Chapter 42

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"Maybe...maybe it's better if we just go to the doctors? To get a for sure answer?" I asked, gripping her thighs tightly as Charlotte took another sharp turn.

I can't be pregnant. Am I pregnant? But...wait. We've been using protection! Was there a time we didn't? Think...think...

Oh shit.

The beach getaway. The first time we had sex. I can't remember if we used protection or not. 

"We don't have the time. We have to schedule those things, and if we do just walk in we might not be attended to for hours." Charlotte replied, flicking the turn signal just seconds before rapidly pulling the steering wheel to the side. Anna tightly gripped anything her hand could hold on to as her body swayed to the side. Okay, okay we're fine. We're gonna be fine. Charlotte's just used to the streets of London and that's why she drives this crazily. She won't kill us...Shit! I think I'm gonna throw up!

"WAIT!!! STOP THE CAR!!!" I screamed, trying to pull open the door before the car even stopped. Charlotte cursed and pulled the steering wheel to the right and slamming the brakes, just happening to find a parking spot. "Anna! What the bloody hell?! What are you doing?!"

I pushed open the door and threw up outside, just managing to not hit the inside of the car. I groaned and pulled back, leaning my head on the headrest. Charlotte stared at me with a disgusted look on her face before handing me a water and a napkin. "If you're not pregnant, I'll be extremely surprised."

I wiped my mouth and laughed. "I can't...I can't be pregnant."

Charlotte raised an eyebrow. "And why the bloody hell not?"

"Because if this whole thing explodes, and William finds out the truth, I don't want to bring a child into a world where their parents don't love each other. The child deserves better than that, Char." I said, giving a small smile, laying my hand on top of my stomach where my child could possibly be growing. I've already given up a child once, I do not want to do it again.

"Anna...William won't find out. We'll make sure of it. Have faith." She said, giving me a brilliant smile before putting her hand on the PRNDL* and moving it back to reverse. She glanced once at the mirror before stepping on the gas and the car shooting out of the parking spot.

I closed my eyes and wished for home.

*(Hah. PRNDL. I made myself laugh. Do you get it? PRNDL? Suite Life of Zack and Cody? London thinking the gear shift was called PRNDL? No? No? Okay... :(...)


Right after, I grew tired of Charlotte's driving and demanded her to just stop at the nearest gas station. Of course, because I said that, the nearest gas station we saw was covered in graffiti and suspicious green stuff on the walls. Of course.

Charlotte and I sat in the car, staring at the building, having absolutely no idea what to do.

"Anna? Are you sure you want to take a pregnancy test here?"  Charlotte gripped the steering wheel and stared in horror at the building. I smiled weakly and nodded. I didn't want to, but my poor stomach couldn't handle more of Charlotte's driving. Pregnant or not, I sincerely wanted to throw up.

"Yes. A pregnancy test is a pregnancy test. It does not matter where it comes from." I opened the door and stepped outside, readily taking in deep breaths of -sort of- fresh air. Charlotte rolled her eyes and stepped out of the car, locking it with a resounding beep-beep!

"Whatever you say..."


The cashier watched us every step of the way in. He was a tall, lanky teenager by the name of Steven, and he hid behind one of those a Sport's Illustrated bikini magazines. I shivered at the way his eyes roamed our bodies and turned away.

I headed toward the woman's hygiene section and took the nearest pregnancy test I could find. "Okay. Lets do this. Again."  Let this be a for sure answer this time. Whatever answer I get, I'll still be happy.

I stepped toward the bathroom and noticed a lock on the door- on the outside. "Uh..." I turned towards the cashier and watched as he watched us watch him. "Do... do you perhaps have the key for the bathrooms?" 

The boy shivered visibly before standing up and grabbing a giant key ring...with what seemed like a butt plug at the end. I grabbed Charlotte's hand in terror and as he stepped toward us slowly.

"You gon' pay fo' that o' wha'?" The teen said, standing next to the cash register, moving a tooth pick around his mouth. I let out a breath of relief and pulled out a five from my jean pocket. "Here. Keep the change."

The guy nodded and stuck the bill in his pocket before tossing me the key ring. I cringed and caught it, flinching away from the dangling plug just inches away from my hand. "Uh... thanks."

I inserted the key into the lock and watched as the thick lock fell to the floor. I nudged the door open and tiptoed inside. Charlotte groaned in dismay as she realized that we couldn't lock the door from the inside. She grabbed a paper towel and held onto the door handle. "Hurry up. Pee. I don't want to hold this shut for much longer than I should."

I nodded and headed to one of the toilet. I turned back and glanced at her. "Do you, uh, mind turning around please?"

I really don't want you to see me pee. I'm sure you don't want to see me either.

Charlotte rolled her eyes and nodded before turning around. I let out a breath of relief and pulled down my pants.


"Charlotte! Please stop pacing! You're going to wear out the flooring even more!" I growled out, rubbing my head in annoyance. It had been barely a minute since I took the test and she was more nervous than I was.

"Oh. Well, I'm sorry if---"


Charlotte and I quickly turned our heads to the door. sounded like it locked.

"What...what was that?" I shook my head at Charlotte and stepped toward the door. "I don't know, but I don't like it."

I pulled on the door handle, but it didn't budge. I pushed harder and turned the handle, but it still wouldn't move. What the hell?

"This door doesn't have a lock from the inside, so we couldn't have locked ourselves in...That means that someone locked us in." I backed away from the door and hugged my waist. Charlotte stepped forward and pushed against the door with her shoulder. After a while, she grunted and stepped back. "Yep. We're definitely locked in. I bet it was that bloody clerk. I'm gonna kill him when I get out!"

"But why...?" I hugged myself tighter and stared at the door in terror. He wouldn't have some master plan to leave us in here to die, right? Or worse...sell us into some kind of human trafficking? Actually, I don't know which one's worse.

Beep beep beep beep...

I gasped and looked towards the toilet. "What the hell? Why is the toilet beeping?"

Charlotte walked over and peered behind the toilet. Finding nothing, she hesitated before lifting the toilet's tank cover. She yelled and closed it. "There's...I think there's a phone jammer in there! I think it's counting down!"

"What?" I rushed over and lifted the cover.


"Oh my God! Charlotte, get your phone out! Call William! Hurry!" I yelled and watched as Charlotte fumbled for her phone. She pressed a button and held the phone out.

"Hello?" I sighed in relief as I heard Will's voice and grabbed the phone. 


"Will, honey, I need you to call 911, okay? Some creep just locked us the bathroom and there's a phone jammer in here! I think something bad's gonna happen. We're at the gas station near the house!"

"Anna? What are you talking about? Who's locked you in the bathroom? What are you doing at at gas station?" 


I groaned in frustration and yelled, "WILL! I need you to call 911! This is an emergency! Please! I lov---"

The phone cut out. There was no more signal. "NO! Damn it!"  I knocked my head against the wall and handed the phone back to Charlotte. Oh, please, please let William call the police in time to get us out of here before something bad happens to us...


Author's Note: 

Hallo. I just finished this in class, so there might be a few mistakes in here. I dunno, I checked, but sometimes I overlook some things. I originally intended to update this a few days after I uploaded the previous chapter, but I had some problems with my boyfriend. Long story short, my boyfriend and I broke up, and I'm incredibly sad, especially since I think he likes one of my friends...

phew...I'm sorry for that...

Welp, class just started. Write to you all later!

Please remember to VOTE AND COMMENT!!!



© RavenMoon06

©Vivianne Saldana

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