6. Their Possessiveness

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Here is another update for you all....thank you for your support. I hope you people will appreciate my work like this in future.


After the ceremony got completed, everyone is busy in talking with each other.

Jason is becoming impatient....he just cannot tolerate that his mate is exposed to such a huge gathering. He wants to hide her from the world. Jason knew due to mate bond for every male mate his own mate is beautiful but the girl whom he is seeing in front of him... She is something else....Jason would have left his own mate for this girl if any other girl was his mate.... I mean now he practically has to guard her everywhere instead of fulfilling his Royal duties.

Now his rivals will not come after his kingdom but after this beauty. Jason needs to have her now....she is so beautiful. But why there is so many of males roaming around her....why?

Eric is lost in his mate's beauty. He just wants to have a talk with her. To know her name.

And Noah, he just wants to take his mate away from everyone....

Here, Supratha is all ready with her plan. But first she wants to try the easy way out. So, she went near Mrs. Choudhary.

"Reema di! amader Meghu ta ki bodo hoye geche na."( Reema di! see our Meghu has grown up so much.) - Supratha exclaimed with happiness.

"Yes....that she has." - Reema replied knowing where this conversation will go.

"My Son Sumir told me how intelligent she is....and my Sumir...he has recently thinking of starting a business....my child is going to be a millionaire one day, moreover they looks good together"- Supratha said it looking towards Reema.

"Yup, my Meghu is good but also independent so she knows with whom she looks good." - Reema replied back...and walked away from there.

Supratha is now fuming in anger....her eyes started searching for her son....who is busy in flirting with a American chick.

She went near him and dragged him to the corner.

" What happened Maa? "- Sumir asked with frustration.

"Listen...stop flirting with random fish and start aiming for the golden fish." - Supratha whispered to her son...but her son gave her a confused look.

"Go... flirt with Meghla....after that try to spike her drink...then take her to a room when she become unconscious...then claim her. After that Meghla has to marry you...."- Supratha explained to her son.

"But Maa she slapped me one time when I tried to flirt with her." - Sumir said with anger.

"Listen! Just do as I say OK... after marriage we will make her our slave, then once her parents handover their business in your name....then you can give her divorce and then I will make you marry another rich girl....alright?" - Supratha suggested her son.

(Supratha is a dreamer...oops! a failed dreamer)

Sumir nodded and decided to search for an opportunity.
Here, Jason, Eric, Noah are constantly looking towards their mates who are gossiping with the bride.
"Ta Didibhai amar to mone hoy na, je Ash da r bondhu gulo amader songe tokkor diye parbe."( Sister I don't think Ash's friends will be able to compete with us)- Tiya said to Pritha in a teasing voice.

"Exactly, after all we are Indians...no one will be able to compete with us."- Triya said with attitude.

"Well Ash's friends are not less than you guys."- Pritha defended her would be husband's friends.

Well they do looks like a Greek god....let's give points to every guy.... present in the hall."- Meghla suggested excitingly.

"Are you mad or what?"- Pritha whispered yelled to her sisters.

"Okay ....you are getting married so...we will only do."- Triya suggested.

Triya, Tiya and Meghla went at a corner of the hall and started checking out boys..

Ti: That man with red sherwani.. I give him 7...out of 10.

Megh: eww...I give him 6.

Tri: Well I give him 6.5.
They kept giving random guys points suddenly a man came behind them and whispered so how much points you will give me Meghla.

They turned around to see who it was only to notice Sumir standing with an innocent grin.

"Actually we are just passing the time. "- Triya replied.

" Actually I brought drinks for my sweet sisters and their friend."- Sumir said by giving them glass of coke to each one of them from the tray brought by the waiter.

"Thank you sumir da. "- Meghla thanked him with a fake smile.

After drinking their drinks Meghla was not feeling well so, she decided to go upstairs....

After somehow reaching into her room she was feeling dizzy. So, she was just going towards the bathroom to wash her face suddenly she felt a hand grabbing her waist.

She was too weak to resist and see who the person is...but she was partially conscious.

The man threw her into the bed...and hovered above her. She understood the intensions of the man and started screaming for help in a weak voice.

"Who... r... you...go away....I.. I will call...police...hel... p...pleaseeeee helpppp."

The man started undressing her...but somehow she took the vase from the side table and hit the man in his head.

Then made a run towards the outside of the room....she was weak and still running to save her dignity...

Here, Eric's wolf Arnold...was getting impatient.

"What happened duh? Are you okay? " -Eric asked in his mind to his wolf.

"Mate mate...problem...go idiot save her. " - Arnold ordered Eric in a panic voice.

"What the fuck do you mean? What happened to mate? "- Eric asked his wolf only to get whimper as an answer.

He quickly started smelling to catch his mate's scent....after going near stairs he got her scent....and followed upstairs.

Here, Meghla fell down on the floor...and that man grabbed her hand...to make her stand straight to drag her to the room but in attempting to free herself her lehengs got torned....but in her dizziness also she felt it and again made a run. The man took away her dupatta...but she didn't stop and ran from their only to chase by the man whose face was blurry for her.

But she got hit by a wall...well she thought like that but looking upwards her eyes met with grey-blue eyes.
After following the scent of his mate, he reached into a corridor but didn't move as the strong scent holder is coming towards him only as the scent is getting stronger.

He was waiting...suddenly he saw his mate running towards him aimlessly in torn clothes...and only to stop by his well built body.

Meghla is still feeling dizzy....but somhow manage to ask for help.

"Please save me...please! "- by saying that Meghla hugged his body for her dear life.

Eric looked towards front only to see another man coming running towards them and stopped in front of them.

" Hey man, leave her she is my fiance...she is feeling dizzy as by mistake she drank alcohol...I have to take her back to her room so that she could rest."- that man told Eric.

Eric's heart broke hearing that but in a few seconds in filled with anger after his mate opened her mouth.

"No...no...plea...se....don't go...he..is lying....I am no fiance of him....he is....trying to rapeee..me....don't go...pleaseeee...believe me....I can't see his faceeee....but I...I don't..."- Meghla could not continue due to her dizziness....her head is now paining like anything.

Eric is now furious....

"Actually duh...she is stubborn...lets go Meghla..."- the man was about to grab her hand but stopped by Eric's hand.

" What man...she is my...."- he is not able to continue as he got hit by Eric in his jaw.

Eric placed Meghla in the floor...and went near the man, jumped over him ...and started punching him....who tried to touch his mate....

"Wh..y ar....e you beati....ng me for thi..s bit...ch? " -the man asked with blood coming out of his mouth but...Eric is now unstoppable.

"Kill him...Eric...this bastard tried to touch what is ours..."- Arnold said with anger.

Eric is now one step ahead of ripping him apart.

Hit after hit...hit after hit....now the man is half dead....

Eric look towards his mate....only to see her crying on the floor.

He went near her....and grabbed her shoulder suddenly his mate hugged him....."ple...ase ta...ke me wit..h yo..u,I am sca.red..."- Meghla pleaded him.

Suddenly a girl came rushing towards them.

"What happened to Meghla di...? "- the girl asked him to see Meghla crying in torn clothes.

" Who are you? "- Eri asked looking towards her with anger....as now his wolf will not allow anyone near his mate.

" I am Trima, she is my sister's best friend. "- the girl replied.

" Okay...you bring her with you downstairs while I teach this bastard a lesson."- Eric said.

Trima got shocked to see Sumir lying on the floor and groaning in pain but she understood something is wrong so she decided to keep quiet...and follow Eric's order.

But Meghla is still hugging him for her modesty....to cover herself....so, Eric noticing it he covered her body with his Coat.

.... and then grabbed Sumir...to drag him downstairs.

Here, Supratha was waiting for the good news....where...her son will tell her that he did his job...but suddenly she saw a man dragging her son's body covered with blood....from upstairs.

Everybody is now shocked to see the scene in front of them. But got more shocked to see Meghla coming from upstairs with Trima covered with coat.

Eric threw Sumir's body at the centre of the Hall.

Supratha rushed near her son...

"Why are you hitting my son? "- she yelled at him.

" Your son tried to rape a girl by taking advantage of her drunken state"- Eric yelled back.

Supratha knew that her plan failed...so, she started a new drama.

"Mr. Choudhary...now your girl started drinking also....wow...my son must have tried to control her that's why she accused my son of rape. " - Supratha reasoned with a smirk.

Meghla became devastated after hearing Supratha's Accusations

"But...there is no arrangement of alcohol in the party....and Meghla, me, and Tiya, had a just drank a glass of coke which was given by Sumir dada....that means it was spiked...you spiked her drink dada. "- Triya spat with accusation filled eyes towards Sumir when realisation hit her.

" You, bad omen....how dare you accuse my son huh? Just wait I will teach you a lesson. " - Saying that Supratha went near Triya and raised her hands to slap her and Triya got ready for the impact but it didn't came as Supratha's hand got stopped by Jason.

"How dare you woman you try to hit her? "- Jason asked with anger filled eyes.

Reema went near her daughter to console her.

" Mrs Sen this is too much...how dare your son tried to play with my daughtet's dignity"- Mr. Choudhary asked with anger.

"Mr choudhary....I am sorry on behalf of my son...actually....he like her....and may be tried to do stupid things...but I thing...my son should take the responsibility of his mistakes....he will marry Meghla as he was the one to try to molest her. "- Supratha said with wiping fake tears making Eric more angry.

" Send your son back to India...Supratha....or else I will forget that you are our sister. "- Subhankar ordered his sister with anger.

" But dada....I was saying..."- Supratha got cut off by Noah..."Either you sent you pathetic son back or else you are never gonna see him again. " - Noah said in a warning tone.

Supratha looked towards Triya with hatred as she revealed the truth....and went away by taking away her family with her.

Meghla's father went near Eric and grabbed his hands and said "Son, thank you for saving my daughter's dignity...you don't know what you did...I own you my life ask for anything I will give you..."

Eric didn't wants to miss this chance so, he said that shocked everyone.
"Sir, it was my duty to save her modesty but will you give me your permission to have your daughter as my lover...I know it's her decision ...and I am an American. so, before approaching her to win her heart and plant the seeds of love in her heart of my name I want approval from you...as we American believe in love before marriage but many Indian girls reject their lovers thinking that their family won't accept them. So, I want green card from her family first...as she is your daughter....I want you to give me approval to show your daughter you have no problem with me...so, before accepting my love and me, she just has to ask her heart and think about herself only....but I promise if she doesn't wants to show interest in me...I will go away" - though the last part 'going away' is a complete lie but excluding it....he is telling the truth.

Mr. Choudhary got amazed by his demand and impressed also.

"You have my aporoval son, but even you would have asked me to marry her....I would have make my daughter marry you. "- Mr. choudhary said.

" No...sir, for me your daughter's  consent is important more than anything. "- Eric replied.

Meghla's father looked towards her...only to see his daughtet's cheek getting red. He understood that his daughter has already lost her heart to this stranger. So, he nodded in approval.

Here, Meghla is feeling weak but she is thanking God as her drink was not that much spiked.

She is now looking towards the stranger...around whom she is feeling complete. She just want her Baba to order her to marry this man...but is happy that for this man for consent is important.

Everybody clapped their hands witnessing the scene....

Reema went near him and said. "Son, my daughter has done something good in her previous life to get you...if my immature daughter rejects you, I will make her marry you as I can see how better husband you will be to her.

Jason and Noah is now fuming in anger as their friend just clear all the obstacles in the path which will take him to his mate and they were unable to do so. They are now jealous of Eric as he practically claimed her and put his name tag on her through social announcement....they know that Eric's mate's father is totally impressed and even his mate rejects him...then her family will force her to marry Eric....
Jason, Noah and Eric are now in Jason's car....

Eric can feel his friend's anger through pack bond.

"What happened dude...why you people are angry? " - he asked them.

"We are envious of you....you got your mate... and we are not even able to know their name. And your mate even passed a smile to you."- Noah said through greeted teeth.

" Well your mates will also be there with her....so, you both will have your chance. "- Eric reasoned with them.

"Well let's gets back to the palace....we have to announce that we found our mates. "- Jason said dreaming about his mate.

" Yup let's go. "- Eric and Noah replied in a unison voice.

#Next chapter: Mate's love.

Target 🎯 I am not setting...but will expect your appreciation through votes.


#What do you think about Eric?

# What do you think is going to happen in next chapter?

To know...

Stay tuned


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