Chapter Three

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My alarm went off, making my eyes pop open with excitement.

Today was the day that everything changed. I can feel it in my gut!

I jumped out of bed and rushed over to my minuscule closet, throwing it open. I wanted to look sophisticated today, but also casual, not wanting to look like I'm trying too hard. I settled for some black designer jeans- which cost me a small fortune- a white tank top, and a white see-through shirt with a black collar over it. The shirt had black cuffs that went to just below my wrists. I added my silver flower ring to my index finger and grabbed my leather jacket from behind the closet's door. For shoes I had black ankle boots that clacked whenever I walked.

There! Finished.


I had just finished my breakfast and was ready to head out to work when the doorbell rang. I quickly turned off the TV and silently walked to the door, trying to make my boots clack less.

I put my eye to the peep hole and looked out of it. A man probably in his late forties, early fifties stood outside of my apartment, wearing a very sophisticated and expensive looking suit. The man had blonde hair that was starting to turn white and shocking dark blue eyes that seem to hold a bit of mischief in them.

"Ah... who is it?"

"My name Miss Williams... is Daniel Winters. And I've come to make you an offer you simply can't resist."


"Mr. Winters, you must be joking! What you are asking of me is simply impossible!"

"It's simple really, Miss Williams. All you have to do is get my son to fall in love with and marry you by the end of the year."

"What do I get in return?" This was ludicrous! How did he expect Plain Jane, AKA myself, to get Mr. Hot-Shot-Greek-God-Billionaire to fall in love with me?

"Besides my son's love? Five million dollars every year that you're with him, but two million for the rest of your life if you decide to divorce him." I wanted to slap that smile off his face so badly. He knew that I was intrigued by the amount of money he was willing to give. 

"There are, of course, a few conditions if you decide to sign this contract." Mr. Winters said, seriously. The cheeky smile gone from his face. I was suddenly very, very nervous.

"One, you must tell no one about this contract. This is at utmost importance. Two, you cannot have any lovers when married to my son. Three, you have to act like you are in love with my son, always, or this deal... is off. Four..."

I glanced up at Mr. Winters, my hands turning clammy. "Four? What's four?"

Mr. Winters kept his eyes on me, probably wondering if he should tell me at all. He finally nodded, almost as if he liked what he saw in my eyes.

"Four, you must bear William a son."


Author's Note:

Edited: 03/23/18

Major Construction: Unknown - planning to make some major story changes.

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