Chapter 4

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From that day on, everyday for a week, Leo Fitz would get up and go to the Royal Café. But he would not go for his Caramel Marshmallow Latte. Well, he would get that every time, but the real reason he would go, was Jemma Simmons. He would walk in, and instantly feel like he could do anything when he saw her. She would smile and by the second time he had come in, she had memorized his order. By the fourth day, she would leave the coffee on his table a few minutes before he walked in, and she would be sitting across from him. They would talk and laugh for a few minutes, until Simmons had to go and help another customer. What Fitz did not know was that Simmons was working on a project of her own. And the seventh time he walked into the Royal Café, she sat across from him, a stack of papers in front of her.

"What's this?" Fitz asked, and sat down. He took a sip of his latte as he watched Simmons lay out the papers on the table.

"I call them D.W.A.R.F.s. It stands for Drones Wirelessly Automated to Retrieve Forensics." She said, and Fitz turned the papers towards him. Simmons pulled something out of her purse, and set it on the table. "Here is the prototype." Fitz picked it up and examined it.

"If you don't mind my asking, what...uh...what-." He is interrupted by Simmons.

"The drones can scan and analyze evidence. So, let's say that there was a fire. This technology can be controlled by tablets, and can be sent in to investigate instead of a person, making it quite safer." Simmons explained, and Fitz leaned back, impressed.

"Simmons, this is brilliant! With this..." Fitz didn't even have time to stutter as Simmons finished his sentence.

"Investigators will be considerably safer." She finished excitedly.

"Simmons, you have to show this to my bosses! I'm going in today for a..."

"Demonstration." Simmons said, and Fitz laughed. It was like she could read his mind.

"Yes, and you should come." Fitz said, and she smiled.

"Oh, do you really mean it?" She asked, looking at him with amazement. He nodded.

"I would be nice to have someone to help me with..." He shook his head. "With that." Simmons stared down at her papers thoughtfully.

"Fitz...would it be rude if I asked why-." Simmons is interrupted by Fitz.

"Why I stutter? No it's okay Jemma." He said and sighed. "I was on a boat with my sister, my aunt and my uncle. We were out fishing...and...Clara got her foot stuck in the net because she was sitting on the edge...of the...of the boat, and we threw it over, and she fell in with it. At first, she was floating in the water, crying...and...and screaming for my help. I jumped in, but the net had a sinker it so it would sink. I tried to free her, but it was twisted...and...she went under water...I followed her down, trying untie the rope...but I couldn't. I remember...I remember...darkness. Then, when I woke up....I was in the hospital. And Clara was gone. My uncle...he had dived in and managed to drag me up...but Clara...Clara was already dead when he got to her. I was in a a coma for nine days. The doctors said I had Aphasia...but the worst that that I couldn't..." At this, Simmons get up at kneels down next to Fitz, wrapping her arms around him.

"Oh Fitz..." She murmured, and he began to cry.

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