Chapter 13

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Song: A girl like you
Singer/Artist: Daniel J
I'll tell you when to start the song!
3rd person's P.O.V-

The Sackville-bagg family and Thomson family had return home to the bed and breakfast. Rudolph had went to a random room, knowing that Tony would be in the one that they shared. He kinda just let himself get lost in thought and let his feet guide him to wherever. He ended up in a room that looked very familiar. It looked like the room him and Tony shared, almost an exact replica but that's not why it looked familiar. Flashbacks came back to his mind. This.. this was the room that they had landed in after flying up onto the air, it was after they had just met her.

"Um no, no I can't." Her words echoed in his mind.

"It isn't working." Her voice said, sounding annoyed like she did before.

"Here, take my hands." He remembered saying.

Rudolph's P.O.V-

"Well don't laugh at me again, dork." Her voice echoed in my head again.

"Huh, monster to dork. It's an improvment." I say back.

I sigh, sitting down on the bed. I let my hands trace the details on the comforter that was on the bed. I stop for a second and put my hand in pocket, pulling out a pecie of paper. It was folded up so it could fit in my inside jacket pocket. I looked at the lyics on the paper, my eyes reading them over. I set it down on the bed and my eyes trailed over to a acoustic guitar in the coner. I remember that when he moved our stuff from our old home- the catacombs into the bed and breakfast my guitar got put somewhere random since I don't use it as much as I used to. I used to play music all the time and I wrote my own lyics and sung my heart out while playing the guitar. My siblings always liked my singing, an unusual talent within the vampire commuity though I guess I just lost interest. I think it was because no one else did it and since I stopped aging at such a young age it made my desire to fit in more then it already did.

I'm guessing that I started growing again when I met Y/n since were soulmates but if she's.. gone then... I guess I'm not growing anymore and since you only get one soulmate. I guess I'm just gonna stay 13 forever until I get a stake through the heart or some other horrible way to die.

I slowly got up and walked over to my old guitar. My footsteps creaked the floor of the old room I was in. My footsteps felt heavy like a burden of something that was getting worse as I went closer. I bent down next to the guitar, inspecting it. It looked the same as it did when I first had it. It was black unlike most which were a tradition brown. There was blood red swirls and designs on it made by me and Anna, I think Gregory helped a bit to. Anna was a very skilled artist like both our parents. Gregory was a pretty skilled artist as well so I'm the olny one that didn't inherit the artistic ability.

I wonder where I got the ability to sing from? I never heard my father or mother sing at all, I mean my mom hummed sometimes but never actually sang. I doubt my father has a good singing voice...

I think the reason I started to learn the acoustic guitar was because there wasn't anything to do at the catacombs and I was always so bored. I worked so hard at it that playing it became like second nature. After I learned the acoustic I learned the electric. I could easliy play both (not at the same time) and sing to different tunes I made as well. I was almost afraid to pick it up because I was scared that I wouldn't remember anything after almost two hundred years of not playing it. I almost felt guilty about not playing it, I wanted so bad to fit in I guess I lost some of myself. Then I realised that.. the reason that I was scared to play, that I was guilty was because I knew what song I would play if I did pick it up and start playing it.

I took a deep breath and reached out to touch it. My hands softly trailed over it feeling a familiar bump on the side of it. I picked it up carefully and walked slowly over to the bed, sitting down with paper with the lyics on it in front of me on the bed. I positioned my guitar so I could play while doing this I let my fingers rome around the familar cords. I took a deep breath and starting strumming the familiar cords.

3rd person's P.O.V-

Tony and the Sackville-Bagg's were up against the door to the room that Rudolph was in, listening as he carefully started strumming his guitar. They heard a noise and followed it to his room. Anna had briefly explained that he used to play and that they were suprized that he was playing again. They listened wondering if he would start singing.

Tony heard some vampires whispering about something that was behind him, he wasn't looking with his ear to the door trying to listen to Rudolph's guitar being strum. He didn't bother to turn around thinking it's nothing until he heard the voice of someone that he didn't think he'd ever hear again.

"Tony." The voice was gental, soft almost like she wasn't trying to scare him. His eyes were wide immeatly. He slowly turned around carefully. His heart leaped with joy as he saw the one person he never thought he'd see again.

"Y-Y/n." He whispered softly that most people probably didn't hear but Y/n did.

She smiled softly. In a flash Tony arms were rapped around her in a hug. His arms were rapped tightly around her small figure. She chuckled and hugged him back, usually she didn't like physical contact with other people but she didn't mind it with him. Though after a few seconds he let go, knowing her well enough not to over-do it.

"H-How are.. you were.." Tony said looking at her with wide eyes.

"I'll explain later, there someone else I want to see." Y/n said quietly to him. Tony nodded immediately knowing what she meant. He walked over to the door with Y/n following aware that everyone's eyes were on them. Since the room wasn't sound proof in the slightest you could hear his voice ring out and start to sing.

Start the song now! ; )

"I love her converse, ripped jeans and the way she looks at me. No one does it better, I swear." His voice was amazing like nothing Tony or Y/n had ever heard. You could hear the pure passion in his voice. The longing for something.. something he couldn't quite reach.

"She wears her hair down, makeup. She don't we need that stuff, Taking pictures everywhere." He sang out beatiful. It was surprisingly not hard to hear threw the closed door.

"And I would fight,
I would run,
I would fly,
into the sun." He sung. Y/n carefully let her fingers brush over the closed doors. She let her body lean on it. She positioned her head against the door though her body was side ways. She listened with her head leaning, closely against the door even though everyone that was near could hear him singing.

"'Cause I never met a girl like you before. You don't think you're perfect but you're everything I want and more.
And I'll try to make you mine, cross my heart and hope to die.
That I never met a girl like you before,
I never met a girl like.
Never met a girl like you before,
I never met a girl like,
Never met a girl like you before. " Vampires started crowding around them, listening intently to the amazing voice that belonged to none other then 'the little vampire' -Rudolph.

"She wears her headphones, rolling stones,
They write all her favorite songs,
Dancing around like she doesn't care.
She got a father oo'oo
That he's overpoctvive too
But he don't even know that I'm there." It was pretty obivous who the song was about. Everyone could see it clearly.

"And I would fight,
I would run,
I would fly,
into the sun." Y/n smiled softly deciding quietly that know was the time.

"'Cause I never met a girl like you before. You don't think you're perfect but you're everything I want and more.
And I'll try to make you mine, cross my heart and hope to die.
That I never met a girl like you before,
I never met a girl like.
Never met a girl like you before,
I never met a girl like,
Never met a girl like you before. " He sung as Y/n, as delicately as she could opened the door and walked in not caring that the whole clan was watching her as she stood behind him while he played the gutair and sang. His back was facing the doorway so he couldn't see Y/n as she walked in. His was also to engrossed with his song that he didn't notice. The other vampires that were watching (inculding Tony) all watched quietly, not daring to disturb them. Though the next thing he sung suprized them a little but knew that kinda actually happened.

"But if I told your the one, would you take my hand and run into the night.
Baby lets run, Baby lets run." He sang. She stayed where she was, she didn't say anything never wanting him to stop.

"'Cause I never met a girl like you before. You don't think you're perfect but you're everything I want and more.
And I'll try to make you mine, cross my heart and hope to die.
That I never met a girl like you before." Rudolph's voice rung out into the air.

"'Cause I never met a girl like you before. You don't think you're perfect but you're everything I want and more.
And I'll try to make you mine, cross my heart and I hope to die.
That I never met a girl like you before,
I never met a girl like.
Never met a girl like you before,
I never met a girl,
Met a girl like you before.
I never met a girl like.
Met a girl like you before,
I never met a girl,
Met a girl like you before." He finshed beatifully. Y/n now realised a single tear rolled down his cheek.

Suddenly Rudolph stiffened as if he sensed someone was behind him. He quickly wipped his tear away and slowly turned towards Y/n from his sitting postion. His eyes locked onto hers, not seeming to notice that everyone was watching them to see what would happen. He didn't break eye contact as he slowly set his guitar down on the bed. Then seeming like he forced himself to glance away, he did.

He glared away while saying, "Great, now I'm going hallucinating." He also rolled his eyes while talking.

She rolled her eyes playfully as well and said, "Well your not hallucinating because usually when you hallucinate your going crazy from something like lack of sleep or maybe like drugs or whatever. Of course you could be just hallucinating for no reason but that's not likely. Just by me saying this proves I'm not a hallucination. Because if your dreaming or hallucinating you can only hear or see things that you already know and I'm pretty sure the stuff I'm saying you didn't know about before I just said it. No offense." Y/n said the last sentence as a more of an afterthought.

Rudolph blinked at her, processing what she said. "Oh." Was all he said. Y/n walked over to him and sat down next to him on the bed. Rudolph gave her his famous grin in which she return. They were sitting next to each other looking into each others eyes not saying a word. The vampires and mortal waited for them to have some kind of huge reunion. Like a kiss or hug at least. Crying because they missed each other so much but... It never came. Not because they weren't happy, not because they didn't love each other but because they simply didn't need to. They didn't need to do anything to show they loved each other. They knew how much they loved each other. There didn't have to be huge, crazy moment for them to reunite, all they need was each others presence, the comfort in each others eyes.

All Y/n wanted at this moment was to look into those tame and calm but wild and crazy fiery eyes. Ones that held so much emotions and happness that couldn't be put into words. The sparkles in his eyes almost looked like sparks from a fiery fire. One that knew excatly where it was headed and what it wanted. It was hard, the path he was on, having to focus and get what he wanted but knew to would be worth it because the person waiting for him was the one and only one for him, Y/n.

All Rudolph wanted in this life, this place, this moment was to look into those deep blue ocean eyes. Those dark and mysterious waters, those wild and free waves that held more pain, happiness, joy... love that could never hold words even if she would deny it since every emotion has a word in her opinion. Though she was strict, stubborn, cold and wore a icy glare if you messed with her, he loved that about her. He loved that even though she was strict, stubborn and cold she could still be wild, dangours and giggly. Now instead of her ocean frozen and be able to go where she wants right away with no fun, no bumps, no smiles. Now her ocean was melted, it was harder to get where she wanted to go because she knew it would be worth it getting there and what would be waiting for her, Rudolph.

The End!

This the end of the book, there won't be a sequel even though I probly could think of another plot for a sequel... I think it should official end here. Thank you all who have read and enjoyed this book to the very end. Vote and Comment!


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