💙{Prolouge - Encounter}💙

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Iwaizumi's perspective
My people always say that if an Elf falls in love with a Human, then it is considered high treason and the punishment for such an act, is death...I constantly remind myself of what my family tells me everyday. I've had it memorised since I was about 10 years old. Since that age, I've always been holed up in my Castle. I dislike it but it's not like my opinion matters, since no one is around to listen. I sigh to myself as I exit the Castle I've called home for 17 years through my bedrooms window next to a specific tree and slide down said tree and onto the Dew-soaked grass below. That's the easy part done. Now I have to somehow get over the walls without being spotted- oh wait, I'm the fairy prince. I can just fly over. And so, My pale orange wings spread out from their dormant position and start fluttering at a rapid pace as I'm slowly but steadily lifted off of the grassy floor beneath me and carried out of the castle's walls by the soft wind caressing my amber wings as I glide safely down into another part of the forest. One that's closer to the human city, a place we fairies are forbidden to enter, but it looks so enticing that I almost can't resist, but I have to. Setting a good example for my people should be my number one priority- my thoughts are suddenly cut off by a strong wind sending me spiralling downwards into the woods closest to the human city. "Woaaaaah!!?" I cry out as my back slams against the grassy terrain with a rough thud! "....Ow." I mumble while sitting upright, completely unaware of another person who just witnessed my terrible flying.

Oikawa's perspective
...Welp, there's no point going to school today since even if I did, I would be scolded by the teachers for being so late...and it's only the first day...I think to myself as I wander the forest, lost like a puppy who has been abandoned by their owner. "Helloooooo? Anyone here?" I call out to no-one since the forest is empty, although I'm suddenly interrupted by a soft scream in the distance above "Huh? Is someone in pain?!" I ignore my lateness and the fact that I'm lost in the woods and start sprinting towards the sound, ducking behind a bush once I see where the sound came from. Someone is out here-? I'm temporarily mesmerised by the wings on the male. Wow...wait, I thought fairies didn't exist..? I slowly peek my head out of the bush to take a better look at the male. Tall, long dark brown hair, slightly darker skin, muscular arms, amber wings...how beautiful...I suddenly slip forward and fall through the bush "Shi-" I'm cut off before my face slams into the grass before I'm looking up at the trees. I sit up quickly and look at the male, who's momentarily stunned by my presence. "Uhhhhhhh..." I quickly stand up and dust my school uniform off and grab my belongings and start to get ready to leave "Sorry, I have to go! Oh, and your Wings look Beautiful! Take care" I call out to the male before I'm on my way back to the school, suddenly distracted by the thought of The male's gorgeous Wings.

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