Chapter Fifteen

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Anna was getting frustrated. William still wouldn't let her take off her blindfold and it was getting annoying. It seemed like this car trip was taking an eternity! But... she was starting to get a hint of where she was at. The sun was shining down on her and the wind felt light and breezy, smelling suspiciously like the ocean... which they were no where near so it wasn't possible.

Anna felt the car slow to a stop and turned to where she knew William was. "William? Are we finally here?"

"Yes. We're here."

"So I can take the blindfold off now?"

"Um... no, not yet."

Anna groaned, but stopped a snappy retort from coming out of her mouth when she heard the car door open and close. The silence... was deafening. "William? William? William!?"

"I'm right here, Anna." William opened the door and gathered her in his arms. "You okay?" *

She stuffed her face in his shirt and let out a sigh of relief. She sagged against him and wrapped her arms around William's thick, muscled body. "I... yeah. Just don't EVER do that again, m'kay?"

William's body vibrated with the effort he was putting into trying not to laugh. "Alright, sweetheart. Now come on... I have something to show you."

"Really? Can I--- Whoop! William!" Anna's legs swept out from under her and she landed in William's arms. "What are you doing!?"

"What does seem like I'm doing? I'm carrying you up to our destination. You won't be able to navigate your way up to the house on your own."


"Uh... yeah."

Anna decided to let it drop. She had a feeling that William was giving himself an internal lecture, noting that he accidentally let out an important detail that he wasn't supposed to tell.

The trip to the house was remarkably short. The wind up here was fresh and tasted off the sea and sun. A warmness was in the atmosphere and it gave Anna a burst of giddiness. William gently dropped her on her legs and stood behind her.

"Okay. Now you can take off the blindfold."

Anna smiled and reached up behind her, but William beat her to it. He softly untied the knot and let the blindfold drop. Anna gasped. This... this wasn't a house, it was a mansion! Vibrant green grass and vividly colored flowers were surrounding the house and a happy white cobble stoned path led the way to the house. The house was a two story and was painted a light yellow, with white trimming. It was huge, but was built to resemble a small cottage.

"What's... what's this?"

"This is our family's beach cottage."

"Beach!?" Anna screamed, turning toward William. She's never been to the beach before, and now... now she was here with the man she was going to marry. Not... that he knew it just yet.

"Yes," William answered, turning Anna around to face the sun. "This cottage resides on a cliff, under it is the beach."

Anna threw a glance over her shoulder to William. Nodding her head over to what seemed like where the cliff ended, she asked, "May I?"

William nodded and smiled. Anna smiled back before sprinting off to the cliff, stopping a few feet from falling to her death. Anna looked down and gasped. She's never seen the ocean before. And this... she never expected this. Water a crystal clear blue. It seemed like it went on forever. She could see some fishes swimming down at the bottom, and fought the urge to jump off the cliff and swim around with them.

"Beautiful, isn't it?"

"Yeah," Anna answered wistfully, "It really is."

She turned toward him and was surprised to see him looking at her. It took a moment to realize that he had been talking about her! She blushed and quickly looked back to the ocean. "Oh."

"Yeah, oh. Come one, sweetheart, let's go inside."

Anna gave one last wistful look to the ocean before heading back to the house.


The inside of the house was as grand and as big as the outside. William had told Anna that there was two living rooms, ten bedrooms, two kitchens, twelve bathrooms (one in every bedroom and two not), one media room, one play room (for the kiddies), one arcade room, and one poker room.


Anna was currently in the living room, watching as William hurried in and out of the room, gathering who knows what in his hands and then handing them off to a man- the butler, Anna guessed- who carried them out to the car.

"Are you sure you don't want me to help, Will?"

William handed the last of the bags to Mr. Richie and clasped his hands together. He smiled at Anna and almost groaned aloud at her beauty. He took in a deep breath before answering her. "No, no I'm good. I'm finished anyways. Now, come here, sweetheart."

Anna eyed him suspiciously and slowly got up to her feet. "Where are we going?"

"To town."

Anna raised her eyebrow. "What for?"

William chuckled. "For a bathing suit, of course."


"William, this isn't necessary!" Anna whisper yelled, stopping herself from stomping her foot. *

"Of course it is! How else are you going to get in the water? Hm?" William wiggled his eyebrows tauntingly and pressed his lips together to keep from laughing out loud at Anna's squished face. Anna smacked William and turned her face away from him.

"Fine, but I choose which one I will wear!"

William let out a chuckle and nodded his head. "I wouldn't have it any other way."


Author's Note:

Hey! Sorry for the wait! It's just... you know, we'll all been in eighth grade, so you know how it is. I fear that it's just gotten worse. Anyways, here you go! Sorry that it's kind of a filler and short, but at least I updated- I'm still waiting on that author!

This chapter is dedicated to georgiagirl3 because she was the only one to answer my question about what she thought was the best date ever! And she said the beach! So thank you!!! ;)

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