34. In Trouble

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Author's Pov

Never in his dreams Saptarshi thought to see the person in front of him in the police station.

The only question which came to his mind was ,"Why?" 

Where Saptarshi was keenly observing the person, the person who was crying was totally unaware of his presence. 

Saptarshi looked around to see what kind of people were sitting there.

Saptarshi gained some senses and walked towards the person.

"Aratrika," he called out as soon as he reached in front of her. 

Yes the person was none other than Aratrika. 

Aratrika's head snapped hearing the familiar voice. As soon as her eyes landed on Saptarshi, she gasped. She knew that Saptarshi was a Police officer but she didn't think that the police station where she was brought, Saptarshi would be present there also.

She closed her eyes, unable to meet his eyes. She was sure that by now Saptarshi had come to know about the incident. And she was also sure that maybe he was thinking what kind of cheap girl she was who was brought here by the Police for the cheapest crime she was suspected to have committed. 
The thought made her cry more bitterly.

Saptarshi observed her carefully. She was wearing a salwar-suit. Her upper body was covered with a dupatta. Her eyes had turned red and puffy due to crying. Her face had turned pale. 

"Come with me." Saptarshi said and he took her with him to his cabin, holding her hand in his. Some constables and inspectors who were present there kept looking at the scene in confusion.

Entering in Saptarshi's cabin, he made her sit on a chair. Aratrika kept looking down. Suddenly a glass of water appeared in front of her. She looked up.
Saptarshi gestured to her to drink the water. She took the glass and drank it.

Then a silence engulfed the room. Only the sounds of the clock and the ceiling fan could be heard. 

Aratrika was squirming in her place as she felt the penetrating gaze of Saptarshi on her. She wanted to know what Saptarshi was thinking but the blank face of his was making it impossible. Thus the atmosphere was making her uncomfortable. 

" How?" Saptarshi's voice broke the eerie silence of the room. Aratrika looked at him startled .

"How did it happen?" He asked once again. 

Saptarshi couldn't understand how it happened. He already knew that Aratrika was searching for an online job -- work from home to be precise. She had already applied for five or six companies and had given three interviews. One of them had already rejected her and the other two hadn't announced the results.

 Nobody knew about it except Saptarshi. As he had advised her, Aratrika wanted to talk to Suporno to clear the misunderstanding between them and also wanted to inform him about her desire of working. But Suporno once again went out of Kolkata regarding his work and Aratrika  couldn't get a chance to tell him. 

But Saptarshi couldn't understand how she was caught in the hotel . 

Taking a deep breath to calm her nerves, Aratrika started,

"Two days ago when I came back from an interview, I received an email from a company. The mail was that I have to attend an interview today . I was surprised because I haven't applied in their firm. 
So I typed my query to them.
Later at night, they replied back saying that they had checked my resume in the certain website through which I have applied for the jobs. 

I thought when they were calling from their own, why shouldn't I take the chance? So I decided to go and give the interview.
Yesterday they messaged me the address where the interview was held . It was this hotel. 

So as they informed me,  I reached there today at around 5 pm." 


When everyone was taking their afternoon nap, Aratrika left her house for the interview. 

After an hour, at around 5 pm ,she stood in front of a three storeyed building which was the hotel.

She started to feel nervous as soon as she entered. It was almost empty. A couch was there near the reception. A man was sitting at the reception.

She looked at the message, "Come straight in Room No. 109." 

She walked towards the man and asked nervously, "Excuse me, can you tell me where Room no. 109?" 

The receptionist ran his eyes all over her figure and licked his lips. The creepy looks he was giving her and the lecherous look in his eyes made her shudder in disgust and fear.

"First floor." He said with a sly smirk. 

Aratrika nodded and without wasting any time she went towards the room.

Knocking at the door she waited. 

"Come in," Hearing this she entered. 

Entering the room, she scrunched her nose as the smoke of cigarettes went in her nose. There was a man in his mid 50s sitting on the couch with a cigarette in his hand and a bottle of Alcohol along with a glass in front of him.  

"Welcome, welcome, Miss  , please be seated." The man told her and pointed towards the chair which was in front of the couch.

She found it very odd. How could an interview be taken in a hotel room? Because the atmosphere of the places where the interviews she had given ,was very different , professional and most importantly comfortable. 
But this one was far away from those three qualities. 

She didn't know why but she was having a bad feeling about the interview . But still she ignored her gut feeling and sit down, looking down on her lap.

For the next 15 minutes she felt his gaze on her. The kind of gaze it was which made her uncomfortable.

She looked at her phone to see it was already 5:30 pm. She needed to hurry otherwise her disappearance would be known by her family.

She looked up and immediately regretted it as she saw the eyes of man. He was looking at her as if he was eye raping her. The lustful gaze of the man made her feel nauseous. 

She wanted to tell the man to start the interview but she couldn't find her voice .

Finally the man broke the silence and said, "Hello, let me introduce myself, I am Mr. Pandey. So let's start the interview." 

Aratrika nodded in relief. She just wanted to get down with it.
She handed the file to him. 

Mr. Pandey took the file and opened it . After checking something, he said ,"Your CV is good but you know what is the interesting part of it? The beautiful photo of yours." 

Hearing it Aratrika was stunned . She didn't miss how the man licked his lips as he ran his eyes all over her body.

She shifted uncomfortably on her seat. 

"My company needs gorgeous people like you. Don't worry you don't have to work hard, just impress the clients, spend an hour or two with them.. you will be rich beyond your imaginations." The man said with a sly grin. 

"What..what do you mean?" Aratrika asked him. The words, the expression of the man made her shudder in fear. Though her naive mind wasn't able to understand the hidden meaning behind his words,  she could still feel the creepiness.

The man stood up and walked towards her .

" Oh come on, Don't try to act like a fool. You very well know what I mean to say. Life is very stressful,  to release some stress we need you. You are beautiful Ms. Mukherjee,  you have a gorgeous face and killer body. If our stressed clients spend some hours with you...in your arms , believe me their stress will be flown out of the window." He said, touching her arm.

Aratrika jerked on her place. Now she clearly understood what he meant to say. 
As soon as he touched her arm ,she stood up and scooted away from him, distancing herself from her. 

She was shivering in fear. She didn't know what to do. Tears of pain ,humiliation and fear started to pour from her eyes. 
She was so tense, afraid and panic stricken that she didn't realise that she could have sent a simple SOS to Saptarshi.

"What will I do now? How will I get out of here?" She thought to herself and looked around the room in search of a way to escape.

Suddenly the laughter of the man made her look at him.

"Do you really think you can escape from here now? No my dear, first I will check you ,train you for your job ,then you can leave." He said eying her in lust .

His eyes, his gaze, everything was making her nauseous. Her mind was reminding her of her past memories. 

Aratrika clutched the files near her chest , pressing her back on the wall . She said, "Pl..please let me go….I ...I don't...Wan...want it." 

"Oh my baby, come to me. I am sure you will like it. We will have lots of fun together. " The man said and walked towards her.

She immediately dashed towards the other side of the room. The man ran towards her. She again ran away to escape from his clutches. This continued for some time.

Aratrika continued to plead but the man didn't give a damn to his words. 

As the time passed the man started to get aggressive. 

"Don't try to play hard, you bitch. Come here immediately. " He said angrily. Aratrika was crying vigorously. She was regretting coming here. She just wanted to kill herself for her stupidity.

Finally and unfortunately the man blocked Aratrika's path by standing in front of her.
"Finally," the man said with a lusty grin.

Aratrika closed her eyes. She was just praying to God to do some miracle or just to kill her because no way she would let anything happen to her. Her past memories were haunting her as well. She was on the verge of having a panic attack.

As if God listened to her prayer and the door opened with full force.

Flashback ends 

" Never ever have I felt so much relief as I felt at that moment when the door opened. But my relief was short-lived when I noticed the police at the door. I understood that there was a raid. 
Then everything happened in haste, the police entered and took us to the Van. I tried to explain to them but they didn't listen to me. I was in a daze due to the shock . Then I realised that I was in the Police Station. " Aratrika finished . At the end she broke down and started to cry vigorously. 

Minutes passed but Saptarshi still didn't say anything.

 Aratrika didn't know whether Saptarshi believed her or not.
And she desperately wanted to know that.

Here you go....

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Next update on Thursday.

Stay safe and Healthy.

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