50. The desired destination

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Author's pov

It was around 12:30 pm when Santanu and his family arrived for the Aashirwad Ceremony. It was a private function so only the families were present.

Promita and Pronoy were also present there.

But Mukherjees were nervous.

Why not?

After all, Kanika still didn't come back with Aratrika till now.

With a nervous smile Biplob made them sit and excused himself.

"Where are your daughters?" Biplob asked Binita and Brijesh angrily.
"Don't worry…I called them..they are on the way ." Binita said ,assuring him.

"So, should we start the ritual?" Santanu's mother asked them.
Biplob eyed Promita to handle the situation.

"Yes, definitely.  But before that have some coffee. Let me bring it." Promita said and went inside to bring the coffee.

All of a sudden the door bell rang which made Mukherjees take a sigh of relief.

"I am going." Sudeshna said and went to open the door.

"Finally you guys are …What….."

Biplob stopped abruptly as the scene unfolded infront of him.

They almost got a heart attack seeing the scene.

"What's this?" Binita asked in disbelief.

There Aratrika was standing along with Saptarshi…. Saptarshi was holding Aratrika's hand in his one hand and there was garlands in his other hand ….
but the major change was that her maang (hair partition) was filled with sindoor (vermilion).

Behind them Kanika, Suporno and Akash were standing.

"What the hell is this?" Santanu stood up yelling at the scene.

Hearing the commotion, Smita also came down and gasped in horror seeing them.

"Tell me ,it's a joke." Promita asked them in disbelief.

"Why would it be a joke,  Pisi? It is reality.  Our Aratrika is married to Saptarshi…now she is Mrs. Aratrika Chowdhury. " Suporno said loudly.

They came out of the shocked state after hearing him. They were silent because It took them some time to digest the news.

"What the hell you did!!! How could you go and just marry him just like that?" Binita yelled as she charged towards her.

She was about to slap her when Saptarshi hid her behind him and a hand stopped her from doing so.

Binita turned to see the person and was shocked.

"You? How could you stop me after everything your daughter had done?" She asked her husband Brijesh in disbelief. It was he who stopped her from slapping her.

"Because I don't want you to abuse my married daughter anymore." Brijesh said in a cold tone.

Aratrika's eyes widened, hearing her father. Hearing "mu daughter " from his mouth brought tears of happiness in her eyes.

"Brijesh!! Are you serious? After all these you will support your daughter!!!" Biplob asked him in disbelief.

Before Brijesh could reply , Sudeshna came with a plate sweets and a Glass of water which made Biplob and Binita look at her as if she had lost her mind.
Sudeshna looked at Kanika who nodded in understanding and went towards the temple of their home (Puja ghar).
Soon she came out with boron-dala (The Boron Dala contains Kumkum, incense stick , bananas and rice.holy earthen lamp, sprinkling trefoil, and husked rice placed on a bamboo winnow (kula).).

"What's all these?" Promita asked being angry.

"We are welcoming our Boro Jamai (Elder son-in-law)." Sudeshna said with a smile.

" Have you become mad? We didn't except the marriage. " Pronoy said this time. He was stunned as well.

"But I did…in fact Boudi, Suporno , Kanika and Akash did as well." Brijesh said which sent Biplob, Binita ,Promita , Pronoy ,Smita as well as Santanu and his family off guard.


Yesterday when Biplob announced that Aratrika's marriage had been fixed. Aratrika's condition was pathetic. Saptarshi called her many times from the moment he left but she couldn't get the courage to receive his call after disappointing him.

After the announcement she was locked in her room as Promita ordered everyone because according to her Aratrika could run away if not locked.

She was surprised nobody protested the decision except Suporno.

After lunch when everyone was resting in their rooms. Aratrika was crying silently in her room .

All of a sudden ,she heard her door being knocked.

She got up and opened her door to see Kanika standing there. Before she could ask her anything, Kanika entered inside and shut the door.

"Wh ..what are you doing?" Aratrika asked her being puzzled. She couldn't understand why Kanika just shut  the door.

" Aru Di ..I talk to you. First of all answer me, why didn'tyou say yes to Saptarshi da, when he asked you to ? You should have said yes to him immediately..he would have handled everything.  " Kanika asked her .

Aratrika was shocked ,hearing her. She never thought that Kanika would support her.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Oh, you thought that I am also against this relationship, right?" Kanika asked her sister who nodded .

"For your kind information, I already knew that you guys like each other ." She replied, making Aratrika shocked more.

Seeing her shocked expression, Kanika continued," Yes, I knew it from the time we visited Akash's house in Durga Puja . I caught you both together several times.
I was having a doubt that you guys are a thing ..And Finally my doubt got cleared when I heard Saptarshi Da talking with Akash one day when we went for wedding shopping.
Trust me, I was so happy when I heard it."

Aratrika felt a wave of happy emotions pass through her nerves as she heard her sister supporting her.

Aratrika started to cry, suddenly shocking Kanika.

"Aare what happened now? Are you not happy that I am supporting you? Why are you crying?" Kanika asked as she hugged her sister.

" Trust me Kanika, I want to stay with him forever…I don't want to marry this Santanu.
But…but what's the benefit of love now? I already lost it because of my cowardly nature…Didn't you see how disappointed he was when he left yesterday? Everything is finished, Kanika…Everything. " Aratrika sobbed her heart out in her sister's embrace.

"Nothing like this happens…I assure you. Now you take a rest. I will see you later." Kanika said, making her lay down on her bed.

Wiping her tears, kissing her forehead, she left from there.

She went out of her room and closed the door.

"Did you hear that?" She asked the people who were standing outside Aratrika's room throughout the time.

"Yes, we heard that. " Suporno said and looked at his mother who was standing beside him with tears in her eyes.

"I don't know how much she has to suffer for this family. But not anymore…this time I won't let that happen. " Sudeshna said with determination.

Three of them reached Kanika's room and called Akash to inform him everything, who in return informed everything to Saptarshi.

Later in the evening,  Kanika and Sudeshna went out of the house in the name of shopping which was partially true and Suporno joined them as well giving his father an excuse to meet his friend.

They met Saptarshi and Akash ,Priyansh also accompanied them.

Then the perfect plan of marriage was made.

As it was decided, next morning Sudeshna went out of the house in the name of Puja, Kanika took Aratrika out for parlour treatment and Suporno went out on the excuse of work.

Coincidentally Smita got a stomach ache which stopped her from joining them.

Kanika took Aratrika to her friend's house on the way to get her ready for the wedding.

It was all a surprise for Aratrika. So when she asked Kanika why she was here, she told her that they needed to visit Kali ghat temple before that.
Aratrika believed her.

They met in the Kali ghat temple where the marriage was going to happen. Saptarshi was already present with his father, Pimoni ,Priyansh ,Akash's parents , Anu and Priyansh's parents.

Aratrika being surprised would be an understatement.

"What?" She asked in astonishment and confusion.

Sudeshna cupped her face and said, "I decided to give my most precious girl to a man who is capable enough to keep you happy and love you insanely. Today you are getting married to Saptarshi. "

Hearing her Aratrika stood speechless for a minute. After her mind processed through her mind, tears started to flow from her eyes.

"No more tears…now it's only happiness which will kiss your feet." Suporno said ,hugging her from the side and Sudeshna wiped her tears.

All of a sudden a thought clicked Aratrika's mind.

"But Ma..Baba…" She fumbled.

"For the first time, be a bit selfish and careless. It won't harm you. About your parents and others, we will handle them." Sudeshna said.

Saptarshi came towards her and held his hand out for her.

This scene earned a whistle from Priyansh and everyone chuckled around them, making Aratrika red.

"Come on. Let The Ceremony Start. We can't wait to make her our daughter in law." Siddhartha said and Sanonda nodded. Everyone smiled around them.

"Ready to be Mrs Chowdhury?" He asked. She nodded with a shy smile and teary eyes.

" Brijesh ,"

Hearing Sudeshna's voice, everyone stopped smiling as they saw Brijesh entering the temple with a stoic face.

Aratrika went stiff and unconsciously shifted more towards Saptarshi ,feeling afraid of the thought of how her father would react.

"Brijesh, let me explain…please don't say anything to Aratrika….she didn't know about the marriage..it was
…" Sudeshna was explaining to him but stopped abruptly by Brijesh who showed her his palm in order to stop her.

Suporno and Kanika looked at each other in fear and confusion.

One thought was running in their minds — did Biplob know it?

But their doubt got cleared when they saw the scene unfolding in front of them.

Brijesh walked straight towards the bride and groom. Looking straight at Aratrika's eyes, he said, "From years I never did anything a father should do. At Least let me do that now…it's my time to give what my daughter wants. "

Mukherjees were shocked ,hearing him. Aratrika didn't know how to react.

Saying this he kept his hand on Aratrika's head with teary eyes. "God bless you ," He said with a tone filled with emotions. Aratrika held her father's hand and sobbed feeling happy that her father accepted and blessed her upcoming relationship.

"But how did you come to know?" Sudeshna asked him. She was happy that he was with his daughter but still shocked how he got here.

Brijesh explained that it happened last night when Sudeshna, Kanika and Suporno were discussing the plan in Kanika's room.
He was passing by her room and heard everything, including the time ,the venue (temple) where the marriage was about to take place.

That's when he decided that he would do everything to give his daughter her happiness.

Saptarshi and Aratrika sat down to get married. Both of them were smiling happily …finally it was happening.

They finally became Mr. and Mrs. Chowdhury.

Flashback ends

Finally ...finally the wait is over.
Their Marriage happened.

Are you guys happy?

But...we have to wait to see the reaction of the people after the revelation.

Next update will be on Thursday.
I need time to write the chapter properly.

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Thank you for reading.

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