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1. How I came out of my depression?

I was in a depression after getting betrayed by my best-friend aka my soul sister....I almost lost confidence in myself. All my friends left me....I started hating myself very much. That time I had no friends at all. Everyone uses to ignore me. In 2017, I lost my was the final breaking point for me. It hampered my studies very much. It took me one year to accept that my father is no more. Finally after entering into the college, I found a new form of me as if I took rebirth. HOD of my dept. sent me to the councellor of our college. After talking to her...I felt like a feather. Due to lockdown I don't have appointments now but...still some sessions are left...I hope it will help me in future. After joining wattpad...I got my confidence back.

2. When will I start uploading frequently?

I will try to update frequently.
*don't hit me*.....🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃

3. How I get the idea of the plot of "His Ardhangini"?

I always wanted to write a story about werewolves but with an Indian touch. Where we will show the Indian values and American culture. I have read many stories where Indian touch is there but all are written either full
In American style or Indian style.

4. Why I went into depression?

As I said earlier that my best friend who was my everything betrayed me very badly....we only hear in online stories how a person is getting betrayed by his/her best friend but I actually got betrayed by her....and if I start telling you about the betrayal I got from her then you all will think that I just picked up a Wattpad story to narrate. I love wattpad, because here in every character I see myself. It feels like it's happening to me.

When Janvi was suffering alone asking herself what is her mistake in "My painful love" by Bookeluthaporen
I felt like once I was at her place asking myself "why everyone is ignoring me?" I actually felt her pain but when she got her happy ending, I felt like I got my happy ending too.

In "You're the reason for my tears" by AnkitaGhosh205 when Aditya was torturing Maheshweta for the crimes didn't commit I felt like it was me getting punishment from the person I adore so much for the mistakes I didn't commit. My condition was also like mahi that time.... suffering quietly. So, when mahi got her happiness at the next part...I was the happiest person.

For you all, they are just character but for me they are just the representation of the actual people suffering in this real world.

In my story "Lost soul of her", I have only one and small similarity with her sufferings which I can't mention but I expressed pain of a particular incident through this story.

~~~Through wattpad I understood how similar our lives are with the characters of the stories here~~~

So basically you can say I express my pain through writing and reading stories.

So these are the reason why I found an escape from my depression in wattpad

5. How I defeated my depression?

I seriously have no idea, I am out of it or not but my councellor told me that as I have a good will power to overcome my depression. I have anger issues, trust issues etc etc and etc. So, it will take time to overcome and believe me it may sound difficult but once you open up about yourself then you would feel like feature. Okay let's be frank the process is very slow, embarrassing and emotional but believe me the stranger who will be sitting in front of you will guide you and you will never find any expression change on his/her face during your narration.

I was always uncomfortable with topics like sex, rape and dark romance as I always lacked in confidence in expressing any sexual thoughts, I was just confident in talking back but after reading stories on these topics or genre...I discovered myself in a new I can talk about sex, rape or bdsm openly. As to aware girls and boys about rape as an author I have to first read stories where a rapist is expressing his views on his own dirty deeds. As an author we have to understand the mentality of the rape victim and rapist both. Then only we can make the readers aware.

For eg. "My evil husband" by SweCanMia where Anna's husband raped her for many times....we started hating him but now we came to knew that he has some psychological issues though it can never justify his actions but still we have to consider point of view of every character.

I actually find my similarity with Shreta of "Sinners love or curse" bibliophile0603, or you all can say I wants to be like her. Where everyone wants her to become which she is not...and she is fighting back also though she knows that she has no power compare to them....still she is standing up for herself.

So, at last I just wanna say depression is a sickness....just go to therapist....tell him or her the reasons...and that therapist will take you out of yourself can never do that just by yourself. Talking with people and sharing your problem with them will never take you anywhere.

If just talking with someone would have recovered a depressed person than any person would have got the degree of psychiatrist. Never show your weakness to the outer world because they will just take advantage of your weakness but your councellor/therapist will be your strangers who have nothing to gain from your show your weakness and insecurities to them because they can only treat you just like doctors treat your fever, headache etc.

Stay safe....and healthy

Thank you guys, for asking me questions....well you got your answers as I promised....

Thanks meghapujari123 Ayaana1998 TheMysteriousMaya
for asking me questions.


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