23. Broken trust

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Target.....200 votes!

I am happy to continue this book here....or else I would have decided to take down....but I am glad that the target is completed....

...and Happy international Language day....

"সংস্কৃতি ও ঐতিহ্যয় মা তোর গরিমা

বিশ্বসভায় বরণীয়া তাই অনন্যা তুই মা

মমতাময়ী মা আমার কল্যাণময়ী মা

তোরই কোলে জন্ম নিয়ে ধন্য হলাম মা
বাংলা আমার মা"

                  -Chandrani Ganguli & Kazi Kamal Naser.

(Culture and tradition are your glory, welcomed in the world assembly, so unique, you are the mother, My loving mother is my benevolent mother. I am blessed to be born in your lap, mother
Bengali is my mother ")

Happy reading.....


Triya's pov:

I am so lost.....what more I can do? I took her responsibility and now she might be in problem while I am here.... confused, frustrated, helpless.

I felt someone shaking me.... I looked towards my left to see Maa standing with a tray that has two glasses of water on it...."Shona....are you fine?" I nodded to give her relief.

"Shona, go outside and offer the officer and Jason, water....poor boy, he might hae skipped his breakfast to come here so soon only to give you support. Nowadays no one brothers about one another.....but still he is helping with the investigation....go offer them water." Maa gave me a weak smile....and handed over the tray to me.

I went outside only to see the officer and Jason is having some serious conversation. May be he is trying give the officer as much as information he knows. I walked towards them....while I am walking towards them.... I heard something that made me freeze on the spot....

"Don't.... don't worry sir, we will do anything to find your sister Jessy....if we have known...then... I mean..." the officer said looking a scared....

Jason stopped him...."I don't care what you do....just find my sister....my men are already searching..... whatever news you get pass it down to my men who are more efficient to find my sister Jessy than a low life fool like you..."

The whole tray fell from my hand along with the glasses....how? how can he lie to me all along like that....he and the officer turned towards me....

The words left my mouth...."You are her brother?" Jason ran towards me...."Triya....you....you have to....have to let me explain... please!....plea..." *smack* yes I slapped him hard on his cheeks.... I expect to see guilt in his deep eyes....but instead he growled at me....wait, what?...growled? I flinched from him....his eyes softened....he closed his eyes to control himself...."Triya, you need to know the whole truth....you can't judge me like that....you...you... please... I... I...can" he tried to explain but I stopped him...now everything is making sense....he runs a cult type kingdom... where everyone obey him....and for his sick pleasure...he...he tortured his own sister....now I remember....Jessy told me something about community...so that's what she meant. Now he wants to give me explaination.... about why he let his men sexually molest his own sister? I looked towards him with disgust and anger.... disgusted about how I considered him as my friend....anger when I am remembering about how doctors explain me that how much Jessy went through.

"Triya...at least..." Jason again tried to but this time I chuckled...."So, that's the reason why you befriended me? You wanted to take back Jessy from us so that you can again torture her right?" Jason looks down in shame....which has no meaning to me now....

I continued..."You and your family tortured her since childhood....then used her as slave... even let your pathetic men rape her.... my brother and sister found her half dead Jason!....half dead!" I screamed at the last part...."She was scared....Jason, she was scared to even go near any male.....just because that little girl was forced to loose her virginity in that little age....she was tagged her as a prostitute by my aunt at the first sight....do you know she didn't touched food that day....she...she..." then I got hit by another possible realisation..."You....you kidnapped her right?"

Third person pov:

Jason got shocked....yes he is a lowlife for making his little baby sister to live such life but he did it to save her only.....how can he explain that he himself was helpless.

At the mean time, the whole family came outside hearing her loud voice....

"What happened dibhai....?" Tiya asked but Triya didn't replied her....she was too angry to say anything.

"Yes, Shona why are you yelling? Any....any problem? Sudeshna asked Triya the same question but this time Triya turned towards her family and.... replied "Pimani, Jason is Jessy's brother....the officer wanted to inform us about it but Jason stopped him that time and took him outside...well probably threatening him to stop the investigation."

Ground slipped under everyone's feets....before anyone can say anything there was silence for 2 mins. Subhankar broke the silence..."If you are Jessy's brother then why did you didn't tell us earlier...? Before Jason can answer....Tishmoy cut him off...."How can he confess that he is the same brother who let his own sister to get abuse....Jethumoni?" Jason closed his eyes to control his animal who is ready to finish all of them for misbehaving with him....but he can't because he knows he deserves it.

"I.... I....am guilty that I was unable to save my sister but there is a reason....a valid reason....that... I" Jason got again cut off but this time by Triya..."....that you let others to sexually abused your sister....?"

"No!" a voice boomed behind Jason....he turned towards to see his father....former Alpha king Jon.....with Eric, Noah, his other men.

Triraag came forward...."Who are you?" instead of former Alpha king Jon, Triya answered for him...."Jason's father."

Subhankar was already fuming....he can't believe that a father will allow such thing happen to his own daughter...."So you are the incapable father who pushed your daughter towards death....and ruined her?" instead of being angry Job laughed...."That's none of concern....
she is my daughter.... I know what's best for her....and about her being sexually assaulted....you see...she was never sexually assaulted....do you actually think...me... THE JON Votte Moonlight.....? whatever you guys know was the information we wanted you guys to know...."

Triraag lost his cool...."Do you think we are stupid Mr. Moonlight? Jason is Jessy's brother, and we are knowing this now.....why? Moreover you being an influential businessman, why your daughter is living a life of orphan....oh sorry an abused orphan....?"

John smirked.... "I am not answerable to you at all....she is my daughter.... I am in debt of you guys for taking in my daughter but her parents are still alive and I am still her legal guardian, actually better to say....her father. I will answer to my daughter.....it's between father and daughter." Then he turned towards his son..."Son, let's go....we need to start search for MY DAUGHTER....."

Triya is just fuming in anger.....how dare he tried to claim his daughter....no this time she will make sure, nothing happens to her sister. She came forward...."Yes, Mr Moonlight....sure go ahead..... search for her and we will search from our side...but I will make sure that she never gets abused by you guys....this time her Triya dibhai will protect her.... even if I have to fight with your pathetic cult.....or kingdom whatever you call it...." saying this Triya ran back towards her house wiping her tears....tears of broken trust...tears of loosing her sister.


So what do you think about the chapter...?

Hope you all will quickly fulfill the target....and I will update the next chapter....which is going to reveal...where is Jessy...


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