Part 4

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Author's pov:

A huge palace with darkness surrounded,silence dictating the walls

A man in his late 20s sitting on the old folding chair moving to and fro thinking very deeply while his both hands were in resting on the chair

A man dressed in angarakha(upper garment),dhoti(pyjama),pagri(turban) around his head  stood at the entrance of the door bowing his head

Rana sa!!Raja sa health is detoriating.Jeevan Sab wants you to be in the hospital

Man sitting on the chair nodded his head and stood

Even in the 21st century still the every corner of the Mahal is filled with royal fragrance

Shadow of the man with the strong body walking in a humble way cleared the obstacle for the sun rays which were trying to peep into the room

Curtains dropped revealing the brawny indestructible man height around 6feet,
With hazel eyes,sharp nose,perfectly cut jaw line

All in one go most desirable man

The prince Raghbir Shekhawat

Only son of Raja Hanshraj shekhawat

Other side,
Meera reached Jaipur and settled in a hotel provided by fest organizers

She looked at her mother who is observing the jaipur city

Amma!!What are you looking at?

Jaipur,it is pink city.Royality and kindness is what we find here

Yes amma how do you know?

I know it well meeru

I nodded my head as I don't want her to stress more

This city is so beautiful and famous for its royality even in 22nd century.You must look at the great palaces

Yes amma!!Even now dance fest is organized by royal prince

She nodded her head

I left to fresh up

When I came back I saw my mom sitting in balcony

Amma!!Come let us eat something

No meeru you eat I am not feeling hungry

No ma please

Please listen to me.Bring some fruits I will eat fruits

I couldn't argue more and left to eat my lunch

Fest starts in the evening session

I need to take some nap to get ready for evening

I reached my room and I gave fruits to mom to eat

Suddenly she started taking heavy breaths

Amma!!!Are you okay?

I asked her while getting panicked

Meeru take me to hospital

Without any discussion I contacted reception for the help

Within few minutes she got admitted in the Shekhawat's hospitals

In some different city with no one around you whom you can share your fears... isn't the worst situation ??

Meanwhile my heart is pacing and my mind is running

I was crying inside and praying God to show me a way

Doctor went to check and asked me to wait

How can I wait?
When my mother is not well

Raghbir stepped out of the car infront of a huge building named

Shekhawat Hospitals

He made his way towards the special I.C.U ward and looked at his father Hanshraj lying on the bed.His gaze moved towards the doctor waiting for him his former classmate and forever bestfriend Jeevan

Look raghbir uncle health is not up to the mark.He have just few days left.You as a doctor knows how much we are trying to save uncle but now nothing in our hands.

He nodded his head in acceptance and looked at his father with a heavy emotion in his eyes

Meanwhile one of the men belongs to Raghbir forwarded into the room

Rana sa!!Raja sa health issues spreaded into the village and the people around were creating riots.Peace in the village is getting destructed by the opponents.Please handle the situation

Thinking of a solution raghbir went calm

Only a single solution Raghbir Shekhawat

He looked at his father who opened his eyes trying to give a solution

Ram ram appa ji sa!!

(Its a type of greeting)

Ram ram raghu

Aap ji sa!!How are you now?

I will be fine if my people will be happy raghbir. You need to take the thrown and be the king of the village.I believe you can take the responsibility

But I cannot take it father as I don't have my heir.

Marry someone who can give you a heir raghbir

I can't father I can't. I love Anika I can't love anyone and marry

There is no one who can save the village from the evil eyes Our ancestors did not let the village to go in the hands of the government.People believed us.You need to marry again and get a heir.

No aap ji sa I can't do it

With that raghbir left the Ward leaving a worried Hanshraj Shekhawat

Please doctor save my mother!!I can't let her die

Meera begged the doctor

We can't help her, she is in very advanced stage.For now bring the medicines immediately

With very few amount of money she left to the medical store bumped with a tall huge man with a beast body

He held her in his arms for saving

His hazel eyes locked with her brownish eyes

He is Mr.Raghbhir Shekhawat

She is Ms.Meera Neeruganti

Realizing the position Meera came out of his hold


He just nodded his head and observed her face trying to identify her

Meera identified him but do not have any time to tell him about his arrival to her home town

She have many more important works to do now

She left him in his thoughts

Slowly she reached her mother's bed who is under complete medications

As it is Shekhawat's hospitals the amount of money for the treatment is less but still she need lot of money for her mothers treatment

Meera may faint if she keeps on thinking about it as it is more that

Meanwhile fest organizers called her as performance time starts

With heavy breathes she left the hospital asking nurses to take care for few hours

Welcome to our M.P Vishwanath Shekhar sir
We are glad you are here for this dance fest

Host announced it making a very small part of the people in the huge crowd happy and others with no emotion and some with hatred

The most selfish and cruel M.P ever
He always wanted his self benefits and for his own profits he can go to any extent

People say he also have many connections from drug mafia to terrorists
He is a very dangerous person with a high reputation

He killed many innocent people in a land scam and created it as some accident

People silently call him as ravan

Now his eyes fallen on the great Shekhawat's dynasty

No one knows the sudden intrest of this polluted politician but Raghbir Shekhawat,the prince of the jaipur have an eye on this fox and his motives

Raghbir is a big obstacle to his plans being the next heir for the dynasty he always works for people's welfare

Now our sponsor and people's prince Raghbir Shekhawat our Ranasa is here.Please welcome him with a great applause

Vibrations were more like shaking the earth
Whole crowd is cheering him with all the love and respect

He is indeed a people's king
Someone from the room again felt goosebumps and tried to sneak into the hall but couldn't do it

Looks like the same prince is hear
I don't know why his name can make my all nerves very active?

Meanwhile a pair of eyes which belongs to M.P Vishwanath's were burning with the respect and power that the Raghbir Shekhawat deserving

But with a cover on his face and a coy smile he initiated conversation with the Raghbir only after when he took his official reserved seat

Hello Mr.Raghbir Shekhawat.Its nice to meet you

Not intrested to indulge into Any talks he nodded head showing his royal behaviour which can be also called as royal ignorance too

What happened Rana sa???Any problem.You are thinking something?

He asked in his sugar coated voice majorly like mocking the word Ranasa

Raghbir gave an eye shot which is enough to shut his mouth

But again trying to clear his drained face he started talking to Rana sa

I know rana saa your father is admitted in hospital. You need to be king right
So when you are going to become a king?
Oh sorry I have forgotten your wife is dead am I right?
Haww so sorry for you.What can we do?
But I heard that because of your father's health issues there were riots in Jaipur
How can you handle all this?I think you can't

Rana sa tried to control his anger but his level of patience was almost done

I think you must look after many important issues regarding people and government. We can handle our people.You are no one to say anything. So better stay away from our issues.Being a prince now I know what I should do.Till now I always think about people but please don't force me to think about you

He answered with the fakest smile he can ever give

Before anyone can say anything a performance has started

Performances was splendid that it has stolen many hearts

Rana sa's eyes glued to the girl who performed it as his thoughts went to the poor little girl whom he saw dancing with a veil in dhaba and left her anklet

Meera being the performer of the dance was so nervous as she need money which she can get throug this dance fest

So final winner of Jaipurs dance fest is Ms.Meera Neeruganti

Meera happily took the prize money from the hands of the Rana sa and M.P Vishwanath
When Rana sa's fingers unexpectedly brushed her's then again the hair on her body stood straight

They looked into each others eyes thinking about their past meetings

She went to change her dress that's when a bomb blasted on her head

Is this Meera?


Meera!!Your mom is in critical condition.Come to Shekawats hospitals immediately

Without any second thought with the money she was gifted in the fest she ran to the hospital

She reached the doctor's cabin and asked to meet the Head doctor as her mother needs abroad treatment

Where the head doctor is not available they sent her to Dr.Jeevan

May I come in doctor?

Yes please get in

Doctor my mother is a cancer patient.She needs treatment in the abroad it seems.But I don't have any financial support sir

She spilled with her threatening sobs where her self respect is not letting her to put her hands out for financial help

Yes I can understand Ms.Meera.But this one is very needed for her betterment of health. Our M.D can help you with the half of the amount but other half should be handled by you.

She don't know what to answer him but she only knows that she is never going to step back

With her thoughts running she took leave from Dr.Jeevan

Jeevan got a call from his buddy Raghbir and asked him to meet in the hospital's garden

What happened Raghbir?You called me all of a sudden

Jeevan I met that M.P Vishwanath.I think he is planning so hard to  conquer our dynasty

I told you earlier too.He is a fox.

Now I'm thinking about people jeevan.If he unfortunately gains the power then we can't even Imagine anything. Horrible situations gonna come

I agree but what you are planning. Marry someone

Jeevan.Think any other way

What to....

Meanwhile a female voice alerted them

Why god?I need to save my mother I have no option other than marrying that womanizer Yadav now.Why you left me like this.
Meera don't give up.You are brave comeon you cannot give up
I can do anything to save my mother.I will marry that yadav.I don't care of his character now.
I'm ready to marry anyone for saving my mother.

Wiping her tears she left the garden where the two brains started thinking for the solution


Lots of love indebited❤

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