Chapter 3- Efbe Nbo

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Here's yet another puzzle to solve, comment your answers.

Several days had past since that night, Addie and I fell into a peaceful rhythm while John and I caught up. Challenging Sherlock has become quite a hobby of mine, which I rather enjoy.

"Oh come on Sherlock surely you can see it to." I spoke with an extraordinary amount of smugness loving the fact that I had solved the case before him.

Rosie sat in my lap content as could be, the child had taken a strong liking to me. Even preferring me over Molly and Ms. Hudson.

"Meg, would you please just tell Lestrade so he can arrest the person?" John said exhausted, tired of Sherlock and mine's game.

"No!" Sherlock shouted while and the same time I uttered the word.

"It's right in front of you Sherlock." I taunted watching as he paced around the room his eyes closed and his fingers on his temples.

Suddenly his eyes snapped open a smile on his face a spring in his step, "Oh! That is rather clever! John tell Lestrade to arrest the gardener if she has a cat."

I smiled watching as John's face morphed into utter confusion, but seeing that he wouldn't get an explanation any time soon he walked out of the flat to phone Lestrade.

Rosie clapped her hands making a small laugh slip past my lips, I clapped with her in a mocking way.

"Took you long enough Sherlock." His eyes blazed with mine for a moment, a shiver going down my spine at the sight of his blue eyes.

"Shut up." He muttered underneath his breath making me smile.

Our little sparring matches became an everyday occurrence, normally more than once a day. He would win some and then I would win some.

John has to suffer through it most days and whenever I got back home I would tell my adventures to Addie.

I had finally gotten proper stools for the countertop, however, we typically are in the living room. Still every now and then Addie's dominating personality would come out.

"Let's have dinner." She looked deeply into my eyes as the telly played softly in the background.

"We just ate Irene." She shivered at the use of her full name, instead of just Addie.

"I'm still hungry, for something more sweet." She smirked as I squirmed slightly before her, her tongue licking her lips slowly.

"Technically you're my client Addie." I pronounced trying to steer away from this conversation. I refused to let her trap me once more.

"Oh fine have it your way Meg, maybe another night."

Currently I had been summoned to see Mycroft, knowing that Sherlock would ultimately figure out that we came up with a plot.

I would be taken away much like John had been when he first met Sherlock, my cover would be that Mycroft asked me to spy on Sherlock for money.

However, it wasn't all fake, I knew that Mycroft was going to ask me to do this sooner than later anyways.

On one hand I could take the money and tell Sherlock we can split it. It would impress him slightly and I would once more be challenging him.

However, the more jobs I took on the less time I would have for myself.

Yet once more perhaps having Sherlock as an assignment would keep me from moving around as much. Perhaps even leaving me here permanently.

That chance was far to great to pass up leaving me with only one option. Even though I would most likely take on other assignments I would watch over Sherlock Holmes.

"Hello Mycroft." I spoke as I made my way through the old building he had chosen.

"I assume you weren't followed?" I almost laughed at his disregard for pleasantries, almost.

"All Sherlock believes is what we want him to believe." I responded as I stopped walking standing in front of him with my hands crossed against my chest.

"All is well with him then, have you been getting along?"

"I tend to poke fun at him quite a lot, like when I'm with you Myc." He scowled at the nickname but didn't scold on it, instead going to the task at hand.

"I'm sure you already know that there was some truth to this plot." I nodded in agreement knowing what he was about to say.

"So will you do it?" He questioned raising his eyebrows slightly, so I decided to have some fun.

"Well I don't know Myc, you're brother is a rather handful." I tapped my chin like I was pondering it. Although in all honesty he could order me to and I would have to accept.

"Megan." When I first started working for him I was always addressed as Ms. Watson. But over the years eventually I called him Myc and he called me Megan.

"Yes Mycroft, since my brother's always with him there's no reason not to." I shrugged slightly, but I knew there was more to this meeting.

"Now I'm sure you know I have more pressing assignments for you." I nodded watching as Anthea brought in a folder and handed it to me before leaving.

"We've gotten intel that a terrorist group is weaponizing humans by turning them into modern day Jack the Rippers." I opened the folder showing a few cases of woman already haven been killed in Canada.

"Trial runs for the group, all unsolved I'm assuming?" I looked up to meet his eyes, a solemn nod.

"Obviously this would cause a widespread panic throughout all of London." He spoke calmly but I knew him better, I could deduce him better after knowing him for so many years. I could feel the worry in him through his eyes.

"There's not much of a case until they move their operation here." I replied closing the folder not wanting to see any more pictures of women being shredded.

"There is in Canada though." He replied smoothly leaving me completely floored.

"How am I supposed to keep an eye on Sherlock and Irene while I'm in Canada!" My cool demeanor broke in a snap, anger rolling off of me in waves.

"You brought me back here Mycroft Holmes, I'm bloody well not leaving my brother less than a week later!" I marched closer to him my gaze turning murderous. I refused to leave him again so suddenly.

"Megan you'll be working on it from the comfort of your own flat." His time was exasperated but I couldn't care much about how he felt at that instant.

"I need you to be ready when London is struck, don't allow your emotions to rule your head."

"So then how do you suppose I solve the Canada murders?" I responded calming down, I could count the times I had lost my cool in front of him with my hands.

While he was naturally infuriating I got used to it eventually. The first few times was right when I landed in Canada for my first mission, I had missed my family so much I just snapped. Eventually I learned how to control myself.

"Read over the case files, Agent Waterbay will be sent over tomorrow." Agent Waterbay has been my partner on a couple missions in Canada, a fairly good agent.

"I'll try my best, but if they were made to be like Jack the Ripper..." I trailed off knowing that I didn't need to continue, we both knew how bad this could be for London.

"Before you ever came into my possession you were first a hacker and a psychologist." He began walking towards me with his umbrella clicking on the ground.

Just as he past me his spoke once more, "But since then you've become someone who can rival even Sherlock and I. I have yet to see you fail Megan Watson. Don't start now."

His comment left me baffled as I stood alone in the old building. Not once had he ever conceded that I might be able to go toe to toe with the Holmes boys. The thought brought a dazzling grin to my face, he had faith in me.

Anthea waited for me to deliver me back to Baker Street, in her hand a stack of pounds. She handed it to me wordlessly, I counted 800 the shock evident.

"He's paying me this much to supervise Sherlock?" I questioned but she simply rolled her eyes and continued to tap away on her phone.

The rest of the ride was silent, I hoped out of the car wondering why the woman always hated me so much. 

I figured I should put my folder away before heading to Sherlock and John's flat, plus then I could check on Addie.

Entering my own flat I saw her turning the page of a true crime novel, an music box singing in the background. Just quiet enough not to disturb anyone, only for her ears.

"Good Evening Addie." I smiled her eyes going from her book to my own.

"How's Mycroft?" She questioned although I believed that she'd be happier with his death than his well-being.

"He's got his hands full that's for sure." I replied taking the folder into my room and placing it into the small safe I had purchased yesterday.

I walked back into the living room with Addie still watching me, "So then has he put you fully on my case yet? To find the people after me?"

"I'm rather busy at the moment, perhaps in a couple of months?" I shrugged, "Am I really such a terrible roommate?"

"You know I just adore that fiery spirit, however, I don't like being locked up." She was a dominatrix after all, she was suppose to be the one to lock others up.

"I promise I'll try to work on it when I have time." I nodded towards her making a mental note to ask Mycroft for the file later.

"I still don't understand why we can't tell Sherlock and John that I'm here." Apparently my silence speaks volumes to her, knowing me so intimately from before.

"You're intrigued by him." She sat up a bit straighter staring at me with newfound interest.

"I don't know what you mean Addie." However the slight elevation in my heart rate was a sure sign that I was lying to her and myself.

"You find Sherlock intriguing," She spoke again pausing for a moment, "You found me intriguing once."

"You're a very attractive and Intriguing woman Irene Adler. But you know what else?" I raised my eyebrows towards as I made my way closer to the door.

"What am I darling?" She has a wicked smirk on her face as I finally admitted since she was back that I did find her attractive.

"You're a Client." With that I whipped open the door leaving my flat, locking the door behind me.

I trotted hope the stairs to John and Sherlock's flat wondering how the pair would respond. However when I got up there John wasn't home. Only a Sherlock.

"I met a friend of yours today." I spoke plopping done onto the couch, laying on my side.

"Did you take the money?" He questioned sipping his piping hot tea, I smiled.

"Yep. Figured we could split it." I placed half of the money on the table in front of me, his eyebrows raised slightly.

"You're quite smarter than your brother." It wasn't a question, more so an impressed comment.

"We all have are talents." I shrugged before flipping onto my back looking up at the ceiling.

"What is your talent Ms. Watson?" He questioned, I watched him from the corner of my eye. He seemed actually interested into hearing my response.

"I haven't the slightest clue Mr. Holmes." He looked blankly at me, if he was going to refer to me by my last name then I would do the same.

"I suppose you're competent." He muttered but I heard him, perhaps he knew I did.

"Just Competent Mr. Holmes? I did solve that case the other day before you." I smiled watching as his lips turned into a scowl, his eyebrows knitting together.

"Slightly more than competent then." He stated sitting his tea cup down and moving to the kitchen.

"How's the eyes in the mayo doing?" I questioned not wanting him to simply ignore me.

"Ms. Hudson threw them away." I wanted to laugh but I knew he'd end up kicking me out if I did. There was a fine line between challenging and going to far, I had hit that line for now.

"I'm sorry to hear that, was hoping to find out if your hypothesis was correct or not."

"I never told you my hypothesis Megan." Back to my first name I see, I closed my eyes humming slightly.

"Maybe more than slightly more than competent?" I questioned smiling to myself, though in the back of my head I wondered who was watching Rosie today.

"Oh um, are you John's new girlfriend?" I laughed slightly at the confused woman, she seemed so anxious around Sherlock.

"I should hope not!" I chuckled slightly before continuing, "No I'm his sister, Megan Watson." I put out my hand to shake hers, her hand was cold in mine.

"I'm Molly Hooper, I work at Bart's." She smiles at me happily, still I could see the sadness in her eyes when she looked at Sherlock.

Molly had been a treat to meet, although I did feel sorry for the poor girl. Catching feelings for a man like either of the Holmes Brother's was never wise. They hated sentiment.

"Megan!" My mind snapped back to reality hearing Sherlock's angered tone, seems like I tuned him out for a moment.

"Sorry, can you repeat that Sherlock?" I asked nicely hearing him huff in annoyance.

"I said perhaps you're... an anomaly." He paused slightly after the word 'you're' glancing over at me from the kitchen.

"Hm, an anomaly huh?" I questioned under my breath wondering what that meant when concerning the world's only consulting detective.

However it reminded me of an instance a couple of days ago.

"Couple Killer, really John?" I asked my brother as he typed up the case with the gardener.

Sherlock has finished up the case gathering all the lose ends. Turns out the man had lost his love due to drunk driving on their honeymoon. He wanted to save other people from feeling the pain of losing someone and being alone.

However he wanted the males to know how he felt so they would understand why he did it. In the end Sherlock got to him just before another couple was killed.

"While previously we only believed Sherlock's intelligence could be matched by his brother turns out there's another." I read aloud a smirk settling into my face as I saw Sherlock turn towards us.

"Turns out my own sister, Megan Marie Watson has proven to be able to rival the Holmes brothers." I finished off delight rolling through my body like waves.

Not gracing is with a reply Sherlock went back into the kitchen for his latest experiment.

"He always respond, yet the moment you push him too far he ignored us."

A suppose I truly am an anomaly in his life, perhaps that's exactly what he needs. Perhaps I have what Irene Adler lacked the first time around.

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