16. Full of thoughts

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Saptarshi's Pov 

I was moving towards the place where my heart wanted to take me.

I was going towards Aratrika's house.

Yesterday had been a very stressful day for me. After I left the hospital, I went to the station to do my work. 

I tried to engage myself in my work but the well being of Aratrika was disturbing me all the time. The only thought invading my mind was whether she was okay or not.
 I felt myself shuddering in my place whenever the face of injured  Aratrika was coming in my mind.

I don't know why but I was feeling restless just for her. 

In fact last night I couldn't sleep as well just because of this.

"Why Saptarshi? Why so worried?" My heart asked me. 

"Maybe she is someone whom I know..that's why I was worried for her." I tried to justify myself.

"So you mean to say if something like this happened to Sreetoma, you would have done the same . .isn't it?" My heart asked me.

"How could you compare both of them?" I asked him in astonishment. 

"Why not? You know her just like you know Aratrika… so obviously you would have been restless. " my heart said. 

The thought of worrying about Sreetoma itself is very disgusting. Moreover it comes naturally…. I am not forcing myself to think about Aratrika.  The reason...I don't know.

"No way ...because both are way too different." I argued back.

" Is there any difference between them? I don't think so… as according to me , you hate both of them.
Then why the thought of worrying about Sreetoma disgusts you,  the thought of worrying about Aratrika comes naturally ?" My heart asked me. 

As soon as the question hit me, I stopped the bike .

Yes.  That's my question as well. 

I told my heart , "I don't know.

" Why are you playing this hide and seek with your own self , Saptarshi? " My heart asked me. 

Shaking my head, I avoided the question and started my bike once again. 

Soon I reached my destination. 

Parking my bike, I walked towards the main door.  Taking a deep breath , I rang the calling bell.

After some time the door opened . It was Aratrika's Jethi ma.

"Saptarshi !! Please come in." She said to me. Surprise was evident in her voice.

I smiled in return and entered inside. She led me towards the living room where most of the family members were sitting.

" Saptarshi, how are you?" Suporno asked me as soon as his eyes fell on me. The surprise was evident in his tone.

"I am fine." I nodded. I greeted everyone who greeted me in return.

" But why are you here?" Mr. Biplob (Aratrika's jethu) asked me.

"Actually I wanted to ask Aratrika a few questions regarding yesterday's accident in the shopping mall.. " I lied through my teeth. 
I knew that I would have to face this question which was quite natural. So the excuse was ready with me.

I could have said the truth to them that I wanted to see her to assure her well being but I didn't as I somehow understood that they had put quite a number restrictions on Aratrika. So if I would have told them that I wanted to meet her just to see her alright ,they would have stopped me from meeting her.

" But why ? I mean..." Aratrika's jethi ma asked with hesitation. She looked a bit tense. I could understand her concern as people tend to fear as soon as they hear about Police asking questions  to someone about an accident or something. 

"Don't worry. It is just a part of the investigation. She was present at that time. That's why I want to ask her a few questions regarding if she had seen something suspicious or not." I explained to her.

"Okay, you sit here, I am calling…...Oh here, Smita came. " Mr. Biplob  said and looked towards the stairs. I followed his gaze . Smita was looking at me with a surprised expression but soon it was replaced by a full blown smile.

"Smita, he wants to talk with Aratrika. Please tell her to come here." He said ,making me frown.

Isn't she injured? How will she walk? Moreover Doctor told her to have complete bed rest.

"But she was told to be in complete bed rest. Moreover she is injured...it won't be good if she comes down. Why don't I meet her in her room itself?" I couldn't stop myself  from asking them. 

Everyone was looking at me in surprise.  But one person was irritated and he was none other than Mr. Biplob. I knew it.

"It would be great. Smita, please take him to Aratrika's room." Aratrika's father ,Mr. Brijesh said.

I smirked internally as I succeeded. But the only problem was being with Smita.

"Aare, you can meet Aratrika alone...think about that " My heart said to me.

I couldn't help but agree. For that I could bear with Smita for a few minutes. 

"Please come, " Smita said ,smiling shyly. With a poker face, I followed her .

"This is my room.. please come inside. " She said excitedly and opened the door for me. 

I don't know if she is mad or not but right now she is irritating me to the core.

"Listen Miss, I want to meet Aratrika.. so just take me there. I have nothing to do with you and your bedroom so please just don't waste my time. " I said to her sternly.

 Her smile wiped away and she nodded reluctantly. 

She asked me to follow her and I followed her towards the end of that floor. The corner was kind of darker than the other portion of the house as there was not a single window. 

I don't know why but it didn't give a good vibe.

Without knocking the door ,she entered inside and said to Aratrika, " Someone is here to meet." 

Doesn't she know to respect someone's privacy?

"Huh!!! Who is it?" As soon as I heard the soft voice, I entered inside.

The room was small… very small ,painted in white colour. There wasn't much furniture except a small wardrobe and a table . There was a window with white curtains on it. But the thing which left me stunned was the floor bed . 

Why the heck is she using the floor bed? 

There she was sitting on that floor bed with legs spread in front of her and her back was resting on the wall .There was  a pencil in her hand and an Art paper kind of sheet was sprawling on her side.

As soon as her eyes met mine, I saw the look of astonishment in her brown orbs. 

Why not? After all, she wasn't expecting me in her house... let alone in her room. 

Her face wasn't pale like yesterday. It has gained some colour. The bandage on her head and burnt arm were there. The leg was bandaged as well.
Though she looked better from yesterday, I didn't miss the tiredness and puffy red eyes.

Was she crying?

I don't know why but the thought itself made me restless and those puffy red eyes pinched my heart painfully. 

"Hello  Aratrika. " I greeted her. 

She came out of her trance and nodded meekly. 

I turned to see Smita looking towards Aratrika with a calculative gaze and there was something in her eyes which I didn't feel good about.

I cleared my throat to gain her attention and said ,"Miss Smita, can you kindly leave us alone as I need to ask some questions regarding yesterday's incident to Aratrika personally? " 

Smita looked at me with a frown but nevertheless she nodded.

After Smita left the room, I turned towards Aratrika who was looking at me curiously.

I rubbed my neck.

Now what should I do?

Come on, Don't be a loser. You just want to know about her well being…just do that. I said to myself. 

I cleared my throat and looked at her.

"How are you?" I asked her.

She looked a bit surprised and said, " I am… I am fine. Thank you." 

She looked here and there and I kept observing her and her room.

" Are you following what the Doctor told you to follow? I mean proper bedrest, medicines…" I asked her after some time.

She looked at me and said ," Yes..yes." 

"Okay then I think I should leave now." I said to her as I felt her being a bit uncomfortable.
 She nodded ,looking at me.

I walked towards the door but stopped suddenly at the doorstep.

Turning towards her, I called her, "Aratrika ." To which she looked up at me.

"I am…. I am sorry for everything. " I said to her ,looking straight into her eyes. 

Without wasting a second, I left from there. 

I was walking through the corridor when my eyes fell on Smita's bedroom. I stopped on my track.
The door was opened, maybe she was inside.

The room was big enough with a king sized bed . From what I could see from outside ,there was a closet,  a TV . I couldn't see anything more.

I knew that it was unethical to peep inside anyone's look without their permission but I couldn't stop myself from peeping as I wanted to know whether the condition of everyone's rooms were the same as Aratrika's room or not.

And the difference between the rooms surprised me to the core.

But suddenly a phone call broke my thoughts. It was from my work place where my presence was needed. 

Sighing I left from there. 
I took my leave. Though Aratrika's jethi ma offered me breakfast , I refused .

I was walking towards my bike  when Aratrika's brother Suporno stopped me.

" Saptarshi, " 

I turned around. 

He stood in front of me and said ,"I know I should have said it to you yesterday itself… but I was too occupied to say anything.  All I want to say is Thank you… thank you so much for saving her . " 

I gave him a small smile and said ," It's nothing. I was just doing my duty." 

He nodded and took me in a brotherly hug, surprising me. I smiled .

We bid bye to each other. He went inside. 

And I left with lots of thoughts in my mind.

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