Part 7

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Raghbir's pov:

I know she don't have brain but I didn't expect this from you jeevan

Excuse me!!!

Again mad women started blabbering

But I royally ignored her and continued my dosage of frustration on jeevan

But that story

Jeevan!!!Are you for serious?Suddenly should I go and tell them that I love someone so I wanted to marry.Think man I just rejected the thought of marriage few days back

He stood silent thinking meanwhile chatter box also zipped her mouth

By the way chatter box is the one and only Meera Neeruganti

Seriously this girl is made up of thousands and thousands of speakers

Not even a single person back answered me till date but look at her guts man she is fighting with me as if we both are competing for filling the water cans

Never mind I'm liking the way she fights with me
I had never experienced this kind as everyone would respect me and obeys me unlike her

I like her I mean her guts and courage

You are right Rana sa.I just asked as she complained to me like a kid and i couldn't resist my sister words



Don't give me that look.Just few hours back we decided it.Isnt it too boring to be called as Doctor Jeevan?So she is my sister I'm her brother

After answering these both grinned at eachother like they won something

Why I got stuck with these mad people ?

Okay then.Meera your mother is unconscious. Are you sure you want to marry now

Like other times she did not open her mouth but nodded her head without the spark in her eyes

She looks so dull with the mention of her mother

Poor little girl

Jeevan!!!Take care of the responsibilities.No one should get the doubt.Vultures were following us everywhere.So beware

I will Rana sa.But you both should take care too.

Meera you go to shopping I will send my men with you

No need I can handle myself.I don't want your men around me

She answered me with a frown

What's wrong with her?

If say anything she just wanted to do opposite
How can I handle her?

Do as I said.

I'm not doing Mr.Prince

After taking deep breaths for gaining the energy to argue with this non stop missile

This is my kingdom.Dont you dare to oppose my words

Helplessly I'm using my power to make her understand everything
I never use this power to let my work done but look at me now

How long you people will dominate women?There is democracy in India
I think you are educated you should know


Where she is going to take the topic?

Jeevan ask your beloved sister to shut her mouth

You...You are asking me to shut

Arey deaf girl listen


Stop it Meera!!!You both are fighting like a pre elementary school kids
Rana sa she is not feeling good with your guards as it is new

But her safety is essential

So why don't you accompany her?

My head shot towards jeevan where meera gave an shocking expression

She is very new here.Dont know costumes too.You help her

He have a point

Why bhai?I can

Meera get ready I'm going to help you in shopping

She tried to speak something but my one glare again she shut her mouth

Proudest moment is when she shuts her mouth by my glare

I never thought a day would come like
I will feel proud by just shutting a women mouth

Jeevan and meera left where I was planning how to handle her

Meera's pov:

My new born so called brother made me to stuck with this Self obsessed prince

Ofcourse the story he had cooked up have some sense

God have given him eyes only to glare

He should understand not every dress is so perfect

It's just 3 hours we came to the shopping
It takes time
Wedding na
Ofcourse a sham but marriage is marriage

I think you must eat something. Come

Yeah I'm hungry so I wanted to say yes but even before my reply he went out

He even don't know that other person will have consent too

I don't have any energy to fight with him
I need food so that I will have energy to fight with this prince charming

After the tiring shopping session I went back to hospital

How I wish my marriage would have happened with my mother's presence

Don't worry Meera it is a fake one

Who will tolerate this self obsessed prince charming?
So it is a fake wedding

Each and every ritual is super exciting as it is very new mainly it's the wedding of the kings

But as it is fake or his second marriage there is no heavy bustle

I wanted my friend abhi to be part of the day but couldn't invite due to the speed this wedding is going

People over the whole jaipur looks preety happy with the marriage

Many had happy tears
May be some solid reasons existed that's why he wanted it to happen soon

I miss my amma's presence in the whole wedding

But don't worry meeru next time when you marry someone truly then your mother will be with you

But how much I try to remind myself that this wedding is all nothing but a sham,my heart did every ritual whole heartedly

May be because of the romantic books in wattpad which I read were making me feel these all
Mainly vpsisthename20 she writes hard core romance and made me believe these all exists

Cheater writer but it's okay she is my favourite
Can't help

I finally let a loud sigh as I was allowed to enter the palace after the tiring wedding rituals

Now for a complete year I'm
Mrs.Meera Raghbir Shekhawat

My life gonna change for sure
Let us see how this wedlock changes my life

Meera enough of your drama
Stop imagining
You gonna deliver the baby and make sure your mother gets the treatment to get cured

Don't expect more
Expectations always kills

My eyes were burning and I badly needed a sleep now

Leela!!Take her to the room

He ordered and a girl of my age came with a smile on her face

She showed me the room and asked to inform if I need anything

I quickly took the veil to breathe the fresh air

Room is very big with the long canopy bed at the center decorated with flowers probably for the first night

Curtains covering the windows

Portraits around the room with gold chandelier at the center

At the corner a cloth covering the portraits unlike the other potraits

A big couch lying on the other corner of the room near to the window

First things are first I need to change my dress
If I stay longer surely I will die with suffocation
Already the man I married for an year is a headache
Grumpy man ever

Royal princess!!Need any help?

I looked at the girl who helped me to get into the room came back with water in a copper bottle and a glass
Probably her name is leela

No I'm just going to change

Princess!!!Hukum never showed any intrest towards after the demise of princess anika.Please take care of him royal princess. I know I don't have anything to say but he is more like my brother.Im sorry if you felt wrong

No it's fine I can understand leela
You can call me Meera.No need to give these tags to me

I can't princess you are our to be rani sa.Your heart is pure so you are asking me to call but we are slaves to your family

Uff man!!!Still slaves and all
These kings na🤦‍♀️


Yes princess!!But raja sa or hukum never treated us as slaves.They are people's rulers
That is the reason we people never want government to involve in our kingdom.
Hukum is the best princess. He is very responsible and caring too.You are lucky to marry him.I know you love him.Please change him with your love as he have forgotten smiling and enjoying his life.
Love have that power. Your love made him to marry you I believe your love will change him too

With that leela left.
That stupid story is getting into my nerves

But that is neccessary but can't he just change the story saying something

Self obsessed prince

Its Rana sa for you princess Meera

Again his muscular voice interrupted my chain of thoughts


From now you will be having some responsibilities. Your every action is taken into consideration. People will observe you alot.You should call me as Rana sa.Enough of your childish tags.You just learn to respect others mainly your husband...

Always wants him to be respected but he never respects me
How can I respect him when he is stupid?

I'm not stupid.First stop your stupid talks and take rest

Shit!!!Did I said it too loud?

Why on the earth I do such type of things?

Anyways don't let yourself down meeru

Okay Rana sa.....

He glared at my mocking making me quiet

What's his problem?

I slowly left to change the clothes

I fear if he takes my advantage
Don't worry Meera he is not going to touch you.He already promised you he won't

If he tries then I will show my marshal arts to him

When I came back I have seen him looking at the portrait covered with the cloth

Sensing my presence he hurriedly closed it with the cloth


Meera you should use your super sharp brain

Meera on Mission


Raghbir's pov:

After the days events I got tired of these rituals and all

Never in my life not even in my dreams I thought I will do these rituals again

I miss you Anika

Why did you leave me?

That day is a disaster to me

I wish I can change everything and get you back

I will never let you to get out of my arms please come back my love

With my thoughts running I asked meera to sleep on the bed where I slept on the couch

I couldn't sleep with other women on the same bed

Only women I can be close is my anika

I can never give her place to anyone

Staring the moon,Sleep engulfed me

Hello guys!!!

I'm sorry for late updates

I have became too lazy to write

But still I tired to get back

So here is the update

How is today's chapter?

I need your reviews for sure as it helps me to write more

Finally Meera and Raghbir got married

I didn't show any type of marriage rituals as it can drag the story

So wedding attires were given

Stay tuned for next update

Lots of love indebited❤❤❤

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