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Woww!!This looks so beautiful rana sa!!!

Meera excitedly cheered at the baby cradle that Raghbir brought

Raghbir nodded silently without any word which made Meera frown

Rana sa!!Why are you so serious?

He sighed and held her hand tightly in his grip making her wonder for his sudden mood change when he entered the room he's very happy and a grin plastered on his face

I don't know Meera everytime you talk to abhi I just don't like that feelings.I feel like...

Meera's face instantly adorned with a smirk

Baby!!You know your dadda is jealous of abhi uncle and I must tell you he's very cute when he gets jealous

To which Raghbir angrily pouted at her and started talking with the baby inside Meera

No baby!!!Your mumma is just blabbering don't fall into her trap all she's doing is trying to bring you into her team and there's a secret that I wanted to share with you

Raghbir bent his head near to her stomach as if he's really sharing a secret in his baby ears

Meera narrowing her eyes bent down to which Raghbir kept his hands on her face trying to push her

Meera back off.I'm talking

Talk who is stopping you

Ignore her for now come let's talk

Baby kicked making both of them stare at eachother

Meera!!Look baby is okay with ignoring you and baby welcome to team dadda

No my baby always loves mumma right baby
So #TeamMumma

Baby once again kicked making Meera more happier

Twitching his lips Raghbir once again focused on her bump

Baby you should be in my team not mumma's ....Okay let me continue with my secret

He uttered the last part very slowly making sure of confidentiality  but who are we kidding Meera can clearly hear what he's talking but acted like not intrested so that he can continue

So little one the secret is your mumma too gets jealous because of cherry aunty. Trust me she's very scary and makes cherry aunty run away

Hawwww liar...I never did anything like that


Yes reallyyyyyyy.You know what I don't even get jealous of her and stop trying to manipulate by sweet honey bun in my oven

It made Raghbir to fall into laughing fits

See your mumma is lying alot

No I'm not

Don't eavesdrop Meera
Baby don't learn these bad qualities from your mother okay . Do learn my qualities you will become a honest person.

What a joke rana sa?!!Baby is that you laughing I know it's very funny right

I can't hear anything

Because you are not a sweetheart like us.

With that both fell into another funny argument giving a great happy vibes


Meera and Raghbir were travelling in the car to their appointment at the same hospital where they made a contract of their life

Feelings of nostalgia hit making them smile at eachother

They reached the hospital and went to the Dr.Ananth Pandya

Although Raghbir himself being a gynecologist he wanted someone else who is more experienced than him to take care of his wife

He doesn't want his emotions to mix up with his profession.Last time when anika's also mostly the case been handled by Dr.Pandya itself

After 3 hours of tests and all the couple is waiting for the results holding eachothers hands

Meanwhile Raghbir took Meera to his cabin in the hospital
She never visited his cabin after their intial contract confirmation and legal process

Meera looked around the vast room with various medals,photographs of Raghbir when attended seminars

She looked at Raghbir's childhood pictures hanging on the wall,she never got a chance to see his old pictures because of their terms in the earlier days

Meera admired his hazel orbs wishing their baby to inherit

He mischievously smiled at her mesmerized face

Staring is wrong

I know but what to do?I can't help when he's so handsome

Ohhhh handsome...Let me enlighten you with knowledge that he's already married and not to forget his wife is scary

Scary???Why not afterall her husband is too handsome so she should make sure no one touches what's belongs to her

Yeahhh but I can help you if you wanted him so badly I know he's irresistible


Meera acted all excited as if in real she's talking about someone else whom she's admiring now

Yes yes madam but he's tough man you need to impress

Oh boy!!You don't even know about my charms,no one can avoid or ignore me

That's a fact but I'm telling you this man is too loyal to his wife and he can never let down her

Raghbir words shook her to the base but controlled herself she tried to retort

Looking into his eyes anyone can easily endorse he's one smitten man for his wife but Meera couldn't trust her instincts now as she's happy that he's giving her affection for all the life and do not want to expect much more than what she's getting right now

Raghbir is a man with few words who wouldn't say anything but always proves himself with his actions and doing the same to make Meera understand how sincere he's towards her

She tried to get back to track with their own silly banter again

Who knows he can fall for me?Ofcourse only if he's straight

Hitting the right nerve Raghbir carefully pulled and tucked her baby hair behind ear

You don't want to know how straight he's baby.There were many ways he can prove himself to you unless you wanted him to stop

Intentionally he breathed hotly near her neck making her sweat just with his words

He didn't try to move away intentionally,letting her heavy chest touching his own

Intensed moment got disturbed with his phone call making Meera sigh but only for a second as he again started moving his hands on her neck to soft arms while his glare is making her more nervous

She bit her lower lip to stop her hormones to got haywire
He held her chin squishing her mouth removing lower lip from her teeth clutches rubbing it sensually with his long rough hands asked her not to bite with a serious warning in his eyes all the while listening to the receiver on call

Meera sighed removing his hands from her body and sat comfortably letting him concentrate on call as she's well aware that when she's around he couldn't even complete a small task

Raghbir badly wanted to stop her from going out of his clutches but controlled because of the important details which should not be missed

After the call Raghbir saw Meera looking into her mobile so he made his way towards the secret locker in his cupboard.

He passed the papers to Meera to notice her vulnerable eyes to which he immediately responded

These are of no use now.I'm gonna nullify this

To which Meera gave her full blown smile making it irresistibly contagious to Raghbir

Before anyone can speak further a knock on the door made them to see the compounder

Raja sa!!Reports of rani sa are out.Doctor Ananth sab(sir) is calling you both

To which Raghbir nodded sternly to which Meera scrunched her nose looking at the compounder who ran away like a little mice

Why do you terrify those little souls?Can't you smile?Acting all like a robot

Why should I smile at everyone?

Because I love smiling

Meera grinned widely competing to show her 28 teeth to the toothpaste advertisers because the other 4 were wisdom teeth which are missing

Raghbir stiffiled a smile on his lips with a fake cough

You are so talented Meera. I'm too blind to identify your talent

Meera smirked at him fanning her face with her hands acted as if she tried to act modest

Oh please!!You don't brag about me I know I'm very talented but I never wanted to show off like you

Raghbir raised his eyebrows with a smug look forming on his face making Meera to think with her pea sized brain

Yeah yeah modest Meera blessed with a pea sized brain and a clown smile.Her talent list can never ends with the rusted body parts

Oh hello you are calling me names...I will not tolerate it.Don't forget you love my rusted body parts too much that you never wanted to stop touching or kissing them

She once again proved her pea sized brain as her words do not have a brain to think

Sensing no reaction from Raghbir Meera looked at him to witness a smug look on his face made her to recall her mindless talks

I think we should leave now...

I don't think Dr.Pandya wouldn't mind us getting late because he can have alot of patients. Meanwhile I can show you how much I love your R.U.S.T.E.D P.A.R.T.S

Meera averted her gaze away from him by turning into red beetroot

She silently started moving out and Raghbir followed her after locking his cabin

He poked into her arms by whispering

Shall I???

She passed him a fake glare making him to put his finger on lips

After the checking the reports doctor assured of their health
Raghbir checked her reports again in the haveli making sure of the care he has to cross check everything.
Dr.Pandya has informed them about the due date can take time starting from more 15 to 30 days as she's in her mid 8th month

One thing Raghbir never disclosed to Meera is the gender of the baby as a doctor he got to know the gender when she's just 14 weeks pregnant

He liked the silly banters with Meera about gender of the baby and loved to keep suspense atleast for her sake

Smiling he touched the sonograph in his hands tenderly as if he's touching the baby

He promised himself to the baby and a sleeping Meera this time their protection is his main priority and he can just stand infront of the death when it comes to protecting them

Determined he kissed sleepy Meera's forehead and belly left to work in his study room

Meera is peacefully sitting  along side leela while her mother is reading bhagvadgeetha (It's a hindu scripture where lord krishna addressed the human clan)

Most of the women in their pregnancy would listen to all holy and motivational books which can help in the healthy growth of the baby and it's believed to be the baby would start learning from the womb itself

These ethics will make humans more responsible and a compassionate person

Meera and leela were keenly listening to the every word

Lord Krishna is someone who said how to sail your life till your soul present in the body rightfully

One who is pure and kind always have the blessings of the almighty

Be it any religion god is the supreme power in different forms

After the session like everyday she is taking a walk with leela who is sharing every piece of information in middle sometimes Meera complaining about how heavy she felt to move her single thumb finger

Leela!!!I can't tell you how hard it is for me to walk right now

Trying to grab alot of air from her mouth and nose she sat on the bench

You didn't even walk for proper 10 minutes rani sa.If hukum finds out then he gonna scold me

Don't worry leela he won't scold you.I'm there right he's a dummy piece all bark and no bite.I will take care of him and if he scolds you tell him to face me.

Like always her ranting went with leela giggling at her animated expressions

Leela tired of explaining her not to call those names so instead she started enjoying the fun

Care to spare some time with Mr.Dummy piece

The raw masculine voice can never be unforgettable not even in her dreams
Leela who is giggling till then ran away as if she saw a ghost while Meera didn't even dare to look back

Consoling her poor heart she turned to him passing a sweet smile which can absolutely give diabetics to anyone

Rana sa...What a pleasant surprise?I was just discussing about new toys and all that leela is suggesting,I guess that is dummy pieces they are selling in the market and I wanted to scold the seller.We should stop the marketing those lousy toys right rana sa

Meera started praying for her heavens to save from this hazel eyed monster

Oh!!!Nice did you ever participated in story telling competition Meera

Ofcourse everytime I did and won prize

No wonder with your skills you can compete national wide too

Hahhaa thank you so much

Meera blushed completely missing the sarcasm

But wait Meera I heard something like all bark and no bite... I never said anything may be you misheard rana sa

Yeah may be because by now I'm sure you know all about my bites right

Meera couldn't find her voice to back answer as she didn't process him nearing her and caressing the hickey on her collar bone which she covered with a light makeup but cannot skip the eye one who presented

Come let's take a walk

All the thoughts of last night memory flew away with the word walk

I think I walked enough for day let's get back to haveli rana sa

No you didn't and I very well know that all you did is sitting and gossiping about me

Hawwww!!!Gossiping and me that too about you???My god are you doubting your loyal wife rana sa?

Meera!!You can't divert the topic you should atleast walk for 15 minutes for a free labour.Come on get up

Rana sa please look into my smart watch it's already showing 3500 steps

Don't bluff Meera I know what you did with that smart watch using your so called smartness

Raghbir knew what's happening with her although he acts like he doesn't know because Meera put the watch to leela's hands before they come to walk trying to showcase as its capability

What are you implying rana sa?

Leela is the one who walked those steps.I can see her more healthy than you.Food which you don't like to eat will be fed to her poor soul and she couldn't even say No to you with your emotional blackmailing skills..I don't even know what to do with you


Last and final warning if you won't join me for walk I'm telling you I won't give you your maggie panipuri and do not let you pony my little hair

Raghbir scrunched his nose discreetly looking at Meera's terrified expressions
He doubted will she even respond a bit if he says I won't talk to you

Without any option left she followed him only to stop within 5 minutes making Raghbir sigh thinking how stubborn Meera is and if baby gets the inheritance of the mother then he will be in soup handling two kids

Meera!!Please baby take a walk for few minutes I will listen to you,let you paint my nails with nailpolish and you can braid my hair

Even when there is no answer from Meera its very frustating him to see eying down

He reached her to see her widening her legs and looking into his eyes saying

I think my water leaked

Hey people!!

How are you?

Did you get bored?

Tried to get the old Meera what say?

Quickly tell me your thoughts about chapter.
Comment guys I need to know how far it's entertaining and enthralling you all

Wait for more 2 to 3 chapters you will get intresting updates

Till then keep reading and loving the book

Lots of love indebited

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