Chapter 39

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Go ahead. Laugh at the picture above. I tried, okay? I tried to make Holland (the woman who I casted as Anna) look pregnant. I just got a picture of her and I cut a picture of a pregnant lady and stuck it on Holland. Her arm looks weird because I got the same picture of her and put her arm back on since the dress covered it.

RECAP: Anna gets lost in the woods and finds Elisa's memorial tree. Daniel comes and finds her and tells her to take care of William in worry of Elisa's nearing anniversary. They get back to the house and Charlotte slaps her for making William worry. Anna tells William that she has a son and awaits his reaction.


He froze.

The thumb that had been rubbing my hand stopped and his eyebrows had furrowed. William let go of my hand and I panicked.

"William! I'm so-"

A heart-pounding laugh rocketed around the room and William doubled over, little tears shining in the corner of his eyes. I widened my eyes in shook and fell down to my knees in front of him, grabbing his hands, wondering what was wrong and why what I said was so funny.

"That...that was what made you run out in the middle of the night for?" He looked up at me and smiled, wiping away the tears.

"I...yes. can you be taking this so lightly?"

Will grabbed my hands and kissed them before saying, "Anna, I'm the son of a billionaire. You really don't think I wouldn't have had you investigated?"

Whoa. Whoa. What? He had me investigated?!

"Excuse me?"

"No. No. No! I'm sorry! That came out wrong." He paused. "When we first met, I, of course, was impressed by you. Not only by the way your looks, but by how honest you seemed. I knew by your honesty that you weren't used to your surroundings. I wasn't suspicious, but I just wanted to know more about you, so I had one of my father's lackeys bring up your file. In there, I read that you had maternity checkups and a successful labor after nine months...I also read that you gave up your son for adoption. I was shocked, but...what could I do? It was in the past, and it was nothing I could get mad at you for."

I groaned and threw myself back on the bed. "My gosh, I can't believe this whole time I was worried about you finding out, and you knew the whole time."

William put his head in my lap and I felt him smile against my thigh. "If I'd known you were going to run away, I wouldn't have brought the baby subject up, but I just got so excited. I knew that you had to give up your child for adoption, and I can understand the pain of losing the one you love, but I hope that won't stop you from having more with me?"

I smiled, tears burning in my eyes. "Of course not. Though I may have had to give up one child, I know that I will have more, and, maybe, someday, I'll see Joey again." Hopefully.


The next morning, I awoke to a head on my chest and an arm wrapped around my waist. I poked William's cheek and he groaned, burrowing his face deeper in between my breasts.

"Having fun there?" I asked, looking up at the ceiling, amused.

"Now I can understand why babies can sleep against their mother's breasts. They're so soft. Like natural built-in pillows."

I smirked and ran a hand through William's black hair. "I'm glad you enjoyed them then, but I'd appreciate it if you used a real pillow instead of my boobs."

William sat up and stretched, his white shirt expanding to fit his muscles. "Why? When I have you?"

I laughed and grabbed his shoulders, pulling him towards me. I pecked his lips and whispered, "I love you."

"I love you too." He whispered back.


We were actually the last people to wake up. When William and I shuffled into the kitchen, the rest of the Winters family were already there. Charlotte was eating waffles, Daniel reading his newspaper, and Charles...well...Charles had gone back to sleep on the kitchen table.

Will pulled my hand and we sat down at the table, the sleeping Charles by my side.

I leaned over to Will and whispered, "Is your brother, okay?"

It was Charlotte who answered me, taking a sip of her orange juice, "Charlie is fine. His medicine just drains the life out of him whenever he takes too long to take it."

"No..." I gasped and turned to the now awake Charles, his voice just above a whisper, "I just couldn't sleep because Charlotte kept wanting to play..."

I blushed and widened my eyes. "P-play?"

Charles turned his head slightly toward me from where he rested it and opened an eye. "Yes, play."

I looked at Charlotte and she winked at me. "After finally being introduced to hide-and-seek, I wanted to keep on playing it, but Charles over here didn't want to."

"We were awake till two in the morning, Charlotte. I wanted to go to sleep."

Charlotte huffed and returned to eating her waffles. Daniel came over and placed some pancakes and scrambled eggs on my empty plate. I nodded my thanks to him and started eating.


A Few Hours Before

Claire sat stiffly in her chair as Piper Rossi and her father sat across from her, looking around her room. She sipped her tea and stared at Piper, a long time frenemy. Ever since they were teenagers they knew what they wanted and that was William Winters. It was like that saying said, "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer." Both girls knew that the other wanted William and decided to join forces to keep any other girl from getting in their way. Once their competitors were out of the picture, they would focus on each other, finding a way to make the other look bad in front of William. It was a never ending cat fight. (As William likes to put it.)

Anna was another competitor all together.

She was the girl that Claire couldn't shake off, so Piper had to come in and help.

Now, the long time rivals were in a room together after being separated for two years: Claire in America and Piper in Japan or Europe.

Piper sighed and fixed her gaze on Claire, bored out of her mind even though she just got here five minutes ago. Right of the bat, she said, "We have to get rid of that Anna Williams. Her face annoys me greatly and I hate her voice. She even has the nerve to call herself William's fiancé now. I hate it. I hate her."

Claire nodded understandingly, sipping her tea, and gazed at Piper, dipping her head to the side. The girls glared at each other, patiently waiting for the day they can finish each other off. Their hate for each other was strong, but their hate for Anna was even stronger.

*Their hateful auras filled the room and it was as if their power emitted from them, stuffing the room with hate and revenge. Claire by herself was a force to be reckoned with, but Claire and Piper together? Anna would regret passing into their line of vision.

Claire smiled and said, "It's good to see you my friend."

Piper nodded and giggled, "Likewise," A second passed and her face changed, filled with bitterness, "Now, throw all of your plans away. I have something on Anna that will blow your mind."

Brian smiled evilly and handed Claire a large envelope. She glanced at them both before unwinding the string, pulling out a small stack of papers. She read through the contents with eyes wide.

"Holy shit."


Author's Note:

Despite it being ridiculously late, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I'll try to update before I start school next week. week. I can't believe I'm going to be a sophomore. If I remember correctly, I started this story when I was an eight grader. Jeez...time flies! Especially when the author doesn't update a lot. I'm sorry, people, I really am. I know the feeling when an author doesn't update frequently. It sucks. was the chapter? Good? Not good? Okay? Please tell me so I can improve if I need to improve anything.

Anyways...please remember to VOTE AND COMMENT!!!

Thank you!!!




© Vivianne Saldana

Ps. Please tell me about any grammar or punctuation mistakes. Thank you again. ☺☻

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