47. Love

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Author's note

Next morning

Saptarshi was sitting in a coffee shop while receiving looks from the other customers present in the cafe.
He knew the reason very well —- his uniform.

He didn't care about it ..in fact he felt proud as he got the honour to wear his uniform every single day.
Avoiding the attention he was getting from the customers, he took his phone out from the pocket to dial a number.

"Don't need to call me…I am here." Hearing the voice he looked up to come face to face with the person who not only destroyed his sleep last night but also destroyed his peace and sanity.

"We need to talk ….seriously this time." The person said to him.

Saptarshi braced himself for the upcoming storm.


It was 10 am in the morning.

In Mukherjee house everyone joined for breakfast.
It was Sunday so everyone was present.

"Kanika, where is Akash?" Brijesh asked her daughter as he took a bite of the roti (bread).

" Umm…he has gone out to meet an office colleague….he was saying that he has some important files to collect from him..So…Don't worry,he will come back." Kanika said with a smile.

Biplob cleared his throat which gained everyone's attention.

"I don't know how to say this …I am happy to share the news with you all at the same time I can't help but feel sad. " He said to all.

"What happened ? Why are you saying this?" Suporno asked his father, being confused about his sudden speech. Everyone looked confused except the elders.

Biplob took a sigh and said ,"The thing is …umm…there is a proposal ..I mean a marriage proposal which came to me last night."

"For whom?" Smita asked.  She was feeling dread from inside. Did the proposal come for her?
In no way she will agree to marry someone so early .

Kanika also looked at him with a questioning gaze. Suporno looked at his mother with a frown. But his frown deepened when he noticed his mother fidgeting in her place.

Aratrika, who was concentrating on her breakfast, looked at Biplob.
But the very next moment, she choked on her food when she heard his next words.

"For Aratrika. "

Suporno, Kanika and Smita were stunned hearing him as they were aware about the proposal . Suporno once again looked at his mother who avoided looking at him. Then he understood why his mother was fidgeting before….she was aware of it as well.

Suddenly Smita started to laugh ,making everyone look at her in wonder.

"Enough Baba….stop joking. Tell me the actual matter." Smita said after controlling her laughter.

"Why would I joke?" Biplob asked in a serious tone.

"Marriage proposal for her!!! Are you serious? " Smita Said pointing her finger towards Aratrika.

Biplob nodded.

Aratrika was rooted in her place in shock hearing the news. Her mind was running in a different direction.

Is it Saptarshi?
No Aru.  Are you mad? Why will he send a goddamn proposal to you? He doesn't love you..does he?

The war started between her heart and her mind. She wanted to think of the positive signs which her heart was showing her…but at the same time she couldn't ignore her mind who was giving her logical points.

But I saw in his eyes…his emotions were shining in those black orbs.
Did he say it to you directly? Maybe you wanted to see the emotions in his eyes. That's why you were imagining or misinterpreting things. Besides, did he ever mention marriage?

"Woah, who is the man?"Smita asked, being curious. Her voice broke Aratrika's trance.

"You know him very well….Santanu ,your friend. Last evening his father called us and offered the proposal." Binita said with a smile.

It was another shock for Aratrika….totally unexpected but destructive. Santanu…hearing his name his harassment came to her mind which made her shiver in disgust.

The hope which her heart bloomed about Saptarshi's proposal got broken . She felt a certain tightness and immense pain in her chest. Tears started to well up in her eyes as the moments they spent together. She immediately stood up ,startling everyone and ran away from there before anyone could notice the pain in her eyes.

"I think she got shy." Binita laughed as she misunderstood the situation.

Suporno was about to open his mouth to protest the decision when Biplob said, "Before you could say anything, let me tell you , tomorrow in the evening they are coming to see her."

"Baba, are you serious? I mean just a person randomly asked you for our Aru's hand…and you agreed just like that. " Suporno asked in astonishment. He couldn't understand why his father was in such a hurry.

" Why so? I mean we know him. He comes here …a very polite and great gentleman he is.  His family is also loving .Then why not accept him?
Moreover I want Aratrika's happiness, Suporno. She also has the right to live her life." Biplob said.

Suporno let out a sigh in irritation and left from there in anger. Sudeshna was about to follow her son when Biplob stopped her saying, "Give him sometime…he needs time to digest the news. After all, it is he who is closest to Aru ."

Smita was stunned. Santanu!!

"Santanu's father called you last night..you mean my friend Santanu..are you sure?" Smita asked in disbelief.

"Yes…you friend..you are behaving as if you didn't have any idea about the proposal thing. I am sure that he had shared it with you." Binita asked with a chuckle.

"No, he really didn't ." Smita Said with a huff.

"Okay, Binita, go and talk to Aratrika…she needs her mother now ." Biplob said and Binita left before nodding.

During the whole time, the father and daughter duo Brijesh and Kanika were silent. Their minds were busy with two different things.

On the other hand, Aratrika was crying her heart out.

Never in her dreams ,she has thought that a day will come where she has to hear the news about a proposal from someone whose behaviour brings back her nightmare.

The one more thing and the important thing which was making her restless was her heart which was chanting Saptarshi's name.
She knows that she likes him …maybe it is a mere crush . Then why is it paining  so much whenever she thinks that they won't be able to spend time with each other anymore?

"Aratrika, " Hearing her mother's voice, she wiped away her tears hurriedly and sat straight.

Binita entered the room and went to sit beside her. Holding her daughter's hand in her hand, she said, "I know that it is all of a sudden for you. I know that you are not ready after whatever happened in the past.
But you have to move on .
Trust me you won't regret marrying Santanu ,he is a very responsible and good boy.
You know your Pisi was against it. She brought a marriage proposal for you to a 50 years old man who had a kid. Do you remember Pronoy Da's sister who died two years ago? That man was her husband.
But Biplob Da fought with her…his own sister..just for you and your happiness.
We all want your happiness….that's why we took the decision. Life is given you a chance..take it." Binita said to her affectionately.

Aratrika was shocked hearing her pisi's decision. Her eyes filled with tears seeing her family's love and protectiveness for her.

"Just meet him once..then everything will happen the way you want to." Binita said to her. Kissing her forehead, she left the room.


At night

Aratrika was lying on her bed with her mind which was filled with messed up thoughts about the marriage and her life.

She needed to accept the proposal as her jethu and her family fought with her pisi just for her happiness and well being and it was her time to pay them back.
But she didn't want to marry Santanu. Some unknown but strong feelings for Saptarshi was stopping her from doing the marriage. Her heart was continuously chanting Saptarshi's name.

All of a sudden, a knock on the door of her balcony door made her sit straight on the bed and frown.

Who can it be? She asked herself and a fear gripped her.

Once again she heard the knock.

Taking a deep breath she stood up and went towards the door to open it up.

As soon as she opened the door ,she was shocked to see the person standing there.

"Saptarshi!!! What are you doing here?" She asked in astonishment.

There Saptarshi was standing in front of her in full glory but unlike other times, this time there was no smile on his face. What there was, was the anguish and restlessness.

Saptarshi entered without uttering a single word and closed the door behind him.

Aratrika was surprised..she didn't know what to say.

"Aratrika, " Hearing her name from his mouth , a soothing sensation passed through her veins and warmth filled her heart.

Something clicked in her mind and she ran towards the door of her room to check if it was locked or not.

"What are you doing here?" She asked him again . Panick, fear, relief and  to some extent of anticipation were present in her tone.

"You are getting married." Saptarshi wanted to ask her but it came out as a statement.

Aratrika's eyes widened in shock.

"How?" She asked him how he came to know.

"That's not important…tell me, are you..are you interested in the marriage which your family wants you to do?" Saptarshi asked, clenching his fist. The mere thought of her with someone else was making him absolutely mad.

Aratrika looked down with tears . She was in a dilemma.

Her heart doesn't want it ….but her family..

Once again she looked into his eyes. Saptarshi could see that she was in a dilemma.

He sighed, feeling disappointed. But somewhere it was a relief for him that at least she was considering her feelings for her…she cared about those feelings.

Saptarshi held Aratrika's shoulders and said in a calm tone ," Listen…after acquiring lots of courage ,I am here today. So please listen to me."

She nodded.

"Aratrika,  maybe you don't know..but years back  for the very first time when I saw you, I felt an immense attraction towards you. I still don't know how but unknowingly I started to feel a pull towards you. Though I tried….Trust me I tried hard to search for a reason just to stop the attraction and my growing feelings…in fact I made up some reasons forcefully as well but in vain…the amount of my feelings and attraction never decreased a bit.
When I acknowledged my feelings there was no coming back. There isn't a single time …. a single second when I don't feel for you. You have become a soul reason to live …Without you , I am like a person without oxygen." Saptarshi said.

Aratrika's eyes were full of tears and disbelief. But hearing the last line, she bit her lips to stop the smile.

"….umm…maybe the last line was a very dramatic line." Saptarshi said sheepishly .

"But what I am saying….umm…you can understand right? I am nothing without you.
I never thought that a day would come when I would be madly in love with someone. But here I am." Saptarshi said ,looking straight into her eyes.

Aratrika's breath hitched. The love which was visible in his eyes finally was finally on his lips. It was unexpected for her.
Her heart soared in joy and an immense sense of satisfaction, warmth and relief engulfed her soul.

"Yes, Aratrika, I love you and I want to marry you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and grow old with you." Saptarshi said and a tear slipped from his eyes which described how overwhelmed his heart was in her love.

Aratrika was sobbing, feeling thousands of emotions.

"I…I am. ." Aratrika wanted to say that she wanted him in her life though she wasn't sure about her feelings.

Saptarshi noticed the hesitation and Said, "It's okay…you don't have to say anything…I understand. I want to marry you ,Aratrika.  "

Aratrika stopped crying and said, "But my family…I don't…I…"

Saptarshi hugged her and stopped her from saying anything.

He knew that she wouldn't tell her family to stop the alliance. She cared about her family a lot.

And it won't be easy for them to get married. He had to cross a lot of hurdles.

But he was ready for that….just for his Aratrika.

Hello Guys.... I am back with a bang.

Finally!! Finally Saptarshi confessed.

But what about the marriage proposal ?

To know more what will happen next, you have to wait till tomorrow.

Yes, Next update will be Tomorrow at night.

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Thank you for reading.

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