A Good relationship between us

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3rd Person's POV

It's been 4 months since the fight of the Big Hero 6 and Callaghan. The government is still finding them but they kept their secret to everyone except for Aunt Cass.

Well, let's go on with our story. It all started when all the students have to pass a thing for their Robotics project. Hiro and GoGo are teamed up for this. They made an electromagnetic suspension bike but it was faster than GoGo's previous bike.

Hiro's POV

As we were done showing our work, the bell rang. Both of us are about to go to our next class when Professor Lee called us.

"Hiro, GoGo, would you go with me to the Principal's office?" He asked.

Both of us nodded.

As we were on our way, I can't stop thinking about what we've done wrong.

When we were at the office, we saw Abigail (which was the principal) sitting at her chair.

"Nice to see the both of you." She said happily.

"Abigail, why did you call us?" I asked.

"Well, you two had been chosen to compete with the other schools in this year's Science and Math week's motorcycle race. It is where you'll design your own bike and race. Since GoGo is good in making faster bikes and Hiro is fast at anything, I chose the two of you to compete with Falcon School, Elmore High, Empire High, Berk Academy and especially,  Gravity Falls Institute of Technology." Abigail said.

"Gravity Falls Institute of Technology?" GoGo and I said in unison.

"Wait, 2 bikes or only 1 bike?" GoGo asked.

"Since the boy is at the front and the girl is at the back, only one bike. Anyway, it's on 4th week of September. Now off you go." Abigail replied.

GoGo and I blushed at the thing she said. I blushed because I have a crush on GoGo the whole time.

GoGo's POV

As I was walking with Hiro on the hallway, I was pulled away by Honey Lemon.

"Why were you and Hiro at the Principal's office?" She asked.

"Abigail chose us to join the motorcycle race." I said.

"Ooooooooh my gosh! You'll be with Hiro!" She squealed.

"I don't have a crush on him." I said.

"Eh, why are you blushing?" She asked.

"Fine, I have a crush on him, okay. But don't tell anyone." I warned Honey Lemon.

When we were at class, I can't stop thinking about what Honey Lemon said. What if Honey Lemon was right? What if I really do have a crush on him? I snapped out of my thoughts as the teacher called me.

"Uh miss Tanaka, would you write the missing element on the chart?" She asked.

"Of course." I said.

Hiro's POV

As GoGo was writing on the board,  I can't stop looking at her. When the bell rang,  I called her attention.

"GoGo, would you come with me to the Lucky Cat Café to work on the motorcycle?" I asked.

"Sure." She said.

◇Time skip◇

We are now at the Lucky Cat Café.  As went upstairs, we saw Aunt Cass cooking chicken wings with special hot sauce.

"Oh hey Hiro, Hello GoGo." Aunt Cass greeted.   "What are you doing here GoGo?" She asked.

"We're just working on our bikes. We joined the competition." GoGo said.
"Oh I'm sure that you two are going to have a great time. Right Hiro?" She said as she emphasised the word 'great time'.

Wait did Aunt Cass just gave me a weird look?

Well, the thing is, Aunt Cass knows about it. I'm not a good 'secret-hider'.

When we went to the garage to get started, I asked her about the design.

"Hey GoGo, have you made the design?" I asked.

"Yeah I already made it. Oh and by the way, I brought some wheels that I made for our electromagnetic suspension motorcycle." She said.

After she said that, we started to make the motorcycle. She took care of  the gears and the screwing part while I took care of the body of the motorcycle.

Since it's dinner time and we have to eat, we left our work  and went to the dining room.

"Oh hey guys, the wings are almost ready." Aunt Cass said.

While Aunt Cass was preparing the food, GoGo and I are preparing the table. While putting the spoon, I accidentally touched her hand.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." I said.

"It's fine." She replied softly.

Then, Aunt Cass chuckled a little. She's giving me a weird feeling.

While we were eating, Aunt Cass started the conversation.

"So you two have been chosen to compete with other schools?" She asked.

"Yeah." I replied.

"Oh I see. Now eat so you can finish your motorcycle." Aunt Cass said.

After I finished my food,  I went to the garage leaving GoGo and Aunt Cass alone.

GoGo's POV

When Hiro left, Aunt Cass started a new conversation.

"GoGo, do you know what traits I like for Hiro's girlfriend?" She asked.

"No. What is it?" I asked.

"Well, I want her to be fast, independent, caring and kind like you, GoGo." Aunt Cass said.

"Uh Aunt Cass, are you trying to emphasise something?" I asked.

"To be honest, yes. What I'm trying to say is I want you for my nephew. " Aunt Cass said.

"Aunt Cass, it's getting late. I have to go home. Bye." I said as I hide my red face.

As I go home using my electromagnetic suspension bike, Aunt Cass's words keep on repeating in my head.

"What I'm trying to say is I want you for my nephew."

I think I need to get some sleep.

◇The next day◇

As I wake up, I turned of my alarm clock. I have to meet Hiro today to finish the motorcycle. So I got up and prepared myself.

When I entered Hiro's garage, I saw him sleeping in a chair. He looks cute when he is sleeping.

"So cute..." I muttered.

Since he is still sleeping, I went to the café to eat breakfast.

"Hey Aunt Cass, since Hiro is still sleeping, I will order a plate of strawberry pancakes." I said politely.

"Sure." She said

After a few minutes, I saw Hiro going to the kitchen.

Hiro's POV

"Hey Aunt Cass, Sorry if I woke up late." I said.

"You shouldn't be sorry, tell GoGo that you're sorry. She was here 10 minutes ago. " Aunt Cass said.

As I went to GoGo prepared, I apologized to her.

"Uh GoGo, I'm so sorry that I am 20 minutes late." I said.

"No, it's fine." She replied.

After we ate breakfast, we started to paint our bike. We painted it with blue and yellow.

Aunt Cass's POV

As GoGo and Hiro left, I called one of their friends which is Honey Lemon.

"Hey Honey, would you buy a couple shirt for Hiro and GoGo? They will wear it on the competition." I said

"Sure. I'll be there in 30 minutes.

◇after 30 minutes◇

After 30 minutes, Honey Lemon came in with 2 shopping bags.

"Hey Aunt Cass,  here's the couple shirt." She said.

"What's the design?" I asked.

"For Hiro's shirt, it's Mickey Mouse while GoGo's shirt is Minie Mouse. Both of the shirts are black." She replied.

Then both of us squealed.

"Since you bought it, you have a free mango shake." I said.

When Honey Lemon left, Hiro and GoGo went to the room.

"Aunt Cass, where are the customers?" Hiro asked.

"Well, I closed the café for today. Anyway I bought shirts for you two to wear it in the competition." I said.

"Thanks Aunt Cass." Both of them said.

GoGo's POV

When I went home, I immediately tried the t-shirt. When I went to the mirror, I was shocked to see a 'Minie Mouse' picture on my shirt.

"Seriously? Does it have to be Minie Mouse?" I muttered.

Hiro's POV

◇1 week later◇

Today is the day that we're going to compete to the other schools. Actually, I am here in the garage, waiting for GoGo. Ah, there she is.

"Let's go, nerd." She said.

"Wait, I have something to give you." I replied.

"What is it?" She asked while walking towards me.

"I want to give you this helmet. It can protect you and show us all the roads where you want to go." I said while staring at her hazel brown eyes.

"Hiro, thanks." She said as she gave me a hug.

"For what." I asked curiously.

"For giving me happiness. Now let's go before we're late." She said as she broke the hug.

"Let's test this bike. Hop on." I said.

After I said that, she climbed into the bike. After that, she hugged me from the back.

"Hold on." I said as I started the engine.

When we arrived at SFIT, all of the contestants were there including our relatives, Marina and Ciro, our friends, Hiccup and Astrid, and of course, our enemies, Pacifica and Dipper.

"Whoa, cool bike. But ours is better. " Dipper said.

"Yeah and we still didn't forgive you for loosing the journal." Pacifica said.

"We're sorry. Please forgive us." GoGo pleaded.

Then the competition started.

"Welcome one, welcome all to the Science and Math week's motorcycle race. Today 6 schools will race until the finish line. So ready.........set.........go!" The announcer said.

After she said that, all of the motorcycles went off to the finish line. On our way, we saw Dipper and Pacifica cheating by knocking off the other contestants including my cousin Ciro and GoGo's cousin Marina. We passed them and we won the race.

When we went to the  stage to get our prize,  GoGo and I decided to have a speech.

"Everyone, thanks for supporting us and also the others but we're really sorry to Dipper and Pacifica." We said.

After we said that,  Pacifica's and Dipper's frowning faces are gone. We both went to them.

"Dipper, Pacifica,  Here's the journal. We found it at Hiro's House years ago." GoGo said.

"Thanks." Both Dipper and Pacifica said.

When we went to the Lucky Cat Café, including all the contestants, Ciro and Marina congratulate us.

"Congratulations." Both of them said.

◇The next day◇

The next day was Saturday so I decided to call GoGo.


G: Hello Hiro, why did you call so early?

H: would you like to go to the mall with me to celebrate our victory?

G: Sure. I'll be there in 1 hour.

○End of conversation○

After that, I prepared myself for later.

◇1 hour later◇

As I went down, I saw GoGo, sitting at one of the chairs talking to Aunt Cass.

"Uh Aunt Cass, GoGo and I will go to the mall, If that's okay with you?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's fine." Aunt Cass said.

We rode the motorcycle but we're not going to the mall. We're going to the park.

"Hiro, what are we doing here? The mall's that way." GoGo said.

When we stopped, GoGo saw the picnic that I prepared for her.

"Thanks Hiro." She said.

After that, we ate sandwiches. After we eat, I asked her to stand up and I kneeled down.

"Hiro, what are you doing?" She asked.

"Leiko Tanaka, all these years that we're friends, I've been hiding my feelings for you. So GoGo, would you make me the happiest boy and be my girlfriend?" I asked.

"Hiro, I........"

" It's fine if you said no and I-"

"Yes. I love you, Hiro. " GoGo said.

"I love you too." I replied.

After that we kissed and we went back at the Lucky Cat Café.

at the Lucky Cat Café◇

"Aunt Cass, we have something to tell you." Both of us said.

"I know. You two are in a relationship." Aunt Cass said.

"How did you know?" I asked.

"Well it was obvious and I asked Honey Lemon to spy on you." She said.

"What?" Both of us said.

After that, we ate lunch with our friends. They were happy about the good news.

"Really?" Honey Lemon asked.

"Yeah." GoGo and I said.

"Eeeeeek!" Honey Lemon squealed.

           ♡THE END♡

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