39. Moments

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Author's Pov 

After a month 

Mukherjee house was decorated with different kinds of lights and flowers. 
From the morning the hustle bustle of people who were the guests and relatives could be heard by any passerby.

Why not? 

Because today is Kanika's wedding with Akash.

So from the morning itself Kanika along with elders of the family were on the roof where the pre marriage rituals were being performed according to the Bengali wedding. 

Suporno was also busy with other works which were related to the wedding. Smita was busy attending the guests and sometimes gossiping with her friends who were also invited for the wedding.

"Aratrika, taratari cha er ayojon ta kor…..ki re eto somoy laage tor? " (Aratrika, arrange for some tea fast…..what are you doing? Why are you taking so much time?" Aratrika jumped hearing Promita's (Aratrika's Paternal aunt) voice. She was working in the kitchen since the morning.  Preparing breakfast, tea everything was handled by her and their help.

"I am done…. I am done." Aratrika said in a hurry as she poured the tea in a kettle and the cups.

Promita twisted her mouth in distaste as she looked at Aratrika which didn't go unnoticed by her and told their help to take the cups on the rooftop where most of the guests were present.Aratrika felt hurt as usual though she was used to it.

Aratrika sighed and concentrated on preparing the remaining Luchis for the breakfast as she knew that after sometime everyone would demand the breakfast. 

Forgetting the world, She was immersed in her work when suddenly someone held a glass  in front of her mouth and before she could understand the roller pin was snatched from her hand and the gas oven was turned off.

She didn't need to turn around to see who the person was. She could feel him if he was near her.

"May I know what you are doing in this kitchen when everyone is on the rooftop where pre wedding rituals are happening?" The deep voice made her heart thump loudly and the butterflies were back in her stomach again.

It was Saptarshi. He came here from groom's side to give the Gaye holud er totto to Kanika along with Akash's cousins and friends.

She turned around and looked up to see those intense pair of eyes which only ran a shiver down her spine. Saptarshi once again got lost in her eyes which held nothing but innocence. 

Saptarshi's heart puffed up in joy as he could see the emotions and admiration he saw in her eyes whereas Aratrika internally shivered as she saw the desire and a deep emotion which his eyes held and it made her cheeks turn pink.

Both of them could see the admiration in each other's eyes , could feel the attraction between them but as usual their lips remained closed which was happening for one month whenever they were meeting secretly.

In this one month many things have changed. Aratrika doesn't know why but her parents, her uncle and her  aunt  had become a bit soft towards her. Smita also has started behaving politely with her. 
Suporno and her relationship has also improved and become just like before though he doesn't know how his family has blackmailed Aratrika to stop her from pursuing her dreams.

The only thing that has remained unchanged is the behavior of Promita and her husband who are still rude to her. 

One of the major changes  has also come in her life  . It is her and Saptarshi's relationship. 

Saptarshi who has always tried to conceal his feelings for Aratrika in front of her has started to unveil infront of her by his behavior forgetting about the future whereas Aratrika who always wanted to run away from her likeness towards Saptarshi started to accept it as whenever she is near him, talks with him or sees him, it is impossible for her to deny what her heart says to her.
So both of them have started to live in the present listening to their hearts. 

Saptarshi has become more vocal and open about his feelings by flirting with her , throwing subtle hints at her while having a conversation when he saw that Aratrika wasn't uncomplicated and never objected. 
Aratrika has started to like the attention she was getting...she could feel how her heart fluttered due to him and she has started to remain more happy.

So we can see that Their Durga puja vacation has brought a positive change in their relationship. 

Another major change in Aratrika's life is that she has gotten a job…. Job of a content writer. This is only known to Saptarshi. Nobody from her family knows it ...not even Suporno.

Sometimes Aratrika fears that so much positivity in her life may be the beginning of her bad luck because she feels that bad luck is never going to leave her. 

Now only time can tell if her intuitions are correct or it was just a passing cloud of fear.

Unable to bear the intensity, Aratrika looked down and Saptarshi's lips curved into a small smile as his eyes noticed the pink cheeks along with the pink ears and neck.

Though she was wearing a simple homely Salwar suit , her hair was tied in a half bun , still she looked beautiful in Saptarshi's eyes. Aratrika peeked at Saptarshi only to swoon over his appearance who was wearing a Kurta with pants, the Kurta was working like a second skin highlighting the muscular figure of his.

" If I am looking that good, you can compliment me, you know...I will never mind." Saptarshi said near her ear in a husky voice only to make her more red. She bit her lips in embarrassment as she got caught while checking him out.

Saptarshi groaned as he looked at her biting lips.

"Shut up you pervert." Her brain scolded him and he immediately diverted his attention .

Aratrika whispered to him, "You...you..umm..look...good." 

He smiled and said ,"Thank you, ." Aratrika looked up and smiled.

He fed her the coconut water which he brought in a glass and made her sit in a chair nearby. Aratrika's heart fluttered seeing his care for her.

"Now answer me , what are you doing here? Why not on the rooftop?" Saptarshi asked her once again. He did not failed to notice how her face became dull.

"What happened?" Saptarshi asked, touching her left cheek softly. Aratrika closed her eyes as she felt the warmth in his touch.

"Pisi (Paternal aunt) told me not to go there as widows are not allowed to join." She whispered. 

Saptarshi clenched his jaw in anger. He could not understand what would happen if she at least saw the rituals from far and in this way she would get happiness. 

But again Promita never liked her happiness which Saptarshi had understood by now. 

" Maybe you can't do any work related to the rituals but at least you can be present there just to see the functions. Right?" He asked her softly and wiped her tears which had fallen from her eyes.

Aratrika sniffed and said ," Dada told them that but nothing happened...moreover I needed to stay in the kitchen as it is also important . " She could sense that Saptarshi was angry, that's why she added the kitchen part.

"So what will you do the whole day? Only cooking?" Saptarshi asked her, annoyed.

"No no ...you are getting it wrong. The caterer will bring lunch. I am just doing the kitchen work so that I don't need to sit without doing any work . Nobody told me to do it, Pisi just suggested it and I agreed." Aratrika said to him.

Saptarshi controlled his urge to chuckle as he found her cute as she explained the importance of her in the kitchen but felt helpless as well as he knew that she wanted to see the rituals but due to her so-called family she needed to stay in the kitchen .

Saptarshi looked at her as he stepped a bit closer to her. Aratrika's heart started to beat like crazy due to the closeness.

The whole hustle bustle of the busy house felt silent to them as their focus was only on each other.

"What happened?" She asked him meekly.

"What will I do to you Aratrika?" He murmured .

The very next moment Aratrika gasped as Saptarshi unexpectedly pulled her to his chest. She blushed wrapping her arms around her as her ears heard the heartbeat of his which made her smile. Saptarshi sighed in bliss and smiled, liking the feeling of her being in her arms. 
Heaven it was for them.

When they were busy enjoying the warmth of each other,  someone was fuming in anger seeing them like this.

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