Part 31

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The fragile feeling of her lips over his made him to forget everything the surroundings,the circumstances, the world only they can find themselves their souls are craving for eachother

Meera with her hormones being so high intensified it
Raghbir chuckled at her eventhough she started and tried to heat up the kiss but being it as her first kiss it took time to grasp and he pleasured himself to teach her

Like a bright seeker she reciprocated it

Meera raked his hair with her fingers making Raghbir to go all mad

Not his first one for sure but it is giving him jitters unlike the other times
Agreed he felt something in him everytime he got intimated with anika but never felt this kind a emotion in him

The feeling of wanting
The feeling of her breath on his body

Meera was the one to shot up her eyes realizing what has happened because of hormones but Raghbir was in no mood to leave the delicious desert he's having

Meanwhile meera got scared about the outcome of the kiss she absolutely doesn't regret but what if he does that

She never wanted her first kiss to be something out of regret

Mainly after he said he wanted her to be a friend with whom he can share all the pain

Raghbir groaned when meera's lips doesn't move back along with his increased intensed pace

His hands moved from her hips to chin to get her attention like a kid

That's when he felt her growing belly between them

Panting he parted away from her and looked at Meera who's also breathing heavily

Before he can think of what happened between them and judge it accordingly Meera took the chance to make it look better

I know you wanted me to be your friend but my hormones didn't get well with me so I just did what I felt like and I'm really sorry for whatever it has happened without your consent I hope you would not take it in any other way that can become an ice between us and i don't want that to happen

With that she quickly ran into the room as she doesn't want to hear anything like regret and all because all she need is his love right now and she's hell bent on getting it but she also wanted to make sure she shouldn't get hurt by him and call her love as something else

Raghbir got dumbfounded with the happenings he really do not have any idea why did he responded to the kiss and this time surprisingly he do not feel any guilty but the way Meera went away somehow made something unsettled in his heart

Later that night both of them couldn't sleep with the thoughts of eachother

Bright sun gave a chance to bright their present and future by not taking the awkwardness more...

So even without communicating with eachother regarding their brewing sparks they both started speaking casually,beginning be difficult but along the time they were okay

Later meera asked to take her out so with no qualms he just took to the village athreyapuram which is famous for the food "Puthareku"

Meera got hell excited when she looked at how they are making even though she already knew

She tasted the delicious sweet and made Raghbir and others savor it

Evenings near river godavari made all of them to reminisce about their whole journeys

Meera's hair is flying and her baby hairs kissing the cheeks meanwhile Raghbir is stealing glances at her

Meera started playing with aaru forgetting the world where Raghbir never stopped looking at her

Meanwhile a tired Meera slowly started drifting into sleep taking it as a cue Raghbir quickly jumped and made her head fall on his shoulder

Jeevan passed a sly teasing smile towards Raghbir who's busy in glancing the lady snoring loud only to roll his eyes where inside he's blushing like a beetroot

He never understood what has changed between them overnight

The attraction is unavoidable then and now the same attraction which he named is much comforting mainly after the kiss they both shared

He lifted her in his arms and made their way to hotel in the vehicle

Making sure not to disturb the sound sleeper in his arms he held her near the bed and helped her to sleep on the bed

But her tempting lips made him to stare and his mind went off all the way

He tried to shrug off but the glowing women with the pregnancy infront of him is nothing but increasing his stupid desires so giving up he just quickly pecked her lips

Almost he got a mini heart attack with the movement in her body but got relived when again she drifted back into sleep

Raghbir's attention shifted to the pouty lips which were now adourned with a smile probably dreaming about something with that again he leaned to peck her lips

This continued for more two times with him being so close to her

Can I stand on my words?
Can I only be her friend?

Raghbir questioned himself and sighed in defeat when he realised its becoming something impossible for both of them when there is a high spark between them

With a final forhead kiss he left her on the bed to dream something crazy like always she does

Meera's pov:

A soft feeling on my lips same like i read in the novels once again sending shivers to my spine

Am I getting too horny that I'm feeling the same?

Meera stop dreaming about the kiss that you are not getting soon anytime

I slowly opened when someone caressed my cheeks making me to feel ticklish only to look at the deep ocean orbs filled with love

He smiled at me and kissed my cheeks and forehead

Come lets go for dinner everyone is waiting for us

He said in his most soft yet rough voice helping me to turn into a jelly

My body is paining like hell without any reason and my legs were swelling
So I denied saying I'm not hungry but who am I kidding

What???You are not hungry lady dinosaur?

I hit him on his chest and pouted only to hear a chukle from him


Meera!!!Come we will go and eat you need to take medicines baby

He said looking at the popping baby bump and my face

I told you right I'm not hungry

I almost snapped at him sensing something odd he made a place for him beside me and scooped me in his arms slowly massaging my arms and hairs once again he asked me

Adamant man

Curisng him i buried my head more into his chest

So soothing like the warm teddy bear

Meera he doesn't have that claws and all like shown in the discovery channel

May be he can get a pair at 12'o clock
Wait he can even turn into a werewolf too then he will come and mark me?


Yayyyyyy i will be luna and he will be alpha of some powerful pack


I chuckled at my thoughts unlike other times where I normalized it alot

He stopped stroking my hair probably pressuring his brain regarding my giggles

Can you please enlighten me by revealing the reason behind your chuckle?

His chest roared with the voice sending me vibrations

I simply mumbled nothing and breathed his cologne more only to tight his arms around me

What a solace

Can i stay here forever?

Pretty please...

I promise I won't demand for panipuri's too

My babies I didn't even eat any of them because of this stupid man's conditions

With bubbling anger in me i pinched on his chest only to hear him wince

My inner vamp got satisfied and laughed like a monster

He pulled me out of his arms but never left his arms which were around me

What did you do little minx?

I smirked at him and hugged him more

Ajeeb ladki(Weird girl)

I heard him but did nothing as I am enjoying while being in his arms



Come let's go to dinner...

He asked me again only to make me pout

What happened?Do you need anything?

Tell him to stop being so sweet what if i get attacked with diabetics?

On the top of the cherry his vibrating chest making me to think of earthquakes

What if earthquake comes and makes me forget all the memory since my childhood and I can't take any risk

Its okay meeruuuu even you forget anything you can't forget your true love

That is

My panipuri


My legs were paining as if someone is pinning it with hot heated needles


Meera's pov ends

She snuggled into him and buried her head in his warm chest yet once again

So this is their new addiction

Raghbir felt like drinking the fresh water as if he stayed in deserts for years just with the warmth that her chubby body is giving him

His thoughts got wavered hearing her little sobs by wetting his shirt

He got conscious and felt like killing the one who made her cry

Baby!!!Stop crying tell me what happened?Did anyone said anything to you?Tell me I swear I will kill that person

She nodded her head in no and started crying hysterically

Assuming the reasons and planning to prepare a grave for the one he once again asked her

She nodded in no and pointed towards the legs

He got confused but leaving her on the bed he reached her legs which got swollen and now red

He sadly looked at Meera who's rubbing her eyes with fists like a three year old child

Is it paining

She nodded and cried

Don't cry we will heal it okay

As if he's a father he started baby sitting the little kid and kissed both the legs

Pain made her feel nothing but a soothing comfort when his lips touched her legs

Raghbir quickly got up from the place and taken meera's medical kit in which he kept all the necessities

He groaned inwardly for the foolish assumptions as if someone hurted her eventhouh he's around her all the day like a watch dog

He started massaging her legs softly while she's resting on the bed and drifted into slumber again

Lifting her eye lids she looked around the surroundings only to find Raghbir near her legs
She smiled at him thinking

Did she ever imagined to look into this day?

She saw him arranging something on the tray with one hand and other is busy while pressing her legs alternatively

You woke up?How's your pain?

He just jumped on her with concern filled question where she answered him

Look what I brought for you

He showed her the tray which is covered with a cloth

Pulling the tray near she removed the cover only to see her eyes popping out

She saw the most tempting view as her world's favourite dish is here that is


Meera and panipuri is a combination that one can never deny

Looking at her almost out eyeballs Raghbir laughed like there is no tomorrow

She's looking nothing but a 5 year old with all her teeth flashing a grin and eyes about to come out of the socket

Is this for me?

Nooo for me...

Raghbir rolled his eyes and changed his mind for teasing her more


She whined like a kid once again like always

Yes...These are for me...Didn't you remember the deal??

He smirked at her and teased her more

Rana saaa!!!

Yes Rani saaaaaa

He said stuffing the curry into the panipuri cups

Meera huffed in annoyance looking at his ignorance and started thinking to mend him

Out of blue she announced something which made the little cup in his hand to crush into pieces

I'm gonna divorce you and marry the guy who gives me panipuri everyday and ahhhh why not I marry a panipuri seller...Yes ye

Before she can continue with she was stuffed a puri in her mouth which she chewed it happily

This again if you repeat then I will make sure to ban it all over India and then don't blame me

Burning with jealousy he said those words unknown to the fact many were ready to ban him in India if he even tried and Meera will be the one who will plan and execute

Meera looked at him for a while and started her chatter again

Reallyyyyy!!!!When will I get my passport?


Yeah you said you will ban in India right!!!So I will move abroad

Are you for real??

In the months of their marriage he asked her n number of times and recent developments or perks of being with her made him ask the same about himself

She nodded by blinking her eyes as if she's assuring something important

That worst food made your brain cells to stop working...World's worst food ever

Meera punched him on his stomach making him wince

You mad dinosaur lady!!!!Why did you punch me?

Be glad I didn't kill you...How dare you say something to my love?

Meera literally roared like anything

Raghbir muttered curses for being so loud and now getting hit

Meera!!!You can't punch me for sake of just panipuri

He said settling himself on the bed after the punch he got from him untrained perfect boxing wife

For sure her punch is very hard

From where the energy comes to his little minx

He understood well don't underestimate the power of Meera

Now again he got pushed on the bed

He wondered why she's all of a sudden turning out to be a boxing champion making him a boxing bag

She hovered on with big eyes ready to pounce on him

Forgetting the proximity she is sharing with him she started blabbering about her panipuri where as Raghbir's situation is something very different from her

He lost his all the senses with her on the top of him

Literally he felt as if the only sound which is coming is his own heartbeat

Her big button eyes were looking at him doing nothing good

Her lips were moving sometimes with a pout to show her anger or sometimes smiles when she spoke about her favourite food

He started looking at her as if he's ready to eat her raw

She looked at him for no response by narrowing her eyes and again her eyes bulged when she found their compromising position

She's about to move back but he carefully flipped their positions now caging her

With his knuckles he touched her cheeks making to shut her eyes

She bit her lower lip to control her moan

Raghbir freed her lip but replaced with his own

Kissing eachother like there is no tomorrow they both panted for breathe

Meera searched for breathe where Raghbir just immersed his head into her neck breathing her smell

Uncontrollable urge made him to bite on her neck and kissed the same place to soothe the pain obviously that leaving a mark on her

Meera swallowed the lump feeling his actions on her sacred body

He's about to do something but the bump in between them made him to get back to the world

He swiftly moved away from her making a safe distance by not trusting his instincts which are burning with insatiable desires for eachother

He looked at Meera who's struggling to sit and helped her


He cleared his throat more to get his horses on hold

Sitting on the edges of the bed they looked no less than the teenage couple caught after the little makeout

They both doesn't want to talk regarding the burning passion towards eachother until he realises what really it is

He's not dumb to not understand but he's an idiot for not accepting and scared too

Anyways we can't blame anyone except the destiny written by god like always we do

You eat them I will come within few minutes

Raghbir ran into washroom for a shower right now cold one

Meera blushed at the moments they shared while ago


Hello guys!!!

Nothing much about the plot its about the cute little moments between them

So how's it going on

Did you feel bore?

I'm planning to update quickly
So do support me

Sorry for making you wait...

Next update is soon hopefully


With lots of love indebited

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