Chapter Eight

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"How did you get in here?" I asked with my heart still in my throat.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to startle you. The door was unlocked," Eli said, looking slightly guilty. Then a flash of alarm crossed his features and he stood up from my desk, getting red in the face. "Oh, I only sat down because I was looking at the photos you have on your desk. Maybe I crossed a line."

I put my hand on my chest, trying to calm down. He thought sitting at my work desk crossed a line? But not entering a locked office? I was already starting to see the similarities he shared with Bennett. "Was my door really not locked?" I asked.

Eli shook his head. "No, it was open when I got here. I thought you were in here, that's why I came in. And then I saw the photos." He picked up one of Lee, Bennett, and myself, smiling softly. "Bennett seems happy with you."

I didn't respond for a moment, glancing back at my door. I knew for sure that I locked it. I'd checked it four times. Someone unlocked it. I tried to surreptitiously inspect the room, expecting to see a new vase of flowers, but nothing seemed out of the ordinary... besides Bennett and Lee's father, who stood smiling and blinking, oblivious to my unease.

"Bennett isn't here," I finally said awkwardly.

"I didn't come to see Bennett. I came to see you."

"Why?" I asked, my body tensing. What did he want? The cynical side of me warned of more relationship sabotage. But what reason would Bennett's father have for wanting us to break up?

It didn't really matter. It wouldn't happen. And his father looked ten times less intimidating than his mother. He could do his best.

I must have had a daunting expression on my face because when Eli noticed, his eyebrows shot up and he raised his hands defensively. "It's not what you're thinking. I'm not here to tear you two apart."

I didn't let up. "Does Bennett know you're here?"


My hand reached for my phone. "I don't feel comfortable talking to you without him knowing."

Eli grimaced a bit. "I understand. But Bennett told me everything that happened between you two and Dolores."

I froze. "He did?" Why would Bennett tell him that? How much did Bennett tell him? I could feel heat begin to creep up my spine, shame spreading. Eli knew that Bennett's mother didn't want me to be with Bennett because of my background.

I didn't know why that was making me feel so embarrassed. Because I wasn't embarrassed about the way I grew up or how my life ended up. If anyone else made those types of comments, they would have never got to me.

But for some reason when it came to Bennett's parents...

The anxiety of being told I wasn't good enough for Bennett by Ms. Calloway would never leave me. No matter how much I tried to forget it.

"You're really incredible, Henley."

My mouth went slack and I stared at him. "What?" Did I hear him right? He thought I was incredible? Not of no benefit?

"I wish I could have been as courageous as you when I was younger," he admitted. "But when things got too difficult in my relationship, I ran away. I abandoned everything. I didn't stay and fight or forgive."

I didn't know what to say. What was I supposed to say? Why was he telling me this?

"I know that I am a stranger to everyone right now, but I want to change that. I want to be a part of Bennett and Lee's lives again if they let me. And a part of yours. I get the feeling that you might be more similar to me than even my own sons are. I'd really like to talk with you and get to know you."

I didn't see how we were similar. I wouldn't abandon Bennett for anything. But I didn't know Eli's circumstances. I couldn't judge him. Just as Bennett would have done anything to protect Lee, maybe Eli had his own things to protect.

"I'm sorry," I started, cupping my arm, "but I'm not going to get involved with you unless Bennett tells me it's okay. And I don't think he'll be okay with it until he decides how he feels about you being in his life."

Eli smiled gently. "I understand. I can tell you really care for him."

"I do."

"I'll leave you alone, then. Sorry for intruding."

I stepped to the side so Eli could pass by me. With him closer, I couldn't help but notice the similarities he shared with Bennett. It was strange how Lee resembled Ms. Calloway more than Eli even though they weren't even related. But Eli looked just how I imagined Bennett would in twenty years.

I smiled a little to myself. Bennett would be handsome his entire life. Lucky me.

Once Eli disappeared down the hall I shut and locked my office door. A mild anxiety stayed with me about it being unlocked for Eli, but I still had work to do. Instead, I texted Brandon, asking if he could just change the lock on my door. Then as I went to put my phone away, Bennett's name flashed on the screen.

"Henley," he said in true Bennett fashion before I could say anything after answering.


"I miss you."

I grinned, sitting at my desk. "I miss you, too."

"I am taking an earlier flight than expected, so I should be home tomorrow a little after five."

"Okay, I'll be waiting at your house," I told him, noticing that the picture frame Eli touched was out of place. I reached over to adjust it. "Um, by the way, your dad came to see me."

Bennett didn't say anything for a moment. "What did he want?"

"He just wanted to talk. But I told him that I wouldn't unless you were okay with it."

"You don't need my permission to do anything, Henley," he said and I opened my mouth to respond, but he continued, "but I appreciate that you thought of me. I haven't decided whether or not I want him in my life yet."

I nodded and then realized Bennett couldn't see me. "Yeah. I understand that."

"However, that doesn't mean you have to ignore him. Maybe you will get something out of a conversation with him."

"You think so?"

"I think you two might be similar to each other."

"Your father said the same thing," I said, a little surprised. Were we really alike? In what way?

"Mmm, well, it's up to you. It's not like I'll be upset with you."

"I don't really feel like I need to talk to him, anyway," I said. "I probably won't."

I heard a muffled voice on the other end and figured it was someone speaking to Bennett. "I've got to go," he said, sounding mildly annoyed. "I just wanted to call and say I love you."

No matter how long I was with Bennett, he still said things that made my heart pound. I was glad he wasn't here because I was sure my face was red. "I love you, too."

There was silence on his side for a second. Then a teasing, "Are you embarrassed right now?"


"I really wish I could see your face," he murmured. Someone called his name and he sighed. "I really have to go now. Bye, Henley."

"Okay, bye."

I hung up the phone and fell back in my chair, letting my head rest against the back of it. And then I sat back up and opened my laptop. I still had two hours of work before I had to leave for class.

Thoughts of Eli remained in my head, but I pushed them away. I didn't really see any reason for me to talk with him, even if Bennett was okay with it. Maybe if Bennett decided to have a relationship with him, I would, but for now, I had other things to focus on.

When it came time to leave, I received a call from Brandon. "Hey, I asked around and apparently HVAC has been checking the air ducts on all the floors over the past week. They said Bennett complained about the heat not working as it should. So that's probably why people were entering your office. I told them to lock it behind them when they leave from now on and to give you a head's up when they go in."

"Really?" I asked, leaving my office, a pressure coming off my chest. "That actually makes sense."

"Yup. Also, I searched for your number in the employee directory and found it. Someone must have put your cell phone number along with your office extension."

"That explains that, then," I said, rubbing my forehead. I knew I was being paranoid. "I'll tell them to delete it. Thanks for looking into that for me, Brandon."

"Yeah, no problem. No one has admitted to liking you yet."

I grimaced. "You're not actually asking people that, are you?"

"Why not?"

"Please don't."

"Don't you want to know who it is?"

I went into the elevator, hitting the button for the lobby. The unsettling feeling returned for a moment and didn't leave until the elevator doors shut and I was left alone. I cleared my throat. Why was I so nervous? Everything had an explanation now. It was a good thing I'd only mentioned it to Brandon. I didn't want anyone thinking I was trying to get attention. And how terrible for the person who liked me. For me to call them out as a stalker when they could just be shy. Hadn't Bennett also searched me out when we met? Wasn't that weirder than just leaving me flowers?

How did this person come to like me? I tried to think back. Who had I met? Why did they like me? I felt kind of bad. They were wasting their time on me.


"Oh, sorry. I was distracted. Just stop asking around, okay?"

I could imagine him pouting. He probably thought it was a game to find out who it was. "Alright, fine. Are you going to class now?"

"Yep. Ariana should be here in a second."

"Maybe I'll come out and say hi."

"Do your work," I told him, rolling my eyes. "I'm hanging up."

When I reached the lobby, I headed out toward the front this time, instead of heading toward the employee exit. Ariana stood by the doors along with another man. My eyebrows rose as I walked closer, confused as to who she could be with.

But then Sebastian turned around and my jaw dropped. "Did you get a haircut?"

He shyly ran a hand through his short hair. "Uh, yeah. I did."

"Wow," I said. "You barely cut anything but it looks so different."

"In a good way or bad?"

"Good," I said, grinning. "Really good. You look even more handsome."

He smiled back at me. "Really?"

"See? I told you," Ariana said, nudging him in the side. "Although I was shocked when I saw him, too. It really suits him."

Sebastian rubbed his neck. "It's not really..."

"What were you two up to before this?" I asked as we all headed out to the parking lot.

"We just got a late lunch together," Ariana said. "I told him about the internship. He told me I should go. He said he won't even miss me a little bit."

Sebastian's mouth fell open. "What? I didn't say that."

"No hesitation," Ariana whispered to me, grabbing my arm. "He said get out of here. Adiós, chama."

"Ariana, I did not," Sebastian denied.

I raised my eyebrows at him. "In that much of a rush to get rid of her?"

He rolled his eyes at our antics. "I just think it's a once in the lifetime opportunity. What reason is there to turn it down? She should go."

Ariana gave me a pointed look and I laughed. Of course Sebastian wouldn't realize he was one of the reasons she was hesitating about going. "I agree, though," I said. "You should go."

"I'm still deciding."

"It's not forever," Sebastian said.

I shrugged. "Unless she gets offered a job and wants to stay here."

Sebastian stopped walking, falling silent. I glanced at him over my shoulder, keeping my expression neutral. It looked like he hadn't considered that. I kept Ariana moving forward, toward my car. Maybe with this in his head, Sebastian would make a move faster.

"See you after class, Sebastian," Ariana said, turning back to him, a confused expression crossing her face when she realized how far behind us he was.

"Uh, right," he said distractedly.

I silently bid an apology to Brandon. "You guys doing something after?"

"Yeah, so I don't need a ride anywhere," Ariana said. "We're going to go to the pub with Brandon."

"Oh, okay."

"Do you want to come?" she asked.

I shook my head. "Nah. I'll just enjoy being home alone without Brandon. I barely get a moment to myself these days."

"Fair enough."

I checked the time on my phone. "We're going to be late if we don't hurry."

"Okay. Bye, Sebastian!" Ariana said, waving her hand.

Sebastian held up a hand in return. "See you later. Bye, Henley."

We got into my car and I tried to close my door and it bounced back with a loud clack. Annoyed, I shut it again, pulling harder. It latched and I put my seat belt buckle on, a little annoyed.

"Is your door broken?" Ariana asked.

"The latch or something is, yeah," I sighed. "I'm not surprised. This car is so old."

"I'm surprised Bennett hasn't bought you a new one."

"He's tried."

She giggled. "I thought so."

"I'm kind of attached to this one though," I said, pulling out of the hotel parking lot. "I'm not ready to give up yet. But I probably should buy a new one soon. I have the money now."

"You should buy a Maserati just to spite Bennett."

"I definitely can't afford that," I said, but the thought made my pulse race. A Maserati. Then I wouldn't have to be jealous of Brandon anymore. "And I think the insurance would end up the same cost of the car payment for it. And I don't even want to think about getting it fixed. Parts probably cost a lot."

Ariana nodded. "You're probably right. But maybe Lee knows someone. He managed to get me two tires that are almost brand new for thirty dollars. Can you believe that? They're used, but they really do look new."


"Yeah, I am super grateful to him."

I thought about it. "He probably does know someone for Maseratis since he drives one... No. I can't. Bennett would take it to heart."

Ariana laughed again. "Yeah, you're probably right."

"Do you feel any better after talking to Sebastian about Spain?" I asked her as I pulled onto the main road.

"Not really. I am still confused. I don't know what to do. I keep telling myself it'll be fine no matter what, but I just don't know. I don't know what I'm so afraid of. But I feel this hesitation every time I think about going," she explained, putting her hand over her heart. "Like something in me is telling me not to go."

I tapped my fingers on the steering wheel. "Are you afraid if you leave, they'll forget you and move on?"

"I don't think so?"

"You don't sound very sure."

"I don't think it's that, but I don't know," she said, biting her lip. "I don't know why I am having so much trouble over this. I guess part of me is scared to go alone, too."

I gave her a reassuring look. "I think that's natural. I wish I could go with you, but I'm taking summer classes."

"Aww, the fact you would even consider it means a lot, Henley. I know you're so scared of flying."

"Ha..." I didn't want to think about that. Bennett had wanted me to go on the business trip with him, but the thought of flying kept me saying no. I didn't think I would ever be able to go on with him. And I was his assistant. He let me get away with it, though. Another benefit I received from working for him.

Another reason I couldn't keep working there forever.

We arrived at the campus and parted ways, Ariana heading to her calculus class, me to English. The professor handed back the essay I turned in last week and to my excitement, I received a ninety-eight. "Good job," she said noticing my smile. "This is one of the best essays I've read in a long time."

"Thank you," I responded, trying to control my smile, but failing.

It wasn't even a big deal. But as someone who felt so behind, surrounded by people three years younger than me in this English 101 class, I felt accomplished. Even if I was a little late, I could still do good.

The good mood carried over to my statistics class, which I shared with Ariana. I was glad I shared it with her because she seemed to understand it while I didn't. But judging by the dead looks on everyone's faces, I didn't think a lot of the people in our class understood it. So I didn't hold it against myself.

I decided to stop at the library before heading home and I split with Ariana because Sebastian was picking her up. I hiked my backpack over the shoulder and climbed the steps to the building that held the library.

As I opened the door to the library, someone came out, walking backward and bumped straight into me. I managed not to fall, gripping tightly onto the door, annoyed. But when the person turned around, the annoyance disappeared. "Trav?"

Trav blinked for a moment before grinning widely, his sharp canines coming into display. "Henley! Hey!"

"Wow, it's so nice to see you again," I said and he pulled me in for a hug.

"If I knew you were going to quit Michelangelo's without ever showing up again, I would have got your number before you left," he said, pulling back. The group of people he was with passed us, heading down the steps.

I eyed his arms. "You got more tattoos?"

"Oh, yeah. I never stop." Without any hesitation, he lifted the front of his shirt up all the way to his chin so he could show me the shiny, slightly inflamed skin on the right side of his chest leading up to his shoulder. "Cool, huh?"

"Is that a Kraken?"

"Mhm," he said, dropping his shirt.

"Colin must have had a fit when you showed up with more tattoos."

Trav smirked. "Oh, yeah. It's fun to watch him sweat."

"Good riddance to that man. I didn't know you went to college here," I said.

"I just started this semester."

"Really? Me too."

Trav glanced over my shoulder at his friends, fishing in his pocket for his phone. "Hey, I really want to catch up with you. Can I have your number? My friends look like they're getting impatient."

"Definitely," I agreed, telling him my number. "I'm pretty busy during the week, but free on weekends. We should meet up."

"We should go get dinner at Michelangelo's and be a pain in the ass for Colin."

"Oh my God, yeah, we should."

Trav winked at me before clapping me on the shoulder. "Okay. I'll text you later then, Henley. Nice seeing you!"

I hummed to myself as I picked up the reference book I was looking for, my mood even more improved after seeing Trav. He'd been the only one I missed after quitting. I wanted to know what his major was. It was nice to know someone else just starting. We could even try to schedule classes together. I found it hard to make friends and Ariana was graduating soon. I'd been afraid of being left alone, but maybe now I wouldn't be.

I headed home, debating about calling Bennett again. The only way the day could have got better was if he'd been home. Maybe I could Facetime him since he wanted to see me.

The house was dark as I pulled into the driveway, Brandon's car missing. I'd forgot to ask how late they'd be out. I turned on the porch light for him anyway as I went inside, kicking off my shoes.

My stomach rumbled and I headed to the kitchen, yawning. I put some leftover buffalo mac and cheese Brandon had made on the stove and pulled out my phone, deciding to give Facetiming Bennett a try.

A text message popped up from an unknown sender.

Can we meet up this weekend?

I hadn't expected Trav to text me so quickly. But maybe he was eager to catch up. I didn't blame him. I was too, especially now considering we both went to the same college. But since Bennett had been away all week, I wanted to spend time with him. I typed back a response suggesting the week after and the response of okay was immediate.

I hit the Facetime button for Bennett and after a few moments he picked up, his phone way too close to his face.

I laughed. "Bennett. Pull your phone back some."

He brought it so far away from him I could almost see his whole body.

"Why aren't you wearing pants?

He seemed to just realize then he was only in his boxers and he quickly adjusted his phone, so it only showed the top half of him, his cheeks turning pink. "I was just about to shower."

I noticed the hotel suite in the background. "Oh, sorry to bother you."

"You never bother me."

"Guess who I ran into today?"


"Trav. You remember the bartender from the Michelangelo's?"

He pursed his lips a little. "Yes. I remember him."

"What's the face for?"

"I am still embarrassed from keeping that date with Cara from you."

"I think it did more good than bad," I said, remembering it was the reason I realized my feelings for Bennett. "But anyway, are you cool if I hang out with Trav? He asked me to meet up."

Bennett slid his tie off, balling it up, and tossing it out of frame. "Are you asking for my permission?"

"Not really. More so giving you the chance to tell me if you're uncomfortable with it."

"I trust you, Henley. Whether it's talking with my father or hanging out with another guy. You don't need to worry about whether I am comfortable or not."

I tugged at a strand of my hair, feeling warm inside. Bennett was so sweet. "I figured, but I just wanted to check."

"Thank you. But to ease your worries, no I don't mind. I remember what he did for you that night. He seems like a good guy."

"Okay, cool."

"You sound more excited about hanging out with him than me coming home tomorrow."

I eyed Bennett through the camera. "Are you being jealous right after you said it was okay?"

He slid his shirt off his shoulders, leaving his torso bare. "Maybe. I never said I wouldn't be jealous."

"Tomorrow I'll show you how much I missed you."

"Will you?"

"Don't tire yourself out too much at work," I warned him.

He stilled. "Should I just fly home right now?"

"No," I said. "Just look forward to it."

He groaned lowly. "Henley."

"My dinner is ready. I'm going to eat. Text me when you're done showering, okay?" I said, turning off the stovetop.

"You're terrible," he said but smiled at me. "I love you."

I blew him a kiss before hanging up. I transferred my food from the pot to a bowl and sat at the kitchen table in silence. It was weird to be alone after so long. I was either with Bennett, or Bennett was here, or Brandon was around with Sebastian or Ariana. Even Lee and Henry stopped by a lot.

I ate slowly, steadily becoming more unsettled by the quiet. Maybe I didn't like being alone after all. Which was a strange thought. I'd been alone for so long, but after meeting Bennett, I hadn't been alone at all. I had more people in my life than ever.

My appetite left me and I stared down at my bowl, my stomach feeling hard.

Why was I scared to be alone all of a sudden? Not even back when I had squatters living below me had I felt like this.

I forced myself to keep eating, but the macaroni tasted like sand on my tongue.

"Okay, maybe I need to deal with this sooner than later," I said, picking up my phone again. I scrolled to the previous text message from the person who left me flowers.

Hello, Gorgeous. I have a surprise for you next week. Please look forward to it.

I ignored the words, typing back a response.

Thank you for the flowers. I really appreciate it, but I don't feel comfortable receiving them. Please don't send more. I am actually in a relationship right now. I hope you understand.

I sent it without overthinking it. It seemed polite enough to me. And then I blocked the number.

Out of sight, out of mind, I told myself.

But I still asked Brandon what time he was coming home.

Author's Note:

Yeah, I am not going to lie. I am pulling this story out of my ass and I have no idea what direction it's going in or any idea. I am taking a new meaning to pantsing. I don't know how to make it interesting. So it's really hard for me to write right now. All the ideas I have are super dramatic. And not for an overall plot. I'm seriously stuck lol.

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