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I know you're thinking... where are the updates!? Where have the updates been!? How can I be so inconsistent for a year!?

Well, my friends, I can finally tell you why I've been so absent. I have been writing scripts. Scripts for what?

Scripts for Hired to Love the webcomic!!!

Yes! Hired to Love is being adapted into a webcomic by Tapas! I wrote the scripts, and the lovely Scarlozet is the main artist!

The comic will be released this Sunday, March 20th, and the next update of Hired 2 Love will be then, too, because I can share more about the comic then! For now, I can only share the cover and the banner!

And, well, maybe this fun illustration Scarlozet rendered for me of Henley and Brandon... :) 

The comic will only be available on Tapas! You can use the app, or the website to read it!

I can't wait for everyone to read it!! I've been working on it for 15 months now, so it feels surreal it's finally almost released.

Check back in Sunday for more details-- and I'll have the link to the comic then, too!

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