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Authors POV:

Many young and old women's sitting together in a row

Host called meera on to the stage to deliver the speech

Meera being a witty yet intelligent women went on

My dear young and dynamic people!!!A very happy good morning!!!Today I'm very glad to be part of this organization and thank you for letting me in.With the age and experience of you people I'm nothing but a mere soil particle but also they say sometimes experience can make you more matured than the age can do.With my few experiences i would like to share my journey of life and its lessons.
So I was  very young that I doesn't even know how my father looked like but then my mother used to take care of me.She worked very hard for making me to lead a better life.Being a women is never easy but it cannot be that tough if you start fighting irrespective of the circumstances
Fight for the thing you believe and you deserve.Fight for independence that never makes you feel vulnerable
You may be thinking what this 21 year old lad can preach you that's may be the truth but as I said earlier I lived the most vulnerable life where I had to work and study at the same time because of various reasons.My job at the initial times were due to my issues but later on I started loving it as it did not let anyone to lift their finger on me for being a girl...I married because of love

Meera looked at Raghbir just to make sure he's okay with the statement.
Where he looked a bit perplexed but again realised it's a show to the people

Unknown to her his heart started jumping with the word love which is very new to him after years

I wanted to wait till my studies would complete but because of few reasons I did get married ...not that I need a man but I need myself a peaceful life where I can get the respect and an understanding person who can give me a human support that we all need.
I don't know how many of you were feminists but in my view every man needs women and every women needs man.That is the nature.Human nature which is gifted by God
So both should respect eachother rather than dominating one another
If you find any toxic or abusive relationship feel free to leave.Dont give attention to unnecessary things and resonate yourself with lame excuses.
If you find yourself in a place where you didn't get the deserved attention or respect feel free to leave

Last statement was more like answering someone for their behaviour

Within few minutes she got down the stage and sat beside Raghbir,now whom she treats as her as a partner who came to her with an agreement

Meera is passing smile and talking generally but still Raghbir couldn't take it all because of various reasons as ultimately he's missing that Meera who used to pout,show annoyance and what not

Even while coming to the organization's event she didnt even show a tint of annoyance towards him

While in his thoughts he heard her voice after a great time atleast for him

They are thanking you Rana sa...

She whispered in his ears only to hear few cameras working for taking their picture which were pretty intimate for anyone except for the two hearts

Raghbir looked at her which do not having anything except the void between them... not the nervousness nor the anger  in those expressive eyes that speaks alot but her lips were smiling at him which did not reach her beautiful lotus eyes

Shrugging his thoughts he reached dias and spoke a very few words about his opinions, perspectives and views about women and left the stage
Within an other hour the event has come to end

Meera who even heard the words from few ladies commenting on her age and pregnancy were appreciating her alot right now after hearing her broad thought process

Earlier she was hurt because people were talking about her irrespective of knowing her circumstances it's more like barging into her personal space
But then again the strong Meera didn't let her to take those all into her heart

She smiled at everyone and left the event along with Raghbir

Car travelled along the bushes and trees  reaching the outskirts of the city to reach the temple Birla Mandir.The very famous temple in hyderbad as it is their last day in Hyderabad for this tour

They went inside the temple and prayed for peace that they are missing

While coming back Raghbir looked at the panipuri stall and he started moving towards it...Within his reach of the stall he saw Meera waiting in the car unlike the times she following him mainly after looking at the panipuri stall

He came back to her

Why are standing here?

Car has got locked!!!

She answered looking around the surroundings

That I can see Meera!!!

Then what???Dont expect me to jump into the car without keys

Dont you want to eat panipuri?

Her eyes glistened for a moment but yet again she had her resistance with her



I still remembered the words....
I mean I promised you I wont eat panipuri

Raghbir felt happy hearing her trying to confront with the first statement but again when she continued about the promise or can say terms on which this trip got scheduled....

Yeah but I said only if I asked you too.But now I'm taking my words back you can eat anything if you wanted too

Everything can't go according to your wish Rana sa.I don't want to eat now.So please if you want us to reach in time to pick jeevan bhaiya from airport them lets get started

Raghbir didn't reasoned much but he really wanted her to show her frustration on him....Unknown to him guilt is killing him

When your heart knows you did it all by yourself it will never let you live in peace until you get to know you are forgiven

Getting irritated with the new paths they hosted for themselves Raghbir started his car meanwhile Meera started feeling of vomiting because of the biriyani's she ate for all the days in the Hyderabad along with her pregnancy hormones making it more worst

Without any option she asked him to stop the vehicle and vomited

He held her hair from back and rubbed her back

His bodyguards were following him from back but didn't dare to come near them thinking to give their own moments

Raghbir really felt bad for Meera
He questioned himself for whom is she suffering??

But before that Meera started drinking all the water emptying the bottle making him chuckle

She raised her eyebrows only to get nothing as a nod

Meera's pov:

With the very fresh air from the fields were making me feel good
Every 3 km we are stopping the vehicle for my puking purpose

He checked my pulse and asked his staff to bring few medicines for me

This is why  I asked  not to eat that unhygienic food. Look at yourself what you did it to your health

I heard his voice laced with annoyance and worry

I know this will come and I didn't say anything like the answer I have prepared

I'm sorry I didn't think much about it while eating....From now on I will take care of my food and baby too.Baby will be fine don't worry I will however keep him or her safe

I know if its other time I would argue but I decided to keep myself in my limits
Anyhow I should be careful too before eating

His eyes really spoke something that I couldn't depict but I can see he regretted for whatever he just now said

Meera!!!Im not talking just about baby.Its about you even...This is not you...You will say some or other thing when I ask you to do something why aren't you saying anything?

What's there to say?I did a mistake and I am ready to accept for whatever I feel it's not right

But....Anyhow leave sit inside the car.Its very sunny here

Again with no arguments I went inside the car and rested myself

Since last 24 hours I'm doing the same obeying his words and if suppose i didn't like i would just ignore the words and does what i felt like to do rather than asking for his permission and arguing with him

When I realised I'm nothing to him I felt like something inside me is yelling at me for behaving as a stupid thinking him as my dearest one....But when I got to know the feelings weren't mutual I couldn't think more and do not want to hurt myself

Enough of the drama and now I only and only wanted peace

So this is how my makeover for facing my thoughts and feelings has started

Yes I realised I'm liking that arrogant jerk and if not he didn't confess what he's thinking about me may be by now I  have fallen for him

Such an idiot heart to believe and about to fall for him
I really felt upset after realizing everything but I can't change the past so I'm now resisting my feelings on him

I even threatened my heart not to fall for him and on the top my mood swings were doing no good

I wanted to yell at him may be baby too is supporting me but I can't loose my cool now

Hey meeru!!!!

Jeevan bhaiya!!!I missed you alot

Awwww I missed you too my sister....How's my champ growing in your womb?

He questioned me after hugging me

Growing big day by day and making my moods worse

He brushed my hair and side hugged me

Jeevan bhaiya looked at Rana sa who is grinning and staring at us unlike the times he rolled his eyes

What happened Raghbir?Why are you staring at us?

He nodded his head as no.After putting the luggage in the car we started to the hotel

Meeru!!!I have a surprise for you...Look at this

He showed me a well packed boxes of chocolates probably imported chocolates

I was about to pull them like a monkey for a banana but them I realised that someone doesn't want their baby to get my stupid food habits

You can take it

I looked at Rana sa's face which is with a pleasant smile

His eyes were piercing into mine making me weak

Again I remembered everything he said it to me and then I felt like again being stupid to look into his eyes

I don't want to travel with this hopeless person who doesn't have any clarity

So all the doors were closed my dear heart...By brain throwed those keys so don't try to put your spirits high


I heard jeevan bhaiya's cough to bring us back

Just few kilometers away to the hotel.So please spare me for now

I spared him a glare making him to zip his mouth

After 20 minutes

I went to loo just after getting down the car and couldn't wait even to reach the room

When I came back I saw Rana sa,jeevan bhaiya and charitha speaking to eachother and laughing out loudly in our room

Hey meera!!!

I saw charitha smiling at me


I heard your health is not good...Did you take your medicines?

Yes I did....Thank you for asking

So cherry what's your plan tonight?

I saw Rana sa looking at me while asking her question

Nothing raghu!!!I'm bored if you want us to go we can go

Yeah I'm thinking the same

He's talking to her as if they met eachother after long time
In general he would keep his words only to few topics but today he's speaking alot

Indeed a weird man!!!

That I'm not feeling any jealous

Obviously I would feel but I know when you understand the fact that feelings were temporary there is no need to waste your time by thinking about them or showing it out that you regret later like I did earlier

I started chatting with jeevan bhaiya and asked about malu and aaru who gonna come tomorrow

I'm very much excited to meet both of them as they can be a good company to me

Tonight abhi will be coming to spend sometime with us as it will be the last day for us in Hyderabad and moreover abhi suddenly got to attend a client on behalf of his colleague so obviously we are missing him

I'm getting bored and feeling sleepy with whatever talks they were talking...major problem is absence of abhi and his funny talks I do miss him and now surprisingly charitha too missing him

But whenever abhi's name would come Rana sa will all go close up add to the fevicol advertisement

I really don't understand what is his problem or what's running in his mind

They would say it's hard to understand a women's heart but I think it's not true in all cases because i couldn't understand what is his problem and i can't find that atleast not even in this life time

With my thoughts I didn't have any idea when I slept on the sofa resting my back

I hope you all liked the chapter

I know you have complaints about my late updates I know I have become lazy with my books

You people being the understanding readers didn't push me alot but right now what I believe is if you don't push me or motivate me I couldn't write quick updates

So be on that mission by pinging or commenting and sharing the book and your opinions on the book automatically you will get an update soon

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Thank you

Lots of love indebited

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