77. Peace

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Author's pov

"Piyali, Don't take too much stress. She will definitely call you when she has time. " Siddhartha assured Piyali who was looking at her phone with a longing gaze.

They were in the living room whereas Sanchita was resting in her. Her exam ended today so she was sleeping to cover up the last one month.

"But yesterday she called me at 3 pm…then again at 7 pm…See, now it's 8 pm..she didn't call me till now. In fact after morning we didn't talk…everything is okay ,right? Is she okay? Because I don't trust her mother and Jethu…" Piyali said to him in worry.

"Piyali, yes maybe they did hurt her and didn't trust her…but still she is their family, I don't think that they will hurt her again. Don't worry, maybe she is coming back so she wants to surprise you!!!" Sanonda exclaimed.

"Yeah, this can happen…I will thank God, if she comes back…truth to be told, the house has become so gloomy without her…yeah,she doesn't talk too much but still her presence brightens up our house..isn't it?" Piyali asked her with a smile.

"So true." Sanonda replied with a smile.

The doorbell rang.

"Who is this now? " Siddhartha asked in confusion.

"Are you expecting someone? Maybe Aniruddha?" Piyali asked Sanonda who didn't miss the teasing tone when she mentioned Aniruddha's name.

Sanonda got flabbergasted and said, "What are you saying!!! Let me see…who is this." And got up to open the door.

Piyali and Siddhartha chuckled seeing her.

"Aru…Rishi !!!! come inside. See Piyali, your son and daughter both are here." Sanonda exclaimed in surprise. She didn't observe their faces till now.

Saptarshi entered inside holding Aratrika's shoulder and walked towards the living room.

"Oh my God!!! What a pleasant surprise!!! Thank God you both came back." Piyali said, smiling widely. She was happy to have them back.

"What happened ,Rishi?" Siddhartha asked in a confused tone as he noticed how calm and sad they looked.

Then Piyali and Sanonda noticed their condition as well.

Piyali gasped as her eyes fell on the cut on the corner of Aratrika's lips.

"What happened to you, Aru?"
Hearing Piyali's question, Aratrika's eyes welled up as the nightmare of her life hit her hard.

Without wasting any time, she ran away from there and climbing up the stairs, she rushed towards their (Aratrika  and Saptarshi) room, ignoring Piyali's and Sanonda's voices who were calling her name.

"Aratrika!!!! Rishi,what happened? Why did she run away like that? Tell me.." Piyali asked in worry.

Sanonda and Siddhartha exchanged their concerned and confused gaze as they saw how livid Saptarshi looked.

They were shocked seeing Aratrika's behaviour. She wasn't someone to avoid them or do something like this. That's what was making them so worried.

Saptarshi took a deep breath and told everything to them. Everyone being shocked would be an understatement.

" I just can't believe it. Such filthy people both of them are!!! And Aru's mother, everytime she just makes me hate her a little more. I just can't understand how Aru survived all these years!!! " Piyali said . Disgust, disbelief and loath were present in her tone.

"Rishi, I hope you did what you should . " Siddhartha asked him in a hard voice. He was feeling rage for the people involved in it.

"Yes ,Baba, I have put him behind the bars ." Saptarshi assured his father.

"I just can't imagine how Aratrika must be feeling right now. But Saptarshi, don't get angry with her or remain upset with her for hiding about this. 
These kinds of things are not easy to deal with. Insecurities, self loathing every bad feeling comes in a person's mind who has faced a situation like this.
So please handle it carefully." Sanonda said to Saptarshi.

He held her hand and said, "Don't worry…I know and trust me I am not upset with her ..also not angry as well."

"Now Go to her. I am sending something to eat for both of you. After feeding her ,make her sleep and you also take a rest." Piyali said and sent him near Aratrika.

Saptarshi entered his room to see Aratrika sleeping. Her wet hair told him that she had taken a bath.

Taking his clothes, he entered the washroom silently without disturbing her. After ten minutes he came out taking a shower and went downstairs to bring the food.

Keeping the food on the bedside table, he sat beside her.

Feeling the bed dip, Aratrika opened her eyes to see Saptarshi sitting beside her with his eyes on her. She tried to sit up and Saptarshi helped her.

But to Saptarshi's surprise, she removed his hands from her back.

"What was this?" He asked her with a frown and an annoyed expression.

"Umm…I know you are upset with me." Aratrika said, looking down.

"Really? And why so?" He asked her with an expressionless face.

"Because…because I didn't tell you about…about all these. But trust me Rishi, I didn't…I didn't let him…" She tried to explain to him but he stopped her.

"Shhh….it's okay. You don't need to explain anything to me. I am not upset with you or anything. I know how difficult it must be for you." He said as he pulled her in his arms. She closed her eyes, feeling his warmth.

"Why did you run away like this?" He asked her softly.

" I was feeling…feeling ashamed to meet their eyes. I hid everything about the abuse from all of you…and The incident which happened today ..the abuse made me feel dirty…I…I was…I….I can't make you understand…" She tried to explain everything to Saptarshi.

"I understood. But trust me, nobody would be thinking low of you. You are not the victim..you are the fighter who lived her life strongly even after everything happened to you all these years. You are a warrior, Shona. Never think so lowly about yourself, okay.
Your Mamoni, Baba, Pimoni and me …everyone loves you the way we did before knowing it…in fact our respect for you has increased more than before. " He said to her.
She gave him a smile with teary eyes.

"Now come, have this. Then you will sleep." He said and made her eat the food and made her drink the milk which she had to because of the stern glares she was receiving from her dear husband.
After feeding her, he also ate his food.

"Now Sleep." He said and made her lay down.

Soon she slipped into a peaceful slumber.

Next day Aratrika talked to Piyali, Sanonda and Siddhartha and she understood whatever Saptarshi said to her the last night was absolutely right. Kanika also came to her sister after hearing everything. Like everyone she was also shocked and enraged. She stayed with her that day in Chowdhury house.

In fact her father, Sudeshna and Suporno also came to meet her as they were very tense for her.  Brijesh was constantly crying and apologising to his daughter. In fact Sudeshna and Suporno also become very depressed after everything.

Smita also came to know about it after she came back from her work. Like everyone she was also shocked and devastated after knowing it.

Binita also wanted to come to meet Aratrika, but her guilt didn't let her do that. Her relationship with family members had become strained due to it….in fact she herself is cursing herself constantly for neglecting her daughter..for not trusting her enough which made her suffer.

Saptarshi confronted Pronoy who accepted his crime. He confessed that he started to feel attracted towards Aratrika when she was just a teenager — 14 or 15 years old. But he controlled himself as she was a minor. But when she came to stay with them, he unleashed his inner beast as she was adult by then.

Saptarshi was disgusted to hear him.  The fact that he was not ashamed after committing such a cheap act made him furious .  He didn't share this with anyone…especially with Aratrika.
  Something should remain unknown for one's own good.

Saptarshi now understood why she was always hesitant to wear some revealing clothes openly. She was only comfortable with him.

But after Pronoy got caught  Aratrika started to open up a little more. She started to shed her hesitation while dressing up in western clothes.

Three days have passed since the incident.
Though Aratrika talks with everyone and behaves normally, everybody could see that the incident has left an impact on her which is very normal.

That's why Saptarshi has decided to take her for their honeymoon. He himself packed the luggage of both of them and after reaching the airport he opened his surprise to her saying, "They are going to Goa."

" This is so beautiful." Aratrika said, looking at the sea from the glass door of the hotel room.

It was around 12 pm when they checked into the hotel.

Saptarshi smiled looking at his wife who was looking cute in black and red floral skirt and white top with a bow hairband.

Being tired, He fell flat on the bed too much to her annoyance.

"No.  You won't sleep…we need to visit the places." She objected and started to pull him holding his hand.

Seeing her unsuccessful attempts he laughed and sat up ,pulling her on his lap.

"Leave me..I want to go to the beach." She said with a pout.

"Okay, let's freshen up…then we will go." He said, kissing her pout.

After taking a shower, they got dressed for the day and went out to have lunch.

"Where did he go?" Aratrika murmured to herself as she was waiting for Saptarshi. After they had lunch, Saptarshi went somewhere telling her to wait for him. She was waiting for him .

All of a sudden a bike stopped in front of her ,making her startled.

"You!! Where did you get the bike?" Aratrika asked in surprise as soon as the helmet was removed revealing Saptarshi's face.

" I hired it to go to the Fort Aguada… the bike ride will be perfect as we can enjoy the view and the wind." He said. She grinned and sat behind m.

They went to the famous Fort Aguada where they enjoyed the amazing sunset and also went to the Church of St. Lawrence.

After staying there for two hours they returned back and enjoyed the evening on the beach.
"Rishi," Aratrika called.

"Hmm." Saptarshi replied while concentrating on the news on his phone.

"Why didn't you…umm…why didn't you touch me after that incident? Aratrika asked, which brought a silence in the hotel room.

It was around 10 pm . They were done with their dinner and were ready to sleep .

Saptarshi was shocked hearing her question. He didn't touch her because he thought maybe she would be uncomfortable with any kind of intimacy. Though they kissed like they do, he didn't initiate the love making after that incident.

"I thought you would be uncomfortable…that's why." He said to her.

Aratrika sat up straight and said, facing him,  "I would never get uncomfortable with you, Rishi. "

As he saw that the atmosphere turned serious, he said to tease her ,"So you want me to do something to you!!"

She looked down and nodded her head with the blush.

"Your wish ,my command. " He said with a smirk and pulled her in a kiss.

Soon they showed each other how much they missed each other in the last three days.

Next day, they got up late, which was expected.

So they had to get ready in hurry as they booked a car around 11 am to go to the Calangute Beach which is the largest beach in North Goa.

At around 1 pm they reached the beach. With a happy squeal Aratrika ran towards the sea , making Saptarshi laugh.

While she was enjoying the beauty of the beach, he was busy admiring the happy face of his wife. He silently clicked a picture of her.

"Rishi.." She yelled at him, "Come. " She called him waving her hand frantically.

He nodded and joined his wife.

After spending one hour on the beach, they went to a nearby restaurant to have lunch. Then they went to the hotel where they had booked a room for the day as they were going to enjoy the nightlife of Calangute Beach. They took a bath and decided to take a nap.

In the evening they got dressed and went out to explore the local market.

There they bought gifts for everyone.

After that they explored the place and had street foods.
Then they went back to the hotel.

"Are you ready?" Saptarshi asked and knocked on the door of the bathroom.

After some time, she came out wearing a pinkish mauve dress, making Saptarshi's breath hitch.

"You are looking pretty," He said ,pulling her to him.

"We are twinning. " She said and wrapped her hand around his neck. He laughed .

"I don't want to go there after seeing you like this….I have different plans….only if you cooperate ,I will assure you to give a pleasurable service." He said with a wink.

Aratrika fell into silence for some seconds to understand. Soon the colour of her face started to change as soon as she realised what he meant to say.

She unwrapped her arms and said, "You are no.1 shameless…Let's go. We are getting late."

He laughed seeing her shy face and both of them left for the bonfire party while bickering with each other.

The bonfire party had already started when they reached there.

People were dancing and singing  ..some of them were enjoying their drinks and food.

Saptarshi and Aratrika joined them and started to enjoy the party.

"Saptarshi, "

They both were walking back to the hotel after attending the party when they heard somebody calling Saptarshi's name.

They turned around in confusion to see a guy who looked around Saptarshi's age coming towards them.

As he came near , Saptarshi's face lit up.

"John..hey what's up?" He greeted him and they hugged each other.

Aratrika looked at them in confusion.

"I am fine…What about you?" John asked him.

" Likewise…so you are still in Goa?" He asked him.

"Yes, I permanently got shifted here. By the way ,who is this pretty lady beside you?" John asked him with a smile and curiosity.

Saptarshi smiled and pulled Aratrika towards him, by holding her waist.
"John, meet my wife, Aratrika Chowdhury and Aratrika, he is John Martin, my ex-colleague. "

Aratrika smiled and joined her palms to greet him. John did the same as well.

Saptarshi and John talked to each for some time about their life and job as well.

" For how many days are you here?" John asked him.

"Oh we leave after three days." Saptarshi replied.

"Excellent,  then you have to attend my wedding tomorrow. I am getting married so you have to attend it when you are here." John invited both of them.

Saptarshi tried to deny it by saying that they were not living in the Calangute beach area, in fact they were going back to the previous location where they were actually staying tonight .
He told him about his trip planning.

" Luckily I am getting married there where you are staying. There is a church nearby and I am marrying there as I stay near the area only. So I guess this solves every issue. " John said with a smile.

Saptarshi agreed at last.

Soon they bid bye to each other.
Next day they went shopping at around 10 am as the wedding was scheduled at 1pm.
They bought the gift of the couple and dresses for themselves.

Coming back to the hotel, they took shower and got ready for the wedding.

Soon they left for the Church to attend the wedding.
The bride and groom were standing in front of the priest and the priest was doing the rituals for the wedding.

Aratrika was watching everything in awe as it was the first time she was seeing something like this.
She was concentrating on every ritual.

As the groom was taking oath for the wedding, Aratrika got startled when she heard Saptarshi's words near her ear,
"I, Saptarshi Chowdhury,  promise my wife to keep her happy always, to take care of her and to never let her shed a tear and always support her in her every venture of her life— professional and personal and last but not the least I promise to love and respect her like I always do forever ."

She looked at him with a smile and she also started to take the oath when the bride on the stage started to take oath ,
"I, Aratrika Chowdhury , promise my husband to love him, respect him and take care of him like he does to me. I promise to always stand by his side. "

"Now you may kiss the bride, " The priest said to the bride and the groom.

Saptarshi kissed Aratrika's forehead, surprising her and this made shed a tear.

He wiped her tears and said, "I love you , Shona."

"And I love you too, Rishi." She said and they both smiled at each other with their eyes full of love.

The second last chapter of the book this is!!

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Next update will be --- Tomorrow

The new story will be out tomorrow as well.

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