59. Love , Suspense and more

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Author's pov

Aratrika kept the laptop on the bed and stretched her neck.

After doing some exercises to relieve the pain, she got down from the bed and walked towards the window.

She was so busy watching and admiring the beautiful reddish orange hues on the dark blue sky that she didn't hear the footsteps behind her.

Saptarshi entered the guest room where Aratrika was staying with a bag behind him.
When he saw that she was watching outside without blinking her eyes, taking advantage of her distracted state ,he tiptoed towards her.

He silently kept the bag on the bed and without any alarm, he hugged her from behind.

Aratrika jumped in her place due to the sudden hug. At first she jumped being startled but when she felt the familiar touch ,she blushed and leaned on his arms.

"What are you doing, Madam?" He asked her playfully.

"Just Admiring the beautiful sky ,Sir." She replied playfully.

He smiled and closed her eyes with his hand.

"Aare, what are you doing?" She asked him in surprise.

Without answering her question, he took her towards the bed and said, "When I tell you to open your eyes, you will open them. Okay?"

Aratrika nodded. She was very curious.

All of a sudden ,she felt a cold metal-like thing in her hand.
"Now you can see it." Came Saptarshi's voice.

Aratrika opened her eyes and looked down to see the thing only to let out a gasp in shock.

"What is it?" She asked him in shock.

"A brand new Laptop for you." He replied with a smile.

"But why? I was okay with yours. It's very expensive. " Aratrika said to him in a hurry.

"Hey, hey relax. I know you were okay with mine. But you get into trouble when sometimes I need to take my laptop with me...your work gets hampered. I have seen it though you didn't say anything to me.
In Fact I have seen you being hesitant to use my laptop freely....So I decided to buy you a new one.

And madam, your husband earns enough to buy you a laptop. So stop getting panicked." He said playfully at the end.

Aratrika smiled with misty eyes and keeping the laptop aside, she hugged Saptarshi. His care and love for her made her overwhelmed.
This was the first time someone did something for her after her brother because her family (except her brother) had stopped doing anything like this for her for many years.

"Thank you ." She whispered. Her voice was thick with emotions. Saptarshi rubbed her back to ease her emotions.

"By the way, you can say thank you to me in a different way." He said in a teasing tone.

"How?" Aratrika innocently looked up at him but instantly regretted asking the question when she noticed the mischievous look in his eyes.

"Can I show you practically?" He asked her inva whisper ,eyeing her lips.

Aratrika blushed and looked down which made Saptarshi more tempted to do something very badly.

"Can I?" He asked her as he didn't want to do something which was out of her acceptance.

She looked up at him once again and nodded slightly. Her stomach twisted in anticipation.

That's what Saptarshi was waiting for.....her consent.

As he placed his lips on her lips, both of them felt the spark in their bodies. Slowly he started to kiss her pouring his emotions on the kiss and Aratrika started to lose herself in the kiss and his passion. Saptarshi smiled when she started to kiss him back. Though She wasn't a perfect kisser ,it was a thousand times better to Saptarshi because through her kiss, she was trying to express what she felt for him and what he was in her life.

After a minute they stopped kissing each other.

They looked at each other and giggled.

And without any warning, Saptarshi slammed his lips on her lips once again.


Piyali walked inside their room to see Siddhartha walking restlessly from one corner to another in their room.

She frowned in confusion. From the moment he came back from his work ,he seemed really restless and calm. He didn't talk with anyone.

Though Siddhartha has turned a bit cold towards her regarding Saptarshi's marriage, still they are husband and wife who love each other and care for each other enough to neglect those petty fights.

"Siddhartha, " She called out which made him stop in his place. His back was facing her.

"Are you okay?" She asked him.

"Yes I am. Why?" He asked her.

"No...I mean you have been silent since the time you came back home. That's why." She said.

He became silent again.

After a few seconds, he replied, "No..I am perfectly alright. It's just...it's just a bit tense about some work."

Piyali nodded. Though She had doubts ,she didn't voice out her doubts.

"Come on, let's sleep." Siddhartha said and laid down on the bed. Piyali followed his suit.

That night none of them peacefully.


Next morning

" Why are you not coming today?" Sanonda asked in the call. One hand she was talking to Aniruddha who called her to inform that he wasn't going to come to the college and on the other hand she was preparing her bag for the college.

She was happy to get a half day today.

"I need to look after the works of the apartment. The workers are doing the work very lazily and obviously created many issues...like two days ago, I told them to do Wall art on the walls of my living, instead of doing that in the living room, they did that in my bedroom." Aniruddha said in agitation.

"Oh ho..then?" Sanonda asked in worry.

"Then what!! Then I made them do the art in the living room and also told them that I am not paying any extra money for the blunder." Aniruddha said with smugness.

Sanonda laughed and said sarcastically, "Wow, so smart."

Aniruddha laughed back.

Before Sanonda could say something, she heard a knock on her door.

"Okay ,I am calling you later. Bye...see you." Sanonda said. Aniruddha said bye and cut the call.

"Aare. Siddhartha, come inside." Sanonda welcomed Siddhartha inside her room after opening the door.

Siddhartha entered inside and gave a small smile to Sanonda.

Sanonda frowned and asked, "Is everything Okay? "

"Yeah...umm, are you going to college?" He asked her hesitantly.

"Yes, I will get a half day today. But I will arrive in the evening as I come daily." She said as she got busy with her packing.

"Oh!! Are you going somewhere?" He asked her with a frown.

"Oh yeah, actually, my friend needs my help for some work." She replied. She decided to visit Aniruddha. Though he didn't tell her ,still she wanted to help him out.

"Oh. ...actually yesterday...I saw you in the mall..with a man..you know." He asked her awkwardly.

Sanonda stopped her work and turned to look at Siddhartha. With a smile, she said, "Yes, He is my colleague and a very good friend as well. I was helping him in buying some curtains for his new home. "

"Oh...so ...you know..umm...I don't know how to ask you this ." Siddhartha said with a huff.

"What happened? Why are you being so awkward?" She asked him.

"Umm..don't mind please ,but is he your friend only or something more than that?" He asked in a hurry and looked at her in fear..what if she scolded him.

Sanonda kept looking at him for sometime and said in a bored tone, "Are you high on something? Is this my age of falling in love?"

Siddhartha's fear went away seeing her normal. He huffed and said ,"Oh come on...Love doesn't see age...it's just a feeling...it has nothing to do with age and all."

Sanonda looked at him weirdly and said, "Your and Piyali's anniversary is still two months away...why are you being so romantic? Did you guys patch up? Very good. You did a great thing by patching up with her..she needs you now."

"Oh come on. Stop changing the topic.
Listen, let me tell you one thing, I know that life hasn't been fair to you. You faced enough bad things in your life.
So if you ever decide to move on and start a new chapter of your life with someone you love...please let me know. I will always be there for you no matter what it is.
Because you, my sister, deserve the best." He said, holding her hands.

Sanonda gave him a smile filled with emotions and nodded before saying, "I know."

Saptarshi was in the police station, working on a case which was going to the court for a hearing tomorrow.

Suddenly his mind travelled back yesterday when he kissed her.
Never ever has he felt alive like this before which he felt after kissing her.
He felt as if the missing puzzle of his life had been found.

But as he remembered how Aratrika was telling her that she needed to tell him something, he frowned. He cursed himself for sleeping abruptly when she almost started to talk.

"I should have listened to her." He mumbled.

"Sir," a knock on the door caught his attention.

"Yes," He replied curtly and looked at the person with a frown.

"Sir, this envelope came for you." The constable said to him.

"For me!!" He asked him in confusion. The constable nodded.

"Did you see who came to give it?" Saptarshi asked as he took the envelope in his hand.

"Yes, a peon." The constable replied. Saptarshi nodded and told him to leave.

After the constable left, Saptarshi tore the head of the envelope and took out the letter.
He checked inside and saw that there was nothing except the letter.

Shrugging to herself in confusion, he opened the letter and read the Content.

By the time he was done with the letter, he was confused, shocked and angry for sure.

How's the chapter?

Finally They kissed !!!!!!!

But the letter.... what's about that?

Hmm...let's see what happens?

Next update will be on Tomorrow.

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Thank you for reading.

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