67. Upset

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Author's pov

It's been three days since the terrible night. Everything has since then. Everybody was suffering due to the decision of Piyali and Aratrika.

Right now Siddhartha is getting ready for his work. Piyali entered their room.

"Umm...should I send your breakfast here? Or you will have it in the dining room?" She asked him hesitantly with a hope in her heart. But her hope got crashed when Siddhartha didn't reply anything in return.

This is what is happening for the last three days .Siddhartha has stopped talking to her after that night. Only if there is something very urgent, he talks with her.

Piyali's heart clenched in pain seeing her husband's indifference.
"Siddhartha ,how many days will you be like this? What's my fault in it? I am doing what is good for our son." She said in a broken voice.

Siddhartha said and turned to face her. He said, "You are doing this for your own selfish reasons...to satisfy your bruised ego. If you had really thought about Saptarshi's happiness, you wouldn't have take this cruel step. I knew that you were stubborn but I didn't know that you can be this manipulative just to get what you want."

Piyali's eyes filled with tears hearing her husband's accusations.

"This is what you think after spending so many years with me !!!" She asked him in agony.

Siddhartha closed his to ignore the agony in her voice as he didn't want to get weak seeing her like this.

"Before it wasn't like this...but now you are forcing me to think like this by your actions. " He replied and left from there.

Piyali broke down into tears.

Sanchita kept her book aside and looked at the clock. It was 10:30 am in the morning.

She didn't go to the college today as she didn't feel like going there. The last three days had been very stressful for everyone including her.

She got up and walked out of her room to go to Aratrika.

She silently entered the room.

Entering the guest room,she saw her sitting beside the window. Sanchita felt very bad when she saw her disheveled condition and the puffy red eyes to Aratrika which indicated that she cried a lot.

Aratrika was immersed in her thoughts when she felt a presence beside her. She turned her face towards her left to see Sanchita sitting beside her.

"Dadabhai er saathe kotha holo? (Did brother talk to you?)" Sanchita asked her softly.

Aratrika wiped the tear which rolled down her cheek and shook her head to the sides. Saptarshi didn't talk to her.

Sanchita sighed in defeat. After that night Saptarshi didn't talk to her.

"He doesn't want to see my face,Sanchita. Infact he didn't come to meet me after that night. Whenever I am coming infront of him, he is avoiding me and leaving from there without giving me a glance. I don't know what I will do now, Sanchita...I don't know what I will do." Aratrika said and broke down into tears.
Saptarshi's indifference was killing her from inside.

Sanchita rubbed her back to comfort her. She was angry and upset on Aratrika for taking the decision of leaving the house and also on her mother for creating such scenario just listening to an outsider.

" Then why did you take such decision, Boumoni?" She asked her softly.

Aratrika looked at her and said, "I don't want any problem between him and Mamoni (Piyali). I have seen how much he loves and respects his mother ..Mamoni also loves him...he is her son. I am no one to come between them.
That's why I wanted to solve the problems of our family and if my leaving the house solves everything,I will do that."

Sanchita was proud of her brother for choosing a girl who loves everyone so deeply but at the same time she was irritated seeing her so selfless and naive.

" And what about your love for Dadabhai? What about your relationship with him...with us? Have you ever thought about it?" Sanchita asked her . Aratrika fell into silence.

"You are way too naive and selfless ,Boumoni. I just hope that this nature of yours doesn't make you fall into a trouble. " Sanchita said to her.
Next day

Saptarshi was getting ready as he had to go for his work.

All of a sudden He heard a knock on his door. Frowning to himself, he went to open the door only to get shocked.

Aratrika was standing in front of him.

He sighed and let her enter inside. She entered inside.

His heart almost melted as he saw how sad she looked. He just wanted to take her in his arms and protect her from all the miseries she was facing.

But she herself invited the miseries what he could do....he couldn't do anything.

As soon as he remembered how nonchalantly she said that she was ready to leave him, anger started to rush back again within him.

"What do you want?"

Hearing his stern voice, Aratrika flinched. She gathered a lot of courage to face him. Now seeing him so angry ,her confidence started to drain out.

"Will you speak? I don't have a whole day for you." He asked in a loud voice.

Aratrika shivered in fear hearing him. But not to make him more angry, she said in nervousness, "Umm..I..umm..I wanted to talk to you."

He raised his eyebrows and said in a mocking tone, "Really? You have something left to say!!!
Oh did you come here to tell me that you are leaving already? Are you here asking for a lift so that I could drop you to your home? "

Aratrika closed her eyes in pain . It was unbearable for her to listen to him talking to her like this.

He understood that but wasn't ready to stop.

" By the way ,what are you doing in my room? Did you forget that Maa has forbidden you from entering my room? How are you not obeying her words?
I am shocked because you can do anything Maa says..because for you only she matters." He said ,taunting her.

"Please..Saptarshi...Don't talk to me like this. I can't.....I can't bear it." Aratrika said in a broken tone as two drops of tears fell down on her cheeks.

Seeing her so vulnerable, Saptarshi's eyes softened but still he didn't throw away the hard expression on his face and hardness from his voice.

"Why ? Why now? Did you think about me and my feelings when you decided to leave the house? You agreed with whatever Maa said. You didn't let me try to convince Maa. .you stopped me.
Now I really doubt whether you really want to leave me." He said.

Hearing him, Aratrika's eyes widened and she shook her head saying, "It's not like this..."

But Saptarshi interrupted her.

"No...I am absolutely correct ..it was always like this. You know why because you never tried to do anything to save our relationship. You never fought for it. It was always me... it was always me who fought for you..for us.
I know why...because I love you but you don't. I am just a person in your life whom you like and who is least important to you.
Yes, I am no one to you that's why it is so easy for you to throw me out of your life.
I am an unwanted person in your life that's why you want to leave me as soon as possible.
Now I understand that I never mattered to you. " He said . Aratrika didn't miss the sadness in her eyes.
She walked towards him to touch him but stopped immediately, hearing his loud voice.

"Stop..stop right there. Don't you dare to come closer to me. " He said loudly while glaring at her.
"Don't try to show me your fake concern.
You know what now I don't care what you do ..what you not. I really don't care if you want to leave me or not. So you can do whatever the hell you want to..just don't show me your face."
Saying this he left the room, leaving Aratrika in tears.

Saptarshi was going out of the house when he heard his mother calling him from behind.

"Saptarshi, " Piyali came running towards him. He stopped but didn't turn to face her.

"Have breakfast then go...Don't go on an empty stomach. Come I will serve you breakfast." She said to him.

"No, I am in a hurry ." Saying this he was about to leave but again she stopped him.

"At Least have the tea." She said.

Clenching his fist in anger ,he turned around and said, "Maa please, enough is enough. Don't try to make people do what you want them to do always...stop it now. Stop burdening people with your decisions.
You have already done that and it's costing my marriage...thanks to you for that." Sarcasm was evident in his tone.

Piyali looked down, seeing the anger and accusations in his eyes.

Without saying anything more, he left from there.

Rest of the day passed like this - as usual Sanonda went for her work , Sanchita remained in her room to complete her syllabus and in between she kept checking on Aratrika and her mother whereas Lolita stayed with Piyali.

It was 6 pm in the evening.

Aratrika went to the terrace to bring down her washed a
clothes which she hung there for drying.

She climbed up the stairs and was surprised to see the door was open because most of the time it remains closed.

"Maybe Sanchita is there." She thought to herself.

She entered the terrace and walked towards her clothes.

She looked around and all of a sudden her eyes fell on the figure which made her shocked to the core.


A Surprise update for my lovely readers.

Hope you liked the Surprise.

How's the chapter? Let me know.

Next update will be on Sunday as promised.

Thank you for reading.

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