49- The Red Wedding Pt.1

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Dear Readers, please tell me of any grammatical or spelling errors. Thank you! ~V


It was the day of their wedding.

Everything was going well and to schedule according to Charlotte. Everyone was smiling and laughing, awaiting the joyous occasion of two people who love each other join their hands and hearts marriage.

Except Anna.

Anna was terrified. She'd been getting this sense of foreboding that something terrible was going to happen ever since she woke up that morning. She woke up sweaty and sickly looking with dark, heavy bags under her eyes.

Charlotte had literally screamed when she walked in on Anna throwing her stomach up in the toilet looking like Death itself.

"Anna! Bloody hell, are you alright?" Charlotte ran to her future sister-in-law's side, helping her lean away from the vomit-filled toilet and against the bath tub. She wrinkled her nose and used her foot to pull down the lever, causing the toilet to flush and the green, mushy liquid inside to flow away.

Anna groaned and shook her head, "No, I'm not. I feel like hell, both physically and mentally. I'm finally feeling the affects of signing that FUCKING CONTRACT. I can't...I hate feeling this way, like I tricked him into marrying me for money...Which, now that I think about it, is exactly what I did. I'm a whore, a gold-digging whore who slept with a man and then made him fall in love with me. I'm no better than Claire or that stupid Piper who want him and his money. The only difference is that I don't want the damn company, and I don't have a terrifying father who makes me bend to his will! No...I'm...I did this to myself."

She took a shaky breath as she stopped her rant, feeling like she was going to vomit again. She let out a whine when the sensation passed, slapping her hands against her face, streams of tears releasing from her eyes. Anna whispered, "I can't...I just don't think I can do this Charlotte."

Charlotte sighed and gathered the smelly, red-haired woman in her arms, fighting to not cringe away from the stench. "Anna, I wish I could say so many things to comfort you, but unfortunately, I'm not the comforting sort. I know I don't look it, but I'm actually quite aggressive. Anyways - I'm getting off topic here...I will ask you this. Do you love my brother? Do you really and truly love my brother, not his money or his looks?"

Anna nodded and murmured, "I do, I really do. He's...he's my everything. I don't know what I'd do if he left me, if he found out about the contract. I don't want to think about that happening...I would be heart broken."

"Then don't," Charlotte claimed, "Just don't think about anything like that. Today is your wedding day. Today, you and William are going to be joined in marriage, and you are going to live the rest of your life by each other's sides. I'm going to make sure of it, Anna. I swear."

Anna looked up and into Charlotte's eyes, saying with more confidence in her voice, "I believe you."


Because of Anna's little cry fest in the bathroom, the girls were running low on time. Anna had said that she didn't want excessive makeup and a grand hairdo because she wanted to look exactly the way she would for the rest of her life in William's eyes. He fell in love with her without loads of makeup on, so that's how would would see her on their wedding day. Because of that, their time to get ready was a little bit lower than the average bride.

Now, as one girl rubbed some concealer into Anna's skin, another lightly blow-dried Anna's recently washed hair, while another started painting her nails a cream color. Another set of girls worked on Charlotte on the other side of the room.

Charlotte, on the other hand, was going all out. Sparkly eye shadow, bright red lipstick, a highlight that shines so brightly the fucking aliens could see it. Anna didn't mind. She didn't really want all the attention on her; it could be a bit stifling. But all the makeup in the world couldn't deter the attention away from Anna in her dress. The dress Anna picked out from all the 200+ sketches of wedding dresses from the most sought after designers.

The second Anna laid eyes on the drawing of a dress (made specifically for her - she didn't want to think how much money it cost William to get all those designers to make a gown for her) she knew that it was meant to be hers. She demanded that William tell her the price of the masterpiece, but William refused, saying that she would probably faint at the amount of numbers in the price. He said it was all worth it so...Thumbs up, I guess?

Anna breathed in shakily and made the mistake of wiggling her head, making the hairdresser let out a cry of alarm as a curled wisp of hair left her hand. She cringed and apologized to the woman, "I'm sorry, Ginny. I'm just really nervous."

Ginny sighed understandingly and shook her head, "No need to be sorry, Miss Williams. It was just a little hair."

Anna bit her lip causing another woman to shriek. She groaned and apologized again.


Inside her tummy was a gymnastics class, tumbling and twirling and jumping everywhere, using her intestines as jumping platforms. The class inside her stomach was not happy, making Anna even less happy.

Anna moaned and placed a hand on her stomach, hoping the feeling would pass. Charlotte squeezed her shoulder and whispered, "I've called for ibuprofen, hopefully that'll settle your stomach and you can not worry anymore."

The bride-to-be murmured her thank you and lifted her eyes to the women bringing in her wedding dress. Once again, just like all the other times, hands covered her from seeing her dress, making her anticipate it more. The gymnastics class in her tummy rolled around again.

Anna heard the zipper being zipped down and all the coos the ladies let out as her dress was revealed. She smiled as the hands left her eyes and she opened them wide to take in every aspect of the gorgeous gown made specifically for her.

She gasped in wonder. Anna knew the dress was marvelous when she first saw it on paper, but now...now she never wanted to wear anything else for the rest of her life.

It was a stunning ivory ballgown that was delicately beaded and had lace across the bodice. The dress had illusion sleeves, and layers of organza that created a soft, dreamy skirt. The back also had an illusion covering with buttons running down to the top of her butt. The waist was tight fitting but then expanded out with the skirt.

Anna's eyes watered, slightly expecting the whole gaggle of women in the room to run to her shrieking that she was going to ruin her makeup. Charlotte knew what she was thinking and said, "Waterproof mascara, Anna. It works wonders. This lot always uses waterproof mascara on the chance that the groom is going to make the bride cry either with how happy he makes her or how sad. They've had both happen multiple times."

Anna hummed, but then a hand encased her own and she whipped her head to the side, catching sight of short red hair. Anna squeaked and threw her arms around the person, "MOM! You came!"

The woman took a step back and caught her daughter as she hurtled toward her. Feyre Williams laughed and exclaimed, "Well, I'm not going to miss my one and only child's wedding! I may not approve of you getting married so quickly - and at such a young age! - but I'm definitely not going to miss this!"

Anna smiled at her mother and gestured toward the dress, "Will you help me?"

Feyre nodded and went over to the ladies and helped them remove the dress from its covering and lifted it over toward the bride. Charlotte removed her robe, laughing as Anna blushed bright red at the idea of all these people seeing her in her wedding lingerie. Her mother pinched her side just before placing the gown in front of Anna and helping her step inside. Feyre went behind her daughter and slowly started buttoning up the back of the dress. When she was finished, she smoothed out the skirt and sniffled, sight going blurry with tears.

"You look beautiful, Mariantonette."

Anna smiled shyly and grasped her mom's hands, then Charlotte's. "I'm ready to get married now."

And she was. Though she was still a bit nervous about the contract, she knew that everything would be fine.




Hi everybody! Originally this chapter was supposed to be a lot longer (it was going to have the wedding in it as well ((plus a little bit of William's POV, maybe)) , but the chapter was already getting really long and it's really late and I already promised to have the chapter out today. So, since I've already started writing the wedding scene and I just kind of want to end this book already (so I can start editing it fully) I'll have the chapter and the epilogue out between the next few days or a week or so.

So expect ONE MORE CHAPTER AND AN EPILOGUE soon. Don't give up on me yet!

Please make sure to leave a like and a comment. ;)

Thank you all and HAPPY READING.

With Love, V

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