28. Saptarshi's Anger

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Author's Pov

" Hello Aunty…" Sreetoma entered the house ,greeting Saptarshi's mother excitedly with a wide smile.

But soon her smile dropped.

"Oh...are you going somewhere?" She asked as she saw her all dressed up and ready to leave with a handbag in her hand.

"Oh Sreetoma, well come . Actually yes, I am going somewhere...just nearby only as I have some work. " Piyali said with a smile.

Sreetoma's face fell. She knew that except Piyali and Sanchita, nobody liked her presence in this house. So it's not possible to stay here.

Moreover if she stays here without any reason, it may arouse a confusion in Piyali's mind. And if Piyali gets to know about her main motive behind it, Sreetoma is sure that from the very next day Piyali will close the door of her house for her forever. 

But today Piyali is leaving and Sanchita isn't at home already … that means she will not be able to stay and won't be able to meet Saptarshi. 

" Okay...then I am leaving as well. Actually I came here to meet you. You know nah how much I love to spend time with you!!" Sreetoma lied on the face of Piyali with an innocent look.
In reality she doesn't like Piyali a bit. She is doing all the buttering just to be in her good books so that Piyali chooses her as Saptarshi's wife. After marriage she will have ways to  deal with Piyali and the other members.

Piyali smiled at her. She always found Sreetoma to be a sweet girl. She loved the way Sreetoma adored her. 

Only if she knew.

"No no..you wait here only. I will be back within half an hour. " Piyali said to her. 

Sreetoma smirked internally. That's what she was waiting for. Now nobody could stop her from meeting Saptarshi.

"Okay Aunty, as you say." She said taking a seat in the living room.

Piyali bid her goodbye and she left from there. 

Sreetoma sighed and relaxed on the sofa. After sometime she got up and roamed around the living room. 

"Nobody is here...can I go and see Saptarshi's room? He never allows me to enter his room. 
Hmm...Let's go and see his room. After all I should also  know in which room I am going to stay after my marriage. " She said with a wide smile on her face as if she got a lottery. 

She just stepped on the first stair of the staircase when a voice stopped her.

"Who is this?" 

Hearing the feminine voice, Sreetoma turned around to see Sanonda standing behind her with a frown on her face. Sanonda's appearance told her that she had just returned from the college. 

"Oh..Sreetoma. I am sorry...I didn't recognize you. " Sanonda said with a polite smile. Sreetoma rolled her eyes internally hearing her. 

"By the way ,you here? " Sanonda asked her politely. 

Sreetoma gave a fake smile and asked sarcastically, "Oh..I  didn't know that I need your permission to come her!!" She emphasized the word "your " just to taunt Sanonda. 

Sanonda's smile wiped away as she was taken aback by her sarcastic tone and taunt but she composed herself and replied,"I didn't mean that...I was asking." 

"And why do you think that I am bound to answer you? What do you think you are?" Sreetoma said to her rudely. 

Sanonda frowned seeing her attitude. 

Though she is a soft spoken and polite woman, that doesn't mean that she will let people insult her like this… that also from an outsider. 

"And who gave you the right to insult me like this? You are my guest, that's why I am trying to be polite with you...but after hearing your tone and words I don't think I need to show you my kind side." Sanonda said in a stern tone.

Sreetoma was shocked to hear her tone. She always saw her as a very fragile woman who always talks softly. She has  never seen her raising her voice on anyone. That's why she thought that she could say anything to her and she would be successful to hurt her which was her main intention. 

She hated Sanonda and Siddhartha . According to her, they were the obstacles on her path of claiming Saptarshi.

"Guest!!! Is this your house?" Sreetoma mocked her with a chuckle. Then she continued, " If you have forgotten, let me remind you...it's not your house. You are staying here forcefully. You are just a divorced woman who is being a burden on her own brother nothing else." 


A sudden roar startled both of them.

Sreetoma turned around and Sanonda looked at the stairs. There Saptarshi was standing on the stairs . His red eyes, cold face , clenched jaw and his body posture made Sreetoma shudder in fear. 

She has heard from Sanchita how Saptarshi is when he gets angry but never has seen him angry. But today she has understood why Sanchita never tries to encounter an angry Saptarshi. 
Sanonda also got afraid seeing his anger.

"Guest!!! Is this your house?"
" If you have forgotten, let me remind you...it's not your house. You are staying here forcefully. You are just a divorced woman who is being a burden on her own brother nothing else" 

These were the only words which were ringing in Saptarshi's ears. Rage and Fury were running in his veins.. his blood was boiling in anger.

"What did you just say to Pimoni? " He said as he started to climb down the stairs. Sreetoma started to shiver in fear. 

"I said repeat WHATEVER YOU SAID TO PIMONI." He yelled at her, making her flinch.


"No Pimoni...Don't stop me today. This needs to be taken care of. An outsider will come and insult my family … I won't tolerate that." He said to Sanonda but his eyes were glaring at Sreetoma who was trembling in fear seeing his anger.

"What's happening here?" 

Hearing the voice, Saptarshi looked at the entrance to his mother and sister looking at them with wide eyes.

"Sreetoma, why are you crying? What's happening here?" Piyali rushed towards Sreetoma and asked Saptarshi, getting panicked. 

Saptarshi rubbed his forehead, getting impatient and more angry as he saw how Sreetoma started to sob more just to gain sympathy from Piyali.

"Sreetoma, I am warning you..this is the last warning. If you don't do as I say then I will handle you in my own way and I am sure you won't like it a bit." Saptarshi stated in a cold voice which made everyone present in the room shivered in fear.

"I...I ummm...I said to...to Sanonda aunty...that..it's not her house." Sreetoma said, stuttering.

Piyali and Sanchita looked at her with their eyes widened. Sanonda took a deep breath to control her emotions. 

" Sreetoma, don't test my patience...Complete the whole damn thing." Saptarshi yelled at her. 

"I...I said to her...that ...she...she is...umm div….divorced ...woman who ...is.. a bur..burden on her ...her brother." Sreetoma said, closing her eyes.

"What?" Piyali stated in shock and leaving Sreetoma  she took some steps away from her.

"How could you? Who gave you the right to talk about Didi like this?" Piyali stated in shock. Piyali believed as she knew that Saptarshi would never lie to her and she has immense trust in him.

Yes, she has some issues with Sanonda for sure. But that doesn't mean that she will tolerate an outsider to talk rubbish about her.

Sreetoma closed her eyes in defeat, anger. She was cursing herself for losing her cool and snapping at Sanonda. Now the brownie Points which she got from Piyali for portraying an ideal daughter-in-law candidate are gone.

"Aunty..it's a misunderstanding...I didn't mean it." Sreetoma tried hard to convince her.

"Misunderstanding!!! I heard clearly how you were insulting Pimoni… Maa ,didn't I tell you that she is a mannerless girl..now see..see with your own eyes. And who told you about the divorce thing?" Saptarshi asked Sreetoma with an angry glare. 

Sanchita gulped hearing her brother. 

A realisation dawned upon Saptarshi and he looked at his sister who was looking here and there nervously. 

"Sanchita…" he called her in his spine chilling voice.

Sanchita looked up and saw her brother's red eyes and hard posture which was screaming anger.. in other word danger.

"I knew it. Are you insane? It's our family matter and you keep discussing it with outsiders!!!! Is it a piece of your entertainment??….ANSWER ME." Saptarshi shouted at his sister.

His mother was about to guard her daughter when Saptarshi stopped her, "Enough Maa..stop guarding her. At least now open your eyes and see that she is making a mistake. " 

"And you, answer me ,why did you do that? ANSWER ME." Saptarshi yelled at his sister.

" It was. ...it came out with flow...trust me, I didn't….I didn't know she would insult Pimoni like this." Sanchita replied.

Saptarshi could see that she wasn't lying.

" I will talk to you later and You ,Sreetoma, apologise to Pimoni." Saptarshi said sternly. 

Sreetoma looked at him in shock. She didn't want to apologise to someone whom she hated. 

Piyali supported her son.

Sanonda didn't object as she knew that Saptarshi was right.

"What are you looking at? Apologise to her right now." He ordered her.

"Don't lose your calm, Sreetoma. Apologise and at least it will show that you have realised your mistakes." Sreetoma said to herself.
She sniffed a bit and looked at Sanonda. 
"I am sorry ,Aunty. It was just...umm..I was having a bad day and I lost my cool. Still I know that I did a terrible Mistake. Please Forgive me." 

Sanonda sighed and left from there. Saptarshi watched her as she climbed the staircase and walked towards her room .

"Saptarshi …" Sreetoma started but was abruptly stopped by Saptarshi. 

"Shut up. And Get out. I don't want to see your face again in this house. " Saptarshi said to her sternly. 

 A shocked Sreetoma looked at Piyali and Sanchita in a hope that they would object to Saptarshi's decision but nothing like that happened  .

Piyali and Sanchita didn't dare to open their mouths as they didn't want to be a victim of his anger.

" Get out and don't even dare to show your face...is it clear?" Saptarshi asked her in an angry tone.

Seeing his anger, Sreetoma nodded . She just wanted to save her life for now. 

Without wasting any time she left from there.

As soon as she left , Sanchita said, "Dada..I am sorry…." 

Saptarshi interrupted her and scolded ,"Sorry ? That's it. Did You see what your one mistake and immaturity has done today? Don't you have any sense that we shouldn't share our family matters to outsiders…!!!" Sanchita looked down shamefully. 

"And Maa, make your daughter understand these things before its too late.. for her own good and ours as well " Saying that Saptarshi left from there.

Hmmm... Is Angry Saptarshi a pleasant sight?

No I guess.

Exciting and shocking things are on the way..so stay tuned.

How's the chapter let me know.

Next update on Sunday.

Check out my new story...
First chapter will be updated today by noon. Stay tuned.

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