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This is the sequel to the book Hired to Love. It can not be read as a stand-alone. You will be confused and the plot twists of the first book will be spoiled if you try to read it alone. This book is also just for fun. It's just so we can read more about the characters so the plot will be all over the place as we mix in fluff, plot, developing the side characters, etc. This is what I can an unnecessary sequel-- it's just for fun!


I hope you've had a wonderful day, beautiful. That black skirt fits you in all the right places. Let's meet soon.

I stared at the message scrawled onto the white piece of printer paper that had been left on my desk. My stomach rolled uneasily. This was the second one this week. How was this person getting into my office? I locked it whenever I wasn't in it. There was no sign of forced entry, no sign of someone even being in here aside from the creepy letters that were left behind.

Did they have the wrong office? Were these letters even for me? Bennett had bought me a nameplate for my desk, yet none of the letters addressed anyone by name. Just Hello, Beautiful or Good evening, Gorgeous.

The handle on my office door jiggled, and I quickly balled up the letter, hiding it behind my back as the door swung open and Bennett hurried in, looking over his shoulder as if someone was chasing him. He shut the door and locked it with a click, stooping down to peer out the frosted glass. "Phew, I think I lost him."

"Lost who?"

He jumped, twisting around to face me, green eyes widening as if he'd been caught in the act of something. "Henley! What are you doing in here?"

"What am I doing in my office?"

"I thought you'd left for the day already," he said, running a hand through his tousled brown hair.

It had lost some of its volume throughout the workday and now lay flatter, falling into his face a little bit. When it was like that, Bennett resembled Lee more than ever... If one ignored their glaringly contrasting personalities.

Bennett cleared his throat, smoothing out the vest of his suit, and walked over to me, still throwing paranoid glances back at the door. "How are you?"

"Who are you hiding from?" I asked warily.

"I'm not hiding."

"Sure you're not."

His lips curved up a little, his eyes raking over my body. "I can't get over seeing you in skirts. Coming to work every day is like a gift now."

A crawling sensation ran up my spine. Skirts? I clenched the paper tighter, trying my best to not react. I wouldn't let a dumb letter affect me like this. I pulled the hem of my skirt lower, trying to play it off. "If you say something like that again, I'm not going to wear another skirt to work, ever."

His expression told me he considered that one of the worst possible things that could ever happen to him. "What? I'm just saying it's enjoyable to see you dressed so formally."

I paused, narrowing my eyes. "What's wrong with what I normally wear?"

He opened his mouth and then shut it. "...Nothing," he said carefully, watching for my reaction.

Satisfied, I nodded. "That's right."

"However, there is a saying that goes you can have whatever you want in life if you just dress for it—"

"Then I'll just walk around naked because I don't particularly want anything in life," I cut him off.

He considered this. "Well, I wouldn't argue with that."

I rubbed a hand over my face, sighing. He was impossible.

"What's that in your hand?"

Realizing the crumpled-up letter wasn't hiding behind my back anymore, I feigned innocence, shrugging once. "Oh, just some scrap paper." As if to prove my point, I tossed it in the recycling bin, making a mental note to pluck it out later when I was alone. "Nothing important."

I did not want Bennett to know about the letters. At least not yet. I didn't know for sure if these were for me, and even if they were, I felt they were just some dumb prank. Most people had been welcoming about Bennett hiring me as his assistant, but I knew some people had to be unhappy. I had no qualifications, no prior related job history, nothing to show that I deserved this job. Nothing but being Bennett's girlfriend. I'd cheated my way to a good position. I couldn't blame anyone for disliking me for that. But I didn't want Bennett to find out and think this was his fault. He already had enough on his plate.

Admittedly, part of me thought it his mother could have something to do with it, but was that even possible? We hadn't had contact with her in weeks. And as far as I was aware, she didn't even know I was working with Bennett. Unless Lee had mentioned it to her when he went to visit, but Lee knew better than to do that.

"Are you heading to class now?" Bennett asked while absent-mindedly organizing the folders on my desk into a pile.

"Yeah, Ariana is meeting me here and we'll go together. I just have to change first," I told him, hoisting my backpack from off the floor and holding it up to him.

He waited expectantly. "Pretend I'm not here."

"I'm not changing in here."

"Oh," he pouted.

I tried to give him an annoyed look but ended up smiling. He was pretty cute. "Are you going to tell me why and who you're hiding from or no?"

"I told you I'm not—"

A knock came on the door and Bennett flattened himself against a filing cabinet. I rolled my eyes at his antics and went to unlock the door. He grabbed my arm and pulled me to him, wrapping his arms around my waist. "Wait, don't."

"Bennett, I don't have time for this. I'm going to be late for class."

"Henley, I will let you take my Maserati to class if you open this door," Lee's called from the other side of the closed door. "It will get you there quicker and you won't be late."

Take the Maserati? I struggled to break myself free of Bennett, who let me go after I accidentally elbowed him in the gut. "He's in here," I said, unlocking the door, and swinging it open eagerly.

Lee grinned down at me. "I knew there was a reason as to why you're my third favorite person."

"Third?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Yes. Henry, Bennett, you."

"So, even though Bennett is constantly running from you he still ranks above me?"

"Yep. Even through all his less admirable qualities, Bennett is my little, baby brother."

"I'm twenty-six, Lee," Bennett muttered, hunching his shoulders. "I'm not a child. And why does Henry rank above me?"

Lee and I exchanged looks.

Bennett held up his hand. "Don't even say it."

Lee smiled at Bennett, his eyes crinkling, and I noticed the dark bags under them. I frowned at him. "You look tired, Lee."

"I am a bit. Henry's been keeping me up at night."

"That's too much information, Lee," Bennett said, scrunching up his face.

Lee's cheeks reddened. "Not like that. He's been writing like crazy, trying to meet deadlines. And he likes to be left alone when he writes so the only time we can spend together is late at night. But even then, it's hard because I'm tired from the day and he wants me just to rest. But I don't want to. I want to spend time with him."

"You two live with each other though," Bennett pointed out. "You're with each other all the time. What do you mean that's the only time you can spend together?"

"While actively being attentive to each other," Lee clarified. "Henry doesn't even let me in the same room as him when he writes. I should have bought a smaller house. Maybe I will. He holes himself in his office and only comes if I rustle a candy bag."

Bennett folded his arms over his chest. "You should feel lucky he wants to live with you. Must be nice."

I gave Bennett a flat look, and he jutted his chin up. "I already explained this to you, Bennett. I'm not ready to move in with you."

"Why? We're with each other almost every night anyway—"

"I don't want to have this conversation again right now," I cut him off, checking the time on my phone. "I really have to get going."

Bennett didn't argue, just frowned. Lee held out his keys to me and I debated about turning down his offer, but ultimately decided it was too good to resist. He faced Bennett again, gesturing toward the door. "Let's go, Bennett."

"Oh, yeah. What is he running away from, anyway?" I asked Lee as the three of us made our way out of my office. I made sure to triple-check that the door was locked behind us.

"We are going over our benefit plans," Lee told me.

"Like what the employees get?"


"What? Are you cutting stuff or something?" I asked.

He shook his head. "No. We're trying to make it better."

"So, what's the big deal?"

"Not everyone agrees with our plan. And... well, there are some people who are not happy in general with what happened with our mother."

My eyebrows shot up. "What? She is a terrible person. She must have been a terrible boss, too."

Lee bit his lip, looking uncomfortable. Bennett touched my arm, shaking his head slightly. I stared at the marble floor, trying to ignore the embarrassment welling up inside me. Right. Even though Ms. Calloway was a miserable person, she was still their mother. I didn't understand Lee's loyalty. Even after all that she'd done to him and Bennett, he still wouldn't even badmouth her.

"Anyway, for some reason, the finance director has it out for me," Bennett said, breaking the awkward silence that'd fallen. "And I would rather not deal with him."

"You have to, Bennett. If he acts out, I'll make sure he knows that behavior won't be tolerated," Lee responded.

"Can't you just fire him?" I asked.

"The CFO has nothing but praise for him," Bennett said dryly.

"The, uh, what?"

"You've met her, Henley. Chanda, remember? Our chief financial adviser," Bennett said. "Henry said he gave you introductions to everyone during your training."

"Oh, right. Yeah. There's just a lot of names to remember."

"You should remember them."

"Yes... I'm trying."

"It's alright, Henley. We have a lot of employees. And if you ever forget, their names are on their desks," Lee told me, winking.

We came to a stop at the elevators and Lee pressed the down button. As we waited, a maintenance worker walked up to us, a huge, dusty portrait in his arms. Ms. Calloway stared coolly toward me from it, her evil face painted impeccably into the canvas. I shuddered, going to turn away when I realized there was another person with her in the painting. The worker's arm hid the other person's face, but I could see they were wearing a suit, arm around Ms. Calloway's waist.

Lee caught me staring and turned curiously. He froze as his eyes landed on it. "Where did you get that?" he asked the worker.

This drew Bennett's attention, too, and the worker moved his arms to reveal the portrait fully. Immediately I knew the man in the portrait was their father. He was almost a spitting replica of Bennett. Same pointed features, slightly wavy dark hair, same green eyes. Just as handsome. He didn't even look much older than Bennet was now.

"Found it while getting rid of the last few things in the main office," the worker said. "I was told to put everything in storage. Would you like me to do something else with it, Mr. Calloway?"

"No," Bennett said at the same time Lee said, "we'll take it."

The worked glanced between them. "Um."

"Put it in storage," Bennett said as the elevator dinged. "You may go down first."

"Bennett," Lee protested, but said nothing more, watching as the worker scrambled onto the elevator, avoiding both men's gazes.

I didn't blame him. I imagined if I didn't know the two of them, I'd be just as intimidated, too. It didn't help they were both at least six feet tall, either. Probably taller. I didn't know their exact heights, but they pretty much towered over me when I stood beside them.

"I don't know about you, but I do not want to scare away the general public by putting our mother's face up somewhere."

"I can't believe she kept a portrait of him," Lee said. "Why would she?"

"Does it matter?"

"That was you guys' father, right?" I asked.

"Yeah. He looks just like Bennett, doesn't he? I forgot about that. I've always looked more like our mother," Lee said, moving toward the second elevator as it signaled its arrival.

"How old were you when he passed?" I asked.

"Let's see. I'd just started high school. So, fourteen?"

"Ah, it must have been hard." I followed the brothers on the elevator, wondering if I should have even brought it up. They never talked about their father. I'd heard Bennett mention him maybe twice before. That's all.

"I don't think losing a parent is ever easy," Bennett said tersely, pressing the button for the lobby.

"He was handsome. I guess I'm in luck since you look so much like him, huh, Bennett? How old do you think he was in that portrait?"

"I think around my age," Lee said thoughtfully. "I've never seen that portrait before, though. Why was my mother hiding it?"

"Does it matter?" Bennett asked.

"I suppose not."

I peeked at Bennett, who was glaring at the buttons on the elevator. Had the portrait upset him? Or was it because I'd asked about their father? I remained quiet the rest of the ride down, clasping my hands behind my back.

The two men stayed on the elevator when we reached the lobby. I adjusted my backpack and waved at them. "Okay, I'll talk to you later, Bennett. Have a good day, Lee!"

As I turned to walk away, Bennett made an offended sound. I was yanked backward by my backpack and Bennett spun me around to face him again. "Where do you think you're going?"

"Uh, class?"

"Aren't you forgetting something?"

"Am I?"

He tapped his lips. "A goodbye kiss?"

I glanced over my shoulder. A few people stood around waiting to get on. Lee wiggled his eyebrows at me when I faced Bennett again. Blushing because we had an audience, I quickly pressed my lips to his, pulling back before he had a chance to kiss back. "Okay, bye for real."

"I'll cook dinner tonight if you come over."

I held out my hand to stop the elevator door from closing, interest piqued. Bennett was a good cook. I could admit that. Way better than I was. "What are you thinking about making?"

"Hmm, maybe some steak, mashed potatoes, squash... no pressure though. You don't have to come over—"

"I'll be there," I promised. "Don't eat without me! Got it?"

He nodded, keeping his face neutral. "I will wait for you, Henley."

"Sweet. Okay, bye!" I waved with both of my hands one more time before heading toward the restrooms.

I quickly changed, checking the time on my phone again. I would be cutting it close. It was tiring to have to work all day and go straight to class, but I was already two years behind most students my age. I had no choice. I needed to graduate and figure out what to do with my life. Even though I now worked as Bennett's assistant, I couldn't shake the feeling people still felt I wasn't good enough for him. I had more money now than I'd ever had in my entire life, but I still felt behind. Like I was lacking.

"It's okay, Henley," I said, staring at myself in the mirror. My makeup was smudged under my eyes a bit, but otherwise, it'd stayed put. That was something else new, too. Trying to learn how to do my makeup. Ariana had pointed out that some places thought it was unprofessional to not wear any. I thought it was bullshit, but after having Henry show me around, I realized that almost every other woman here wore makeup. So, I'd had Ariana show me the basics.

I shuddered at the memory of the price. Why the hell was it so expensive? Why were women expected to wear makeup in the workplace? It made no sense to me. But I already didn't fit the image. I had to do what I could to fit in.

"It's fine," I repeated, trying to reassure myself. "You can go at your own pace. Don't let the world force expectations on you."

Easier said than done, but I still hooked my backpack over my shoulder again and headed back into the lobby. To my surprise, I saw a familiar man standing near the waiting area, rocking on the heels of his feet.

"Sebastian!" I called, going up to him. "What're you doing here?"

"Hello, Henley," he greeted me warmly. "Ariana said she'd be meeting up here with you to go to class. I figured maybe you would like a ride."

I looked at him skeptically. "Sebastian... she's meeting me here so we can carpool. As in driving in my car together to class. Well, more exactly Lee's car, because he's letting me take his Maserati."

He avoided my gaze, glancing up at the ceiling. "Oh. You're right. Why would I think that?"

"Because you thought you could sneak in some time with her without my brother noticing?" I guessed, smirking.

"What? I would never."


"Okay, fine. Maybe. What is wrong with your brother? I swear he has a sixth sense for when I'm around Ariana," he complained, pursing his lips together. "Anytime I try to do anything together with her, he shows up. I don't get it."

"You think maybe he put a tracker on you?"

Sebastian paused. "Would he go that far?"

"Oh, yeah. He probably keeps tabs on you at all times. He's told me he stakes out your house."

"How did he find out where I lived?" Sebastian asked, looking concerned. "How have I not noticed this before? Do you think he stuck the tracker on my car? I need to buy a new car. And house."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm just kidding, Sebastian. Geez, when did you get so gullible?"

"I'm not gullible. But actually, I wanted to ask you something," he said, getting serious again. "Ariana seems kind of evasive lately, do you know if anything is going on with her?"

A flurry of chaos near the exit interrupted me as I opened my mouth to speak. Sebastian and I looked over, and I noticed someone sprawled out face-first on the floor. Upon closer inspection, I realized it was Ariana. Sebastian moved before I did, hurrying over to her. I followed after him watching as someone in a black suit squatted down to help her up. I almost did a double-take as they climbed back to their feet because I realized it was Bennett who'd helped her up. Hadn't Bennett just back upstairs with Lee?

I stepped up to him, confused. "Bennett? How did you—"

The man, who was most definitely not Bennett, turned to me. My breath caught in my throat. It wasn't Bennett. But I didn't blame myself for mistaking this man was Bennett. Their resemblance was beyond uncanny. It was incredible. In fact...

He looked just like the man in the portrait we'd just seen. The painting of Bennett and Lee's father. Except this man had a more mature visage. As if a decade had passed. Bags under his eyes, age lines etched into his cheeks and forehead, sharp features melted into something softer, aged.

His forest green eyes hardened and he grabbed my shoulders, startling me. "What did you just say?"

"What?" I said.

"Hey," Sebastian said, shoving the man's hands off me. "What do you think you're doing?"

The man's hands dropped to his sides as he faltered back a step. "It can't be."

Sebastian stepped in front of me, jaw set. "Did you need something?"

"Is that you, Sebastian?" the man asked in disbelief. "You're so grown... I can't believe it. So much time has passed."

Some of the hostility left Sebastian's face, replaced with uncertainty. "Do I know you?"

"I don't know if you remember me. But it's me. Bennett's father."

I stared at him, not sure if I heard him right. He was claiming to be Bennett's father? What?

Sebastian's eyes narrowed, and he pointed at the glass doors of the exit. "Get out."

"What? Sebastian—"

"The man you speak of is dead. This is a sick scam, and you have five seconds to get the hell out of here. While I'm still being nice."

"Dead?" the man repeated, freezing.

Ariana grabbed my arm, face pale. "What's going on?" she whispered.

"I don't know," I responded quietly. Was this man trying to commit some kind of fraud? By impersonating a dead man? But...

Even Sebastian couldn't deny how much they looked alike. I would believe they were related in a second. But it wasn't possible. Bennett and Lee had both said their father died. There was no way.

But... I'd also thought Lee was dead. I'd been convinced of it until he showed up at Bennett's house.

I swallowed. Ms. Calloway had done terrible stuff to her sons. She lied to them. Blackmailed them. Abused them. Was there anything she wouldn't do?

No. No, it couldn't be true. Sebastian was right. This guy was just trying to scam money out of Bennett and Lee.

"Please, Sebastian," the man begged, his voice rising. "I need to speak with Bennett or Lee. I know I've been out of their lives for so long. I know. But I can explain things. I need to see them. They'll know when they see me. You just don't remember me."

"I told you to leave," Sebastian repeated, but his voice came out less forceful, and I wondered if he too began to process the slim chance this man could be telling the truth.

The man's attention swapped to me again. Ariana's grip on my arm tightened again as he advanced toward me. "You. You thought I was Bennett. Please, you have to let him know I'm here."

I shook my head. "No, I—"

Sebastian rounded on him. "How many times do I have to tell you—"

"What's going on?"

My head snapped in the direction of Bennett's voice. His chest rose and fell like he was out of breath, immediately coming up to me, hands clenched into fists.

"Bennett," I started.

The man turned to Bennett, too, and Bennett stopped in his tracks. The blood drained from his face. "What..."

"Bennett," the man breathed. "You recognize me, right, Ben? It's me. Your father."

Bennett's eyes never left the man's face, but he grew more pallid by the second. His hand shot up to his mouth as if he was going to be sick. He swayed to the right, and I immediately reached for him, wrapping my arm around his waist and holding him steady.

"You're dead," Bennett whispered. "I went to your funeral. You're dead."

The man's face contorted into something resembling both hurt and anger. His hands formed fists at his side. "I wish I could say I wouldn't put it past your mother, but I know her far too well."

What did he mean by that? Bennett's shoulders shook and I held him tighter, trying to ignore the pounding of my pulse. Bennett's hand went to his forehead, and he closed his eyes tightly. "No. You're not him. What is this?"

"Bennett, please. I don't know what your mother told you, but please hear me out. I can prove it. Please. Look at this." The man scrambled to pull his wallet out of his pocket, digging for a tattered, yellowed photograph. He held it out to Bennett and I had to resist the urge to shield Bennett. "I haven't been able to come looking for you until now."

Bennett reached for it with a shaking hand and flipped it over. I knew right away it was a photo of Lee and Bennett when they were younger. Lee, tall and lanky, Bennett, short and with a sour expression on his face. I would have found it funny, but considering the circumstances it made my blood run cold because the man in the photo with them was the same. The same as the one in the portrait.

The same as the one in front of us.

Author's Note:

Yes, here it is. The long-awaited sequel to Hired to Love! If you haven't the description yet, I suggest you do. We have a lot of characters and a lot of stories to tell this time around. This will not be following the usual novel format (not that I ever do... overwriting writer problems). In fact, I usually don't do sequels. However, there is a lot I can do with these characters, and I love them, so I thought why not! 

I will try to update every week, but I just want everyone to know that my other book, What's at Stake, is my priority for me right now. On top of other secret things that I need to do weekly.

And yes... the title is a serious pun. It's sticking for now, but I may change it later lol

Thank you!


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