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Dylan supported me by my waist the whole time down the stairs. It felt awkward and I felt guilty, but I knew Dylan was just doing it to help me. After all, he wouldn't try anything, Thomas is his best friend and my boy friend, he knew that.

When we got into the kitchen I pushed his hands off of me casually.

"So what's for dinner?" I ask to distract from what just happened.

"Uh..." he thought.

"Ramen?" I pose and he nods.

When the ramen is finished we eat it at the dinner table, for two. He smiled at me the whole time.

"What do you like to do?" he asked.

"Um, well I like to draw, me a Thomas draw things together sometimes. I like running and I play field hockey and tennis. I'm also a fashion designer," I tell him.

"Wow! You got it going on," he approves, "i'm just an actor," he says humbly.

"What's your favorite movie you've acted in?" I ask and he seems to grow exited and interest traces his face.

"Um...uh. yeah probably um I guess, maze runner, ya know?" I chuckle slightly, he is kinda funny.

"What movie do you want to watch?" I ask.

"Love actually! Let's make fun of Thomas!" Dylan suggests.

"Haha sure," I smile and we head over to the couch to watch the movie. I flip it on and the movie seems to go on forever until Thomas is revealed as this cute little boy named Sam.

At the awkward scenes, Dylan and I just laugh, rather than making it all weird.

Finally I start to grow tired and I fall asleep. Dylan is already way ahead of me and he moves a lot in his sleep.

It one point he literally kicked me off and took up the whole bed lying down. And I tried to wake him up but he wouldn't. I I just made due with what I had and slept on the couch next to him.

It one point he moved under me so that I was ontop of him.

"Silly Dylan," I mumble and try to move away but he puts his arms around me. Then before I can protest, I feel myself drift away to sleep.

----Time skip

It'f finally morning, but this day, I am woken up to a surprise. Some weird clicking noise.

I open my eyes at turn over to see Dylan's face inches away from mine and he is just waking up as well. I jump up in shock at how close we are. Then I see a bright white light flash in my eye temporarily blinding me. I turn to the direction they came from and see people taking pictures. Three people wearing black clothes and holding big fancy cameras.

"Hey! Get the hell out!" I scream at the paparazzi.

Two of them race out the door but Dylan tackles one and snatches the camera and smashes it on the ground.

The man looks frustrated but mostly frightened and trying not to get killed by the angry Dylan.

He jumps up and runs out the door leaving Dylan and I alone, both breathing heavy and very frazzled.

"What just happened?! What were they doing in here!?" I shout.

"I don't know! I must have forgot to lock the door!" Dylan yells equally as mad, "Holy shit, they got a picture of us..." he mumbles.

I walk in circles hand on my head in frustration, what the hell! I keep saying to myself in my mind.

"It's gonna be okay, we just have to stop those pictures from getting released," he says trying to be calm.

"WHAT?! RELEASED!!!!" I scream, they can't be released.

He nods reluctantly, "It usually doesn't take them long to place that into a magazine," he says,

I almost have a panic attack.

"Hey, calm down okay, we'll find a way out of this, lets just get out of the house for a bit," he says as I walk upstairs to change, he follows me.

"Don't forget sunglasses," I interject.

We walk into Thomas's room and I borrow a Rolling Stones shirt and black leggings. I put them on to see Dylan standing in the doorway.

"Seriously, how long have you been standing there?!" I ask.

" not long," he says.

He is fully changed in a new outfit. And so am I, I put on a pair of Thomas's old sunglasses, and Dylan is wearing large black Ray bands.

We walk out of the house and into his Jeep, we drive to the grocery store.

"Here you get these things on the list and I'll get these," he shows me in the car.

"Alright," I say.

When we arrive, we wait at the crossing to cross the street. The street is so busy it takes us about 10 minutes before Dylan has had enough.

He grabs my hand and we race across the street.

"Dylan! Oh my god! We could have died," I protest.

"Pshh," he shrugs and we shop in the grocery store. We are checking out when the cashier asks us a question.

"You know, its really obvious who you are," the cashier says.

"And who are we then, sir?" Dylan asks.

"Why the newest hot couple of course, Dylan O'Brien and mystery girl," he states.

I gasp aloud but Dylan covers my mouth.

"You really should buy this magazine," the cashier says and Dylan just ignores him.

"Fine whatever," Dylan says, then we grab our bags and race out to the car.

We wait in the car for a while, driving slow and getting caught at a lot of lights. Dylan seemed to be in a bad mood.

"What if that cashier has a point," I pose nervously.

"Don't worry about it, just silly fans making up stories," he says but I am not convinced. I reach my arm back and pull out the magazine sticking out from one of the shopping bags. I skim through the pages, looking for something, anything, with the name Dylan O'Brien. Or maybe that picture.

Unfortunately, I found it. I practically scream when I do. Dylan abruptly shop the car and pulls to the side of the road.

"Shit! You cant just scream while i'm driving!" he yells but stops when he sees my face.

"What?" he asks.

Then I point to the picture on the center of the magazine, his eyes widen in shock. Then he reads the headline out loud.

Star Dylan O'Brien was caught having a great time sleeping with a Mystery Girl

On the morning of January 22nd, our beloved star was caught sleeping with a mystery girl, sources have also spotted this girl with Thomas Sangster recently. Could she be O'Brien's new girlfriend? Is she a costar in a new movie? What is her relation to Sangster?

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