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Long chapter ahead:

48 hours ago:
Plan-B execution

Raghbir's pov:

I was in a meeting where things were going smooth after ditching my lovely wife's excellent plan-A

I wrapped up the meeting in the meeting hall of my factory and left to my cabin

My official mobile rang where major times my assistant handles

What when did sir said that?


Wait let me ask sir regarding this and will call you soon

I looked at him to finish the call and waited for him to start

Sir!!!That call is from women's protection and welfare N.G.O they are telling us that someone called on your behalf that you will give some appointment to them for discussing about the improvement of the Jaipur

What???I didn't even thought about that.Who can call them and say on our behalf?

Sorry to interrupt sir but I wanna say something sir

Yeah carry on

Sir they looks so adamant and the women's welfare does not only belongs to jaipur but also whole rajasthan. It will be better if we take time and give an appointment

I'm not having any second thoughts regarding the appointment if my schedule is compromising then I'm okay as I'm intrested in helping and interacting the charity's.I'm just thinking who can be the one called us on their behalf

We don't know sir.We can find it out soon

Again mobile started ringing and I gave my nod to fix an appointment so he left the cabin and I got immersed in my work as there is no specific surgery in hospital to attend

Within an hour I saw him back with a panick struck face but looking at me he recovered soon

Anything serious Mr.Mukesh??

N...Nnnn..No sir.
Um....Sir I fixed an appointment


I again started checking my file meanwhile he started leaving the cabin

Mr.Mukesh!!!At what time did you put the appointment?

He cleared his throat

Tomorrow morning 8:00am sir

Where did you put the meeting?
I mean its hospital or office?

What's wrong with him?
He's gulping alot with sweat even when air conditioner working well

S..Sir I...I mean s..sir tomorrow at your mahal

Mahal???Why did you put there??I told you never fix any appointment in the Mahal for security purposes

But sir we do not have any free schedule. So with no other option we put it in the mahal.Hospital they can't come because of the spread of infections

I thought for a while thinking if it's a plot but i can't risk when meera is pregnant

Make sure you change the place of the meeting

Okay sir then we will shift it to the office

He nervously left the cabin but somewhere I felt something is fishy

Day ended after completing most of the works but some were pending so I need to stay for some more time
I informed all the workers and employees should leave as it comes under overtime moreover according to law there are some limited working hours mainly factories has only 12 hours working rule

If we ask them to work over time without pay that's something can be called as illegal

I reached mahal and entered to hear laughs from the dining hall only to see aap ji sa and meera laughing their asses off

I narrowed my eyes as I expected her to try new ways to make me agree but here what I see is completely different

Did I miss anything??

She's again laughing showing her 32 teeth with dimples
Her smile is flawless

When I was busy at staring her I saw her looking at me that's when I observed all the heads in the dining hall turned towards me

Raghu!!!You are back???

Aap ji sa questioned me

Yeah aap ji sa

Come sit with us...Meera is sharing about her college experiences. You too sit

I sat there looking at her where she royally ignored me

Why the fuck is she ignoring me?

Meera look at me

Stop laughing at your own lame jokes

Meanwhile I saw leela brought so many pani Puri's and kept infront of them

I saw all the love symbols flying from Meera's eyes towards panipuri's

Stupid puri's I wanna crumble them with my palms
They are getting more attention than me

I once again glanced at her only to find her ogling towards the pani puri

You know sasur sa!!!We used to have a competition in our college
In 60 seconds if a person completes 10 puri's then he can have free pani puri for all the week

And I know you always used to win

I finished the statement by rolling my eyes

Yes sasur sa...I'm the first one to eat all at a time but sometimes my friend abhi too.I miss him alot.

Now I won't even think about taking you to Andhra

Forget about requesting even if you roll on the floor then too I won't take

Abhi it seems abhiiiiii

So how about competition now????

Aap ji sa encouraged her bawli(madness)

No aap ji sa your health doesn't permit

Oh raghu don't be an oldie.Let me enjoy this along with my daughter. Everything is under the control of thakur ji(God)

Atleast no competition just eat some aapji sa

Okay  but today I will eat as many as i want

I couldn't argue much and watched them

Meera is eating all not caring about anything

I doubt how her tummy can handle these many puri's

Leela passed me a few where I ate 2 and felt very good that for a second I don't want Meera to stop eating but as a doctor I shouldn't encourage junk

Enough meera you have had enough stop

Sasur sa...He does this everytime.He scolds me alot

She said with her fake tears where I rolled my eyes once again

What is this raghu??You should never let her cry she's my daughter.

Then what about me aap ji sa??Did you bring me from garbage???

May be

Meera muttered under her breathe where I passed her a glare making her cough

Leela gave her water and my father is patting her head lovingly

My father always wanted a girl child so he's showing so much love and care to Meera

Again she's about to eat then I pulled the puri and pushed the plate away from her reach

Rana sa!!!!

Wow after so much of time she remembered me

You are not eating them anymore...Come

I pulled her towards our room where she tried to get rid of my grip

What's wrong with you Rana sa???You are that vamp in my story who separated me from my love
If abhi stands here he would help me to eat more

Who the fuck is this abhi??

I'm sure I will sew this man if I get to meet him once

Always abhi abhi

I left to washroom with anger building in me

When I came back I saw her reading her text book

Ofcourse she took leave from the college but will write her exam which happened to be after 8 months that is probably after her delivery

She kept a pen on her head with a pout on her face
How can she manage to look adorable all the time??

I reached her and saw she's getting irritated with her mathematics

She looked at me with a new found hope

Rana sa!!I have few doubts can you please explain me?

I saw her pouting once again drawing my concentration towards her lips

I nodded and sat beside her to explain her

She's a quick learner and have a very good knowledge in her subject

No doubt she suggested me the best for the project

When clock ticked 12 I realised it's time to sleep

So I asked to wrap up for today to which she said she's good at studying in the nights rather than mornings but i forced her to do as sleep is most important to her right now

I put my blanket on me but I got weird smell making me to stop the breath then I saw my naughty devil muffling laughs

Oh my devil's plan

I checked the cupboard to find an empty wardrobe

I moved to reduce the air conditioner but I did not find the remote where my phone battery is completely dead to operate through the Technically

Meera!!Where is the remote?

TV remote???I think in the hall

Meera...I asked you about air conditioner

Ohhhhh I don't know

I can sense her evil intentions just by her voice

She's actually planning something against me I need to find before it make me lose war

Raghbir!!!Had you lost your mind acting like Meera talking shit like war and all in 2021

Seriously I had losted it

All thanks to Meera

I was in my own world that's when I heard her speaking

Rana sa!!!Can you please put off the light.I'm sleepy

Where did you hide all the blankets??

I pulled her duvet covering her from head to toe
I saw her messy hair falling on forehead

I don't know

She again pulled blanket on her head

Me pulling and she pushing my hand happened for few minutes then I went away switching off the light

Within sometime I crawled on her bed and pulled the blanket making her startle

I covered myself and slept there on bed looking at her

My blanket....Give me Rana sa

This time she started pulling blanket

Give me one blanket I will give yours back

Can't you go to any other room where there is no air conditioner?

No I can't leave you alone without anyone and moreover if anyone watch us taking separate rooms can cause a gossip

But...I need my blanket back

She pulled the blanket again

I need too

I completely covered myself with blanket

Rana sa!!I gave all blankets for washing

I saw her shivering so without any argument I covered her with blanket and tried to get up from the bed

Suddenly she held my hand

We can share the blanket

No it's fine Meera you sleep I can manage tonight

No rana sa we can share.I won't rape you

We both chuckled and shared the blanket

I was about to slip into the sleep then I felt like Earth is moving only to find Meera tossing uncomfortably

I pulled her towards me where her deer eyes were looking at me with lots of innocence residing in her soul

I closed my eyes and gripped her in my arms tightly

Sleep Meera

She didn't resist more and kept quiet
I started patting her head to make her sleep

Author's pov:

24 hours ago:

After a peaceful sleep Rana sa rubbed his eyes yawning

He looked at Meera who is sleeping on his arms where his hand is on her growing belly
He smiled at her cute little face and bit opened mouth like a baby

He saw a pinch of saliva near her tip of mouth making him laugh at her

He slowly untangled the sleeping panda and got down of the bed

Later he went to clear the curtains and saw the sun rising brightly and  checked his watch to see the time is already ticking 7

He hurriedly got up and started running towards washroom

Not in the past few years after anika's demise there is no history that he's up late

There were many days that alarm didn't work but still he managed to get up early

He found the water supply is off when he tried to bath

Running late making him impatient

He came back and didn't find Meera

He saw a paper slip near the table lamp

Raghbir's pov:

Enjoyed bath without water???
Last night I tossed to switch off your stupid and useless alarm
All thanks to me

I crumbled the paper and shouted at a great pitch making the mansion to shiver

I quickly reached the next room where a washroom is vacant but water supply is off

While I was sulking I heard her anklets sound and saw her fresh I questioned her

If you have your ways I do have mine

With that she smirked and which left made me to pull my hair

I saw everyone got ready except me I wonder what's wrong

I asked maids whose answer helped me

Then to my utter shock every other washroom have proper water supply except our's and adjacent room

After I got ready I checked my watch which is about to tick 9:00am

I wondered why I didn't get any calls then I saw my mobile is in airplane mode

When I put on my phone then my phone buzzed with many notifications

I was seriously pissed off with her this attitude

What if I get a call from hospital regarding any important issue

I saw her talking with leela in the dining hall and I reached her seriously glaring

I signalled leela to leave

Done with playing???You are still an immature girl....Seriously I never expected this type of attitude from you but you proved it wrong

Rana sa...

Shut up!!Dont open your mouth...Do you know if I get any call stating emergency then it would have caused a huge loss.You don't know how it makes you to feel if you loose someone you love

I still remember the time when I put my phone on silent mode later caused a ruckus in my life


I said shut up...Don't you dare to open your mouth.I thought you are different and selfless but for just a trip you planned to do according to your wish irrespective of other circumstances

I yelled at her which made me to see her brimming tears

I don't want to shout at her but today she seriously did something very stupid

My hands were about to wipe the tears on her face I heard her mobile ringing sound

She quickly reached the mobile and passed it to me

Meera!!!Ask rana sa to reach hospital soon.I did not call him as you said you are putting his mobile off and asked me to inform you if anything emergency

Last sentence is like a bucket of cold water poured on my head

She informed jeevan earlier!!!!

Oh Raghbir you did a mistake

I couldn't utter a word but somehow I answered the call and looked at Meera
Who is trying to stop her tears by gulping it


Please leave to the hospital and no need to spend your time with a selfish women who doesn't know the value of a life

With that she left the dining hall
I was feeling too guilty to act as such an idiot

I wanted to lighten up her mood but reaching hospital is very important and forget about the meeting scheduled in the morning with the women protection N.G.O's

After the first half of the day I tried calling Meera to ask her if she ate the food and medicines

She did not answer my call for sometime but when I continously tried then she cut my call and switched off the mobile

I called to the landline of the mahal to reach her but leela attended it and said meera ate and now is sleeping

I felt very bad and the other half went with my gloomy mood

I brought some ice cream and rasagulla(Indian sweet) to her where she will love to eat

I reached my room and saw her studying so I cleared my throat then she looked at me and averted her gaze back to the book

I placed ice cream and rasagulla where she saw and didn't even budge

Eat meera.... I brought it for you

She passed a sweet smile to me making me relieve a bit from my killing guilt but suddenly she shot her dragger look at me so I didn't dare much to speak

She is about to leave the room

I ran towards the door and blocked her way
She stood infront me like a tiny creature

Ofcourse I look so big and she is very small and fragile too

Meera please

She didn't answer and looked at me with a plain expressions

Meera!!Just once please talk to me

She didn't even respond to my plea I heard leela informing us to reach the dining hall

If you don't want me to eat anything I would love to starve myself so in that way you can punish me

She went and sat on the bed

Meera I never intended to...

Look I'm very hungry you can do anything you feel right.If you open the door within five minutes I will eat if not I won't so please feel free and do according to your wish

She looked very stubborn and I don't want her to sleep with empty stomach so
I opened the door and made her way free

I saw her laughing with aap ji sa but not even once she looked at me

My soul is waiting for her one glance but she's not even looking at me

After dinner I pulled her hand even before reaching the room

Meera!!!You can shout on me but don't ignore me.I can't take it


Her question made another question in my heart which I don't want to answer

On the other side her gaze is piercing my body

Answer me

Um..Um...You are...You are responsibility

I saw her expression went more gloomy than I expected

I mean I wanted to talk to you as a human...I mean i want to socialize with you.I...I wanted to be your good friend

I know its the worst reason ever but I couldn't find many more reasons when she's infront of me so I blurted out the shit

She looked at me and left to the room

Room looked so dark according my plan

I carefully pulled her towards the window where I opened the balcony windows

Curtains were flying freely and the moonlight entering the room making it surreal like the beautiful women infront of me....

She looked even more alluring

I sat on my knees and held her hand

I'm sorry meera!!I never thought I would spill something like that
You know I'm such a self obsessed king right. So can you please excuse your this self obsessed Rana sa???

I felt her tears drop on my cheek

I stood up and cooed her in my arms while my hand is wiping her tears

I won't do anything such type again. Please excuse me.You are my little girl don't cry okay...

I hate you so much....You called me selfish and immature...What not you said I don't value anyone's life

She hit on my chest trying to come out of my grip

I'm sorry...So sorry if you want I will hold my ears

I held my ears and stood infront of her

She asked me to do 25 sit ups so I obeyed this fiercy lady

So am I excused???

Excused for now but I will make sure scores to be equal

I'm okay with that madam

Okay for now sleep on the bed.....

Why???I mean...

Ofcourse I wanted to be near her but I shouldn't do it as there's a continuous war between my heart and brain

Today dhobi didn't come.So you don't have any other blanket

Again welcoming a beautiful sleep I slept with her sharing the bed

On the D-Day

As per the rescheduled meeting with the women protective team they reached the mahal

I quickly got dressed and sat in the hall with them

As there is nothing confidential so it is fine to sit in the open area

We are discussing about many points which we need to concentrate in jaipur and other things in my hand

Hello Mrs.Raghbir Shekhawat I'm glad I met you

I heard one of the lady addressing Meera

She passed a smile at them and I was sipping my morning tea

I'm glad you called us for the meeting through your people if not we will never be able to discuss these important issues

I started coughing with the new revelation and Meera looked everywhere except her husband

Oh this is all madam's plan

Interesting understand the sarcasm

Um...Pleasure is all mine

Ohhhh you are so sweet young lady....please join us

Even without any discussion she sat beside me

We discussed many things and the one who is actively participating is Meera

Actually I have few ideas regarding the things that we need to bring awareness to the people about the importance of education of girl child.

She started talking alot about everything like a pro where I just nothing but admired her

I wondered how her peanut sized brain stored this much of information

Meeting needs to end within 15 minutes as I have other things to do

Sure Mrs.Meera.We liked it alot.You both proved not only as a good looking couple but also the most inspirational couple.You both together can bring alot of changes essential to the society.We are glad we met you

We are feeling the mutual

I answered them with a smile and looked at Meera who's smiling looking at them

So why don't you both join us for a campaign in Hyderabad. I think Meera mam knows it as we spoke about it earlier

Campaign in Hyderabad???

Ummm guys!!

Meera tried to divert but a lady is very curious and asked her once again

Yes Mrs.Meera you told us right you saw it in your Instagram.Didnt you?

Yeah I did....

She forced a smile

Okay Mr&Mrs.Raghbir Shekhawat we will take your leave.I expect you both to be there in Hyderabad as I believe you both wanted to take part of such good things and I can't wait Meera mam to include with us

All the ladies left after bidding

I turned to my side to have a look at the master planner but she already left the hall

I saw her pacing in the room

So all it's a plan

Actually true but I seriously wanted to take part in the N.G.O

That's fine but you crossed limit by  calling them?

What to do?I requested and I acted all sweet but I didn't get any response so with no other option I used it as my trump card

What if I still say No??

I will not talk to you and I will make sure I will complain about you to sasur sa saying you did not let me go out not even to my place that's something called harrassment

She smirked at me with a smug face

I was beyond shocked with her criminal mind

Oh my criminal wife you didn't left me with a choice as I couldn't be with you without talking to you

Your rants made me mad may be but if you zip your mouth my ears will bleed

Earlier days I used to feel like my ears will bleed if you speak but now it all changed

Thinking about my life since last 2 days and her blackmail made me to grit my teeth

Okay you can join

I announced making her to jump

That's the plan-B

Longest chapter
If you got bored I'm really sorry

I wanted to write the whole chapter in a single go so that's why its slightly large than my other chapters in the story

Hope you enjoyed

Please give me your reviews...

Lots of love indebited❤❤

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