilt of hurting her resurfacing

R:No cherry.Shes pregnant. Its harmful to her and our baby too.So I would prefer her not to join

Our baby sent jitters in her tummy but she controlled herself by planning and plotting to join the trip

M:But you are going na.If you will be out of the city then who will take care of me?

Meera tried to raise her logic but answer from Raghbir left her in shock

R:Im not going too.

C:Raghu!!!I think you need to join my team atleast for 2 days as you need to check if everything is going according to your will

R:I believe your firm cherry.By the way where are you going?

C:Actually I have to cover some news near Hyderabad. So I wanted to reach out the dam in Andhra

M:Andhraaaaaa.Oh my God then why can't you go to dhowleshwara barrage?Its very near to my home town

Meera pushed rana sa and went near charitha to request her meanwhile leaving her husband in annoyance

C:That's a great idea.

Meera tried to jump in happiness but firm hold of rana sa on her arms stopped her

R:We will take leave for now.Thank you

C:Umm raghu!!!Please join us.Its been a while since we had a trip.You are always been busy in your kingdom or hospital. Why don't you join?Let us call jeevan and his family too


M:You are brilliant charitha. That's so cool...

C:So sweet of you Meera. So Raghbir you are joining us no arguments please

Charitha put her best puppy face again irked Meera but what's the thing irked more is her Rana sa melting at the sight by smiling at her

Meera starting coughing heavily dragging their attention towards her where charitha hurriedly passed the water to her

R:See this is why I don't want her to join

Meera aborted her coughing session as the plan might backfire her

C:Please raghu!!!You can't deny the fact that you are needed for it

Pausing for a while Rana sa nodded his head making Meera squeal in happiness

R:Wait!!!I'm going Meera you are not gonna tag along with me.Its just a day

M:Rana sa!!!!This is unfair.Please

R:No more arguments let's leave

Meera looked at charitha who is passing pitiful looks to her

Charitha glued Raghbir before leaving making a person lose her patience

Charitha hugged him again and again forgetting his jealous wife

Eventhough continuous touches from cherry made Raghbir uncomfortable but watching jealous Meera is such a good site for him

Meera's pov:

What a great fate Meeru?You gonna let this curry face to spend some quality time with your handsome husband
No ways. I'm not letting you go with her Ranasa

Stomping my foot I sat in the car not even paying the glance
But meeru wait this time try something new
Use your beautiful words make him accept to tag you

Taking deep long breaths I looked at Rana sa who is driving with a poker face

Can't he smile?
He smiles at that Burris like a Colgate model but now .......

Wait what if he smiles at me then his handsome face will be snatched and replaced with a dragon face?
Is that a curse?Like beauty and the beast?

Not that I don't like staring if he changes because he's my khadoos husband who always wishes and does the best for all

God but please don't let his face change into some dragon's face

R:It won't

I got startled with his voice and looked at him with  confusion

R:From now on learn to speak it in your heart....

I widely gasped at him for revealing the piece of information about my foolishness

R:By the way thank you for the compliment Meera

Rana sa smirked at me with a sly smile again creating butterflies in my stomach

I blushed and before making it as more embarrassing for myself by turning into a tomato I averted my face towards the window

Meera you are forgetting about your plan

Let's excute

M:Rana sa!!!Stop the car

R:What happened Meera?Are you okay?Should I take you to hospital?
Wait I will take U-Turn

M:I'm fine Rana sa....Don't worry

He raised his eyebrows still with the same worry in his eyes

Hayeee how cute

What's happening?Concentrate

Clearing my thoughts

I pointed towards the seller in the streets to which Rana sa widened his eyes in shock

M:Rana sa

I called him but there no response from my majesty

With no other option I pinched him which made him to shout

R:Ouchhhhhh!!!!What is this Meera?

He glared at me where I blinked my eye lids where he just stared into my eyes
Again reopening the zoo in my tummy

I just wanna count how many times he will close his eyes just by looking at him for all the life time

Meera!!!!Where you are getting these cheesy lines

First bring that poor soul into the Earth

I cleared my throat and again pointed towards the shop to which my dearest husband scowled at me and kept his cold hands on my warm forehead sending shivers through my spine

Meera I think you need to join in asylum
Why these all things are happening to me?

It is completely new to me
Why Rana sa?Why?

R:I think there is no fever...

M:Did I inform you anything that I'm suffering with fever

To which he nodded his head in No

M:So please stop being a doctor atleast for a while and be a good husband

I think there will be a news tomorrow stating a girl died with her loose tongue

I'm sure the one who died is none other than the sweetest of all Meera Raghbir Shekhawat

Rana sa smirked at me while raising his eyebrows

M:Rana sa!!!Go and buy na

R:Are you sure?Like I can't believe it's you I mean you are asking me to buy fruits for you?

M:Yes Mr.Raghbir Shekhawat I wanted to eat please bring it for me.Will you please go and bring or shall I make my own move?

I asked him with a pout to which he chuckled

R:Okay madam!!!I will bring it for my wife.Your sevak is on duty

He dramatically bowed infront of me and went out where I was a blushing mess just by the word wife rolled out of his mouth

Fruits are something which I would happily avoid it but since my pregnancy Rana sa didn't even let my single day without fruits

I saw him bringing baskets of fruits and putting in the back seat

I can't imagine myself eating those all fruits

I will be the first one who will die because of eating alot of food

Rana sa smiled at my nervous face and passed an apple towards me to eat only after washing it through his mineral water

Rich guys I say

Come on Meera!!!
If you don't want your innocent handsome husband to stay with that witch you need to do it

Ofcourse it's like crossing your lovely rules of not loving anything other than pani puri but it's for your Rana sa right meeru

Don't worry

Mission is on

Now you can't say No to me Rana sa
See how my charms will work on you

I will make sure you will take me along with you

Hello guys!!!

How are you?

My exams got completed I will be giving frequent updates

So I will try to pace up my both stories

Really I'm sorry for getting you on your nerves with my late updates

And i need your honest answer


Soon you will get your updates and please give your opinions about the chapter

Lots of love indebited❤❤❤

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